Published at 27th of April 2021 12:48:35 PM

Chapter 99: 99

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Ye Chen directly dialed the number of Wantai's office.

"Hello, is it Wantai Construction Company?"

Seeing Ye Chen actually called his company directly, He Lei sneered: "Boy, you are too naive and want to complain to me. The general manager of Wantai Construction Company is my father-in-law. Do you have a **** for calling?"

The woman was even more proud: "You complain to my dad that her daughter and son-in-law have something wrong with your brain."

The crowd onlookers also shook their heads secretly, this young man is still too naive.

I am a family, is it useful for you to call to make a complaint?

Ye Chen hung up the phone and said to He Lei: "I'll give you another chance to slap ten times with your wife. I can forgive you, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

He Lei laughed arrogantly: "Boy, what do you really think you are? Threatening me, I'm not really scared."

The woman next to her smiled and said: "Boy, if you have the ability to pretend to be really awesome, if you don't have the ability to pretend to be compelling, that's a fool.

The two of them looked arrogant and didn't take Ye Chen seriously.

At this time, Chen Wan, general manager of Wantai Construction Company, was having an emergency meeting.

Chen Wan said solemnly: "Everyone, I just received news that Wantai Group has been acquired by a mysterious young man named Ye Chen. He is now the owner of Wantai Group."

Several shareholders took a breath.

In the past few years, Wantai Group has developed several real estates, which have developed very well, but they have been suddenly acquired.

The Wantai Group has a market value of 40 billion. Someone can even put out so much money in one go. It can be seen how terrifying the other party's strength is.

Chen Wan said solemnly: “All our company’s income depends on the projects of the Wantai Group. Now that we have changed the boss, we must do our best to deal with Mr. Ye Chen. The future of our company depends on Mr. Ye Chen’s. Face, so now the focus of our company is how to please Mr. Ye Chen."

Several company shareholders nodded one after another.

The owner of the Wantai Group has changed, and their company is also facing huge challenges.

Ye Chen can decide the life and death of the company in a word.

Now the competition among construction companies is fierce. I don't know how many construction companies are staring at the pie of Wantai Group.

In the past, they were able to become a branch of the Wantai Group because of the group boss.

Now the boss has changed. Once Ye Chen gave the project to another company, their company would be finished.

Ye Chen controls the life and death of their construction company.

Chen Wan continued: "Everyone, does anyone know or have a relationship with this Mr. Ye?"

Several shareholders here shook their heads.

Chen Wan's face became more and more ugly.

The previous boss’s relationship is not working well now, so if they can’t establish a relationship with this new boss, their company is likely to go bankrupt.

At this moment, his secretary walked in and whispered a few words beside him.

"What, Mr. Ye took the initiative to contact us, what is his phone number?" Chen Wan said excitedly.

The secretary gave Chen Wan the phone number left by Ye Chen.

Chen Wan took a deep breath and called Ye Chen nervously.

He was still worrying about how to contact Ye Chen just now.

Unexpectedly, the phone number from someone called directly!

Several major shareholders are very worried.

Mr. Ye suddenly called, no one knew whether it was a blessing or a curse.

The atmosphere of the entire conference room is very solemn.

The other party is a big man who can determine the fate of the company.

Chen Wan took a deep breath. In order to let other shareholders know more about Ye Chen, he deliberately changed the phone to hands-free.

After the call was connected, Chen Wan respectfully said: "Mr. Ye, this is Chen Wan from Wantai Construction Company. The previous projects of our company were contracted by our company. I don't know what your instructions are?"

Chen Wan was very shrewd, put on a very low posture from the beginning, and from the beginning, it was stated that they were subordinates of the group and worked for Ye Chen.

"Chen Wan? President Chen, you are quite bullish!"

Chen Wan's face suddenly changed when he heard Ye Chen's unkind tone.

Ye Chen glanced at He Lei who was still arrogant in front of him coldly.

"By the way, you have a son-in-law called He Lei?"

He Lei was shocked when he saw Ye Chen answer a phone call and then asked him about it.

"Chen Wan? Isn't it his father-in-law?"

Could it be that he really knew his father-in-law? "

No, this kid is just a dick. Who is his father-in-law? How can an elite with a net worth of over 100 million know this dick?

Hmph, the kid and Laozi playing yin, it must be fake.

Playing with Lao Tzu, you are still too tender.

He Lei believed that Ye Chen was only deliberately frightening himself, and the person who called could not be his father-in-law.

He sneered: "Boy, you can really pretend, who is my father-in-law? Can you call you this kind of cock? Are you kidding me."

On the other end of the phone, Chen Wan heard the arrogant voice on the phone, and a cold sweat came out.

From Ye Chen's icy tone, he already felt that his **** son-in-law must have offended Ye Chen.

"This..." Chen Wan glanced at the other major shareholders with an ugly expression.

Several shareholders are not stupid, and the voices from the phone have already guessed what might have happened on the other side.

It is possible that Chen Wan's son-in-law offended Ye Chen.

A major shareholder said coldly: "Mr. Chen, Chairman Ye asks you something, you just say it."

Chen Wan embarrassed: "Ye Dong, he is indeed my son-in-law and the vice president of our Wantai Construction Company. I don't know what he shouldn't do?"

Ye Chen replied coldly: "What did your son-in-law have done? You can ask him personally. If the handling of this matter does not satisfy me, your company can never get another penny from our Wantai Group.

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere instantly fell to the bottom.

The faces of several major shareholders suddenly became difficult to look.

Everyone looked at Chen Wan, their expressions even wanted to swallow him raw.

Chen Wan's face was gloomy, he scolded to himself.

"What the **** did this **** do to make Mr. Ye so angry."

At this time, a major shareholder said coldly: "Mr. Chen, we have opposed your son-in-law's matter in the previous meetings. He has an arrogant personality, a defiant attitude, and poor business ability. He is not suitable for vice president at all, but you Relying on his identity as the general manager, he will do his own way and entrust him with important tasks. Now that he is in trouble, you must give us an account."

Another shareholder also stood up angrily: “Chen Wan, the company belongs to everyone. We can’t destroy the entire company in his hands because of your son-in-law’s stupid behavior. If our company loses the business of the Wantai Group, You know what the consequences will be."

Chen Wan heard the threats of several shareholders, and he knew that his son-in-law had done a great disaster!

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