Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:59 PM

Chapter 990: 990

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Ye Chen never thought of it anyway.

After Tian Xiaoxiao's mother knew that she was the courier brother, not only did not taunt him, she even admired it very much.

This actually made Ye Chen a little embarrassed.

"Auntie, how good is this movie? The first time we met, we gave such an expensive gift."

Ye Chen changed the car key back.

"Brother Ye Chen, you just accept what my mother gave it. Although this car is broken, it doesn't matter. When I have pocket money next month, I will buy you a better one."

Tian Xiaoxiao hugged Ye Chen's arm, with a coquettish expression on her face.

Ye Chen was speechless.

He finally knew what Hao Heng was.

Ferrari is still a broken car. I will spend my pocket money next month and buy you a better one.

In other words, Tian Xiaoxiao's pocket money is several million.

"Hi... Ye Chen took a breath."

This is too arrogant.

He didn't expect that this beautiful little loli's family should be so rich.

Tian Mu looked at Ye Chen and liked it more and more.

Ye Chen is so handsome, only such a handsome guy can be worthy of my daughter.

Tian Mu is also a face value control, when she saw Ye Chen's first glance, she was stunned by Ye Chen's face value.

Ye Chen is too handsome.

How could there be such a handsome boy in this world.

If it wasn't because Ye Chen was Tian Xiaoxiao's boyfriend, even Tian Mu had the intention to raise Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is the kind of woman who makes a woman like it at first glance.

But Ye Chen is now his daughter's boyfriend, so Tian Mu will of course not act on her daughter's boyfriend.

"Ye Chen, are you tired of delivering express delivery? You stare at the scorching sun every day, even if it is windy and rainy, you can't rest."

Tian Mu sighed.

Ye Chen smiled: "It's a bit hard."

In fact, Ye Chen didn't work hard, driving a luxury car every day, and going in the wind and rain, for Ye Chen, it didn't exist at all.

Tian Mu smiled and said: "Ye Chen, if you are willing to marry my girl, then I will give you 10% of our company's shares."

"Although it is only 10% of the shares, it is also worth more than one billion yuan. Just use it as a dowry for my daughter."

"Hey, the child is poor. My father died early. I owe too much to this daughter. In my heart, she is my darling. You must treat my daughter well."

Tian Xiaoxiao's mother sighed and said.

Ye Chen was immediately stunned.

Tian Xiaoxiao is so beautiful, why is it that she is afraid that her daughter will not be able to get married?

Give away a luxury car as soon as we meet, and after we get married, we will give a direct gift of one billion yuan,

This is too crazy.

Ye Chen first heard of marrying a daughter like this.

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen, the more handsome he looked, this boy was so handsome.

How could there be such a handsome boy in this world, this is simply my male god.

Although the two had only been boy and girl friends for a day, Tian Xiaoxiao had fallen in love with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said awkwardly: "Auntie, Xiaoxiao and I just met, we still need to understand each other, we are not in a hurry to get married."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Tian Mu was even happier.

The average boy, hearing such a dowry, would definitely agree to it immediately.

But Ye Chen said that he needed to understand each other everywhere.

What does this show?

It shows that Ye Chen is not greedy for money.

Handsome, good character, this boy is simply amazing.

Mother Tian smiled: "Yes, it was actually my temptation to you just now, and now you have completely passed my level."

Ye Chen smiled: "Don't worry, auntie, I am serious about love, and I will not be deceived by money."

"Yeah, what I said just now was one billion. It is estimated that other boys would definitely want to go to my daughter right away."

"But you are different. In your eyes, I didn't see any greedy expressions, but rather calm."

"I earn money all my life, in fact, for this daughter of mine. I am very toxic in business. I have never missed anyone. I believe in your character."

"Now, I have recognized you, courier brother, don’t do it, so you take over my business, and I will slowly train you to become a president. As long as you treat my daughter well, everything about me belongs to you ."

Tian's mother admired Ye Chen very much, and apparently already regarded him as her future son-in-law.

Ye Chen: "..."

He only understood now that it was Tian Mu's temptation just now.

Once recognized, there are even greater rewards.

But one billion is really nothing in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's total assets now have to be hundreds of billions.

So the look in his eyes and his calmness are not pretends.

"Mom, depending on what you said, it seems like your daughter can't get married." Tian Xiaoxiao frowned and said.

Tian Mu looked at her daughter jokingly: "So, you wouldn't want to marry, right?"

Tian Xiaoxiao shook her head quickly after hearing this: "Of course I do."

Seeing Tian Xiaoxiao's impatient expression, Tian Mu smiled.

Tian's mother knows her daughter best.

After all, the daughter was brought up by herself.

With a look in her eyes and a movement, Tian Mu knew what Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to do.

"Mom, you hate it."

Tian Xiaoxiao acted shyly for a while.

Ye Chen: "..."

Did your mother and daughter agree so soon?

Shouldn't you ask my opinion?

Hey, being handsome is trouble, there is always Bai Fumei who wants to marry herself.

Mother Tian smiled: "Okay, you and Xiaoxiao go into the house and rest. You two have a good communication."

With that said, Tian Mu looked at Ye Chen and showed a mysterious smile.

Ye Chen was stunned.

Communicate well?

What kind of communication.

And come in?

Could it be that I entered Tian Xiaoxiao's room.

Is this a mother?

Ye Chen always feels that this mother can't wait to marry her daughter out immediately.

"Let's go." Tian Xiaoxiao shyly pulled Ye Chen.

"I will show you my boudoir."

Ye Chen was pulled by Tian Xiaoxiao and walked towards the second floor.

Ye Chen was speechless.

This is the first time I came to the house, I entered the boudoir?

The two people knew each other for less than an hour.

This speed is a bit too fast.

However, Ye Chen is still looking forward to going to Tian Xiaoxiao's boudoir to communicate with each other.

Could it be that kind of communication?

Every so often, Tian Xiaoxiao brought Ye Chen to her room.

After entering the room, Ye Chen had already thought that the other party's room would be like this.

A room with a very small loli.

In the room, one wall is full of cabinets.

Inside the cabinet are all kinds of clothes, many of them are loli clothes, very cute.

Ye Chen took a look, there were probably hundreds of sets.

This skirt is too much.

Ye Chen could see that these loli skirts were not cheap, and each set cost 10,000 yuan to start.

There are probably millions of clothes in the cabinet alone.

It was the first time Ye Chen saw a girl who liked loli clothes so much.

"Brother, do you like me wearing a loli costume? Tian Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay."

Tian Xiaoxiao smiled slightly: "You see there is more here."

Ye Chen found out that the other wall turned out to be loli clothes. Choose

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