Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:25 PM

Chapter 973: 973

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Hearing these recordings, Su Qing's face became more and more gloomy. She looked hard to see and asked Zheng Siyuan: "Manager Zheng, what else do you have to say now?"

Zheng Siyuan's face turned pale as paper, and he stubbornly said: "President Su, this is someone deliberately trying to frame me. Now that the technology is so advanced, the voice can be synthesized. This is not what I said at all."

"As long as you are willing to spend money, anyone's voice can be synthesized. You can't assume that it's me based on one voice, right?"

While speaking, Zheng Siyuan looked aggrieved, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Ye Chen sighed, shook his head and said, "Of course there can be no sound. There is another video here."

Su Qing clicked the mouse with an angry expression and opened the video that Ye Chen said.

As soon as the video was opened, Zheng Siyuan knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Ye Dong, Su, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please give me another chance."

Zheng Siyuan saw the familiar scene from the video. He knew that he couldn't argue with the facts, and now he can only ask for forgiveness.

Ye Chen looked at Su Qing and said blankly, "Xiao Qing, just watch and deal with it."

Although Ye Chen is the boss of the company, Su Qing has always been in charge of the company. Su Qing should handle this matter.

Su Qing did not expect that Zheng Siyuan would do such a thing.

She took a deep breath and said, "Manager Zheng, because you have contributed to the company before, I will give you a sum of money to let you leave the company. Of course, I will make up a reason for you so that you won’t be embarrassed. go away.

"If your behavior does not have a serious impact on the company, I can leave the blame for the past, and I hope you won't make detours in the future."

Zheng Siyuan was also stunned when he heard the words. He never dreamed that things would be revealed.

Without waiting for Zheng Siyuan to speak, Su Qing said with cold eyes: "If you dare to reveal any secrets of the company, I promise you will be punished as you deserve. I'm afraid you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison."

Zheng Siyuan gritted his posterior teeth and said, "Thank you, President Su, for walking around me this time and giving me a chance to change my mind."

At the same time, he looked at Ye Chen with a bitter look in his eyes and said, "I also thank Ye Dong for being able to let me go."

"You are Welcome."

Ye Chen got up and walked in front of Zheng Siyuan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Be a good man in the future. Don't do such things anymore. After all, it is illegal to leak the company's secrets."

Zheng Siyuan nodded, with a somewhat ugly expression. He bent over to look at Su Qing and said, "Thank you Dong Ye, President Su, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he turned and left the meeting room.

When he walked out of the meeting room, a vicious expression flashed in his eyes: "Ye Chen, Su Qing, you wait for me, we're never finished with this matter."

At this moment, he thought he was like a devil coming out of hell, giving people a ghastly feeling.

In the meeting room, Su Qing had a disappointed expression on her face.

Ye Chen walked to her and hugged her in his arms, but the two of them kept this posture all the time.

After a while, Su Qing looked up at Ye Chen and asked, "When did you know about this?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Just now."

"Do you remember the expression of fear on Zheng Siyuan's face after knowing my identity?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing recalled the previous scene. Indeed, as Ye Chen said, Zheng Siyuan's expression was very unnatural, and it was obvious that it was trying to hide it.

She felt a little tired, and she really didn't expect to not only manage the company but also prevent ghosts.

Su Qing sighed: "Ye Chen, if it were not for you, I would never have imagined that the old employees of the company would betray the company, and I was really kind to Manager Zheng," I didn't treat him badly, really. Understand why he did this. "

As she said, Su Qing couldn't find the reason why Zheng Siyuan betrayed her.

Ye Chen said lightly: "I think it's all because of me."

"Why is it because of you?"

"You think, as the manager of the technical department, he has always been high above him, and he even feels that no one can surpass him. When the company encounters a crisis, he did not solve it immediately. On the contrary, I got it right when I came. People like them He is the one who is most afraid of being hit. He is professional and I am non-professional. This is obviously slapped him in the face." Ye Chen analyzed for Su Qing.

"Actually, all this is just revenge against me. After all, I am the boss of the company. If the company secrets are leaked out, I will lose a lot."

Ye Chen told Su Qing about the thoughts in his heart, and also simply and clearly told Zheng Siyuan the reason why it became like this.

Su Qing shook her head helplessly, although she was very sorry for losing a skilled talent like Zheng Siyuan.

But after all, if such a person continues to stay in the company, it is equivalent to raising a tiger.

"By the way, Ye Chen, how did you negotiate with that Miller?" Su Qing asked when she suddenly remembered something.

The security system did not continue to be attacked, and Su Qing of course knew that the other party had stopped.

However, the offensive was so fierce just now, why did Ye Chen admit it as soon as he made a move.

Su Qing still doesn't know the reason for this incident.

Ye Chen looked at Su Qing and smiled: "You want to know so much?"

Su Qing nodded with a longing expression in her eyes.

"That has to be rewarded."

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Su Qing raised her small face and kissed Ye Chen lightly on the cheek.

This kiss actually made Ye Chen somewhat unpredictable.

He didn't expect this little girl to become so proactive, Ye Chen was amused looking at Su Qing's blushing pretty face.

Ye Chen touched his cheek and nodded in satisfaction.

Su Qing blushed and said, "Now you have been rewarded, can you say it?"

Ye Chen sat down again and explained: "Don't you want to know who that employer is?"

"who is it?"

"But I don't know this question, you need to ask it yourself."

"By the way, we have finished talking about this reward, three million."

Su Qing froze for a moment: "What reward, what three million?"

"Of course Miller agreed to join our company. You paid him."

Su Qing said with a surprised expression: "Ye Chen, you mean you just finished talking with Miller, he is willing to join our company?"

Su Qing recalled that Ye Chen had used this method to deal with Ramo, and now even the world-class hacker Miller was regained by Ye Chen and agreed to join their company.

Looking at the man in front of him, Su Qing even felt that Ye Chen was the nemesis of hackers. Choose

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