Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:23 PM

Chapter 975: 975

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Ye Chen turned the front of the car and drove to the extreme speed towards Su Wanyi's villa.

Parked the car at the door of the villa, Ye Chen knocked on the door quickly: "Wan Yi, open the door."

"Ye Chen, you are here." Su Wanyi opened the door.

The girl in front of her was pale, without a trace of blood, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Ye Chen was also really taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Wan Yi, what's the matter with you?"

"Ye Chen, my stomach hurts so much." Su Wan said sadly.

Ye Chen took Su Wanyi into the room without saying anything.

"Wanyi, I'll take you to the hospital." Ye Chen said anxiously.

"No, I'm the elder aunt here." Su Wanyi said with a trembling voice.

Ye Chen was really relieved when he heard this.

He hurried to the kitchen, cut a cup of brown sugar water for Su Wanyi, and fed it to her mouth.

"Wanyi, it would be better for you to drink some of this." Ye Chen said while looking at Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi nodded obediently, letting Ye Chen use a spoon to feed her mouthful.

After drinking some, Su Wanyi felt the pain in her stomach eased, but tears suddenly flowed down.

Ye Chen thought that her stomach was hurting too badly, so he said quickly: "Otherwise, let's go to the hospital. If you think it hurts, you are crying, so it won't work."

Su Wanyi hurriedly said, "I cried because I was moved."

In fact, the reason why Su Wanyi has the character of a strong woman is that her parents have not been with her since she was a child, and she has been alone in bearing everything.

When she grew up, whenever she encountered difficulties in the shopping mall, her father asked her to deal with and solve it by herself, and he told her many times that it is better to rely on others than to rely on herself.

It was this kind of experience that made Su Wanyi feel that she had no support around her, and she did not need any support.

Her vitality is only career, nothing else.

But now she gradually discovered that as a woman, she shouldn't be like this. She should learn to act like a baby and get attention from others.

Even if Su Wanyi was unwell in the past, she wouldn't let Ye Chen come to accompany her, but now it's different.

She really enjoys the feeling of being cared for, and that person is still the man she loves.

"Stupid, you really scared me just now." Ye Chen said, stroking her hair.

"Ye Chen, you promise me that when I need someone to accompany you in the future, will you have to come to me as soon as possible?" Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen beggingly.

"Well, little fool, I promise you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen was also really taken aback by Su Wanyi's current performance.

He always felt that when Su Wanyi returned to China this time, she was completely different from before, and even relied on him very much.

"Wanyi, do you still have a stomachache now?" Ye Chen asked concerned.

"There are some more." Su Wanyi answered with a frown.

"Wanyi, then I will give you a massage, which can relieve your pain." Ye Chen said while looking at Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi nodded obediently and lay flat on the bed.

Ye Chen gently massaged Su Wanyi's lower abdomen. He wanted to wait for her to fall asleep before leaving quietly.

But what is sad is that as long as Ye Chen's hand leaves, Su Wanyi's face will show a sad expression.

Therefore, Ye Chen could only continue to massage until dawn.

One night, Su Wanyi slept very well and even had many beautiful dreams.

But Ye Chen was suffering. Not only did he not sleep all night, his arm still hurts very much now.

The golden sunlight, shining in the room, shone on Su Wanyi's face.

Su Wanyi got up, stretched her waist, and saw Ye Chen next to her and asked: "Excuse me, I fell asleep last night, how did you sleep?"

"Auntie, I sacrificed myself so that you can sleep well, so please tell me how to make up for me." Ye Chen said depressed.

He is too sleepy now, really sleepy and tired, and he can even fall asleep when he falls down.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi apologized and said, "Ye Chen, sorry, it's mainly because you massaged it too comfortably."

"When I get better, I must make up for you." Su Wanyi said with a flushed face.

Of course Ye Chen knew what Su Wanyi meant for compensation, and he couldn't even wait.

"Ye Chen, you can go to bed first, I'll make breakfast." Su Wanyi said, she was about to get out of bed.

"Can you eat your breakfast?" Ye Chenbai gave her a glance and questioned.

Recalling the breakfast that Su Wanyi had made before, Ye Chen trembled all over. It was simply a black dish. You must know that all the egg cakes made that time could be taken on the battlefield.

Ye Chen said and got up and walked outside the door.

However, Su Wanyi did not continue to insist, but a happy expression appeared on her face.

Soon, a fragrance floated in from outside, and Ye Chen began to work in the kitchen.

After a while, Ye Chen walked into the room and said with a smile: "Wan Yi, breakfast is ready, hurry up and eat."

Su Wanyi came to the bathroom to wash up and went to the dining room. She saw a rich breakfast on the table, including sandwiches, milk, and vegetable salad. These were her favorites.

Two people eat and talk, just like a young couple.

After eating breakfast, Ye Chen cleared the table again and cleaned the dishes.

Originally Su Wanyi wanted to help him clean up, but Ye Chen was afraid that she would get wet and her stomach hurts again, so she refused.

"Ye Chen, you didn't sleep all night yesterday, so let's sleep at home for a while." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and said.

"No, I'll take you to the company, I'll go home and go to sleep." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At Ye Chen's insistence, Su Wanyi had to sit on Ye Chen's Lycan, and the two of them drove towards the company.

At the door of the company, Ye Chen put Su Wanyi down, and then answered the Washington home.

As soon as he entered the house, Ye Chen felt dizzy and hurried to the bedroom, fell asleep on the bed.

Ye Chen didn't get up from bed until noon, feeling much better.

After putting on the express uniform, drove the Lycan towards the express point, then changed into the electric tricycle, loaded the express package and left.

Along the way, Ye Chen drove a live broadcast, humming a small song leisurely and contentedly.

"Brother Express, here again, I really like you."

"You are the most handsome courier brother I have ever seen. Be my boyfriend."

"The Prince Charming in my mind is like you, hehe."

"Seeing you, I feel in love."

"I like to watch your live broadcast, which is informative and exciting."

"Little brother, how is that foreign girl?"

Ye Chen was only live broadcast, and did not read the comments of netizens. He knew which comments were just the same, and there was nothing good.

After a while, he came to a community and delivered the courier to the customer.

At this time, Yueyue called and said anxiously: "Brother Ye Chen, something has happened, please take a look at your live broadcast room." Choose

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