Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:06 PM

Chapter 986: 986

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The old man said coldly: "Little girl, if you sleep with me all night, nothing will happen, otherwise you will die, know?"

Obviously, the old man also felt that Ye Xiao's brother was just a security guard.

Ye Xiao learned that this old man turned out to be Deng Xin's boyfriend.

She never expected that Deng Xin would find an old man in his sixties.

Deng Xin always likes to use famous brands at school. His bags are famous brands, and what he wears is also famous brands.

Ye Xiao thought the other party's family was rich.

Unexpectedly, she actually got these things by looking for an old man.

This is really disgusting.

But since the name is wrong, there is no way.

You just said bad things about me, it's even at best.

"Hmph, want me to apologize, no way." Ye Xiao said coldly.

With that, Ye Xiao was about to leave.

But Deng Xin stopped Ye Xiao.

"The security guard, come here, there is someone here who is eating and drinking, disturbing the order, and looking for celebrities to take photos with them to show off."

"What are you doing to stop me, I don't want it."

Ye Xiao wanted to break free of Deng Xin.

But Deng Xin clutched Ye Xiao tightly.

The dispute between the two people also attracted people's attention.

Many guests heard the quarrel here and surrounded them.

"What's going on." A middle-aged man in a suit walked over.

Deng Xin pointed to Ye Xiao and said, "It's her. I don't know how to mix in, eat and mix, and look around for celebrities for group photos."

The manager said, "This lady, please show me your invitation!"

Because of this charity dinner, all guests have invitations.

And to enter the final evening banquet hall, you must show your invitation.

However, because of Ye Chen's special status, he came directly to the cruise ship without showing any invitation.

"But, I, I don't have an invitation." Ye Xiao remembered that Ye Chen didn't have an invitation when he came in.

At this time, with so many people watching, Ye Xiao was also a little panicked.

"Huh, there is no invitation, how can you come in here without an invitation? See, this woman just came in." Deng Xin yelled arrogantly.

"You still don't blast this woman out."

The manager frowned and said, "Miss, if you don't have an invitation, we can only invite you out."

At this time, he waved his hand, and several security guards were about to meet him.


At this time, a voice rang.

It was Deng Qi who spoke.

Deng Qi actually liked Ye Xiao.

Seeing her shivering around, felt pitiful and stood up.

"I brought this girl in."

For Deng Qi, this is just a matter of effort.

Just like Ye Chen saved himself yesterday.

So yesterday she was rescued by a nobleman, so today she wants to rescue Ye Xiao too.

Deng Qi is a big star after all, so the security guards dare not move.

At this time, the manager said coldly: "Miss Deng, you are sure that you brought this woman. If you lie, you will have to pay a price."

The old man also snorted coldly: "Deng Qi, you don't want to take everything on your body, you don't even know this woman."

Deng Xin also said: "I can testify, they don't even know each other."

"Miss, what's your brother's name." the manager asked.

Ye Xiao said, "My brother's name is Ye Chen."

"Ye Chen? Is there anyone named Ye Chen on the list we invited."

A security guard checked the system and said, "Manager, there is no such person.

Deng Qi was shocked when she heard Ye Xiao say that her brother was Ye Chen.

Just when he was about to speak, Ye Xiao spoke.

"My brother was here just now and was called away by a man named Sun Tao. He said he was playing business, and he seemed to have gone over there."

Sun Tao?

The people present were shocked when they heard the name.

No one knows the name of Sun Tao and Shao Sun.

That's the top big young man in the magic capital.

Even this charity dinner was organized by Sun Tao.

This girl's brother actually talked about business with Sun Tao, which is definitely very awesome.

The manager suddenly got a little shaken.

They all know Sun Tao's character, but he can beat people at every turn.

If you provoke Sun Shao, even if you don't die, you can only have half your life left.

And the people who offended Sun Tao didn't end well.

Everyone in the magic city knows that no one should offend Sun Tao.

At this time, Ye Chen and Sun Tao just came out.

He glanced around and didn't see Ye Xiao.

At this time, he saw a lot of people in the middle of the hall.

My sister stood in the crowd with an aggrieved expression.

What was being said by a woman with heavy makeup pointing to her nose.

Ye Xiao seemed a little aggrieved, and even tears came out of her eyes.

"Sister, what's wrong with you." Ye Chen said.


Ye Xiao broke free at this time and threw herself into Ye Chen's arms.

"What's the matter?" Sun Tao also walked over and his face was a little cold.

After all, this was his site but Ye Chen's sister was wronged.

Seeing Sun Tao, the old man's face suddenly changed.

The manager's face also showed a look of jealousy.

"That's how Sun Shao is." The manager told Sun Tao what happened.

Sun Tao's face suddenly sank.

"Who are you?" Sun Tao said coldly.

The old man's face became very ugly, and he said flatly, "Sun Shao, my name is Lu Wei, and I am the manager of Dacheng Real Estate."

"Boss Lu, right? Give you three days to get out of the magic city, otherwise I will ruin you."

After hearing Sun Tao's words, Lu Wei's face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Shao Sun, I know I was wrong, don't do it."

"Shao Sun, spare me, it's all this stinky woman."

After Lu Wei finished speaking, he slapped that Deng Xin directly.

Deng Xin slapped him and sat directly on the ground.

She didn't expect that Lu Wei would hit herself, and even so hard.

Lu Wei knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

You must know that his property is in the Demon Capital, and if he gets out of the Demon Capital, the loss will be too great.

After all, real estate is mixed with contacts.

He has contacts in the devil, how can he get mixed up in a place where he is not familiar with him?

Most importantly, it was too difficult to process all his fixed assets in three days.

What's more, he offended Sun Shao. It's not good for others to dare to buy these things.

Recently, Lu Wei has just developed a real estate, and almost all the money has been invested in it.

If you quit now, you will basically lose everything.

Even, because of this, he will turn from a big boss with hundreds of millions of assets to a pauper with nothing in an instant.

He has become accustomed to the life of the rich.

I don’t know how many women have been raised. Without the money, write what he will use to raise other women.

This is worse than killing him.

Sun Tao said coldly; "I speak, don't like to say it the second time, you know?"

Hearing what Sun Tao said, Lu Wei knew that the matter was irreversible.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Xiaotao, why are you bullying people again?" Choose

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