Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:49 PM

Chapter 995: 995

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Brother Biao looked smug and looked as if he was sure about Ye Chen.

"You wait, this kid's account will definitely be blocked."

"Brother Biao is a super VIP. He complains to the top ten people alone."

"Haha, I'll be banned soon, that kid will definitely regret it."

Those little brothers constantly slapped Brother Biao's flattery.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are also curious whether Ye Chen's account will be blocked.

Brother Biao looked smug.

"This kid must have three cheats, or else he won't have enough coupons."

To say Hao, he throws tens of thousands in the game a month, which is already considered rich enough.

He didn't believe that Ye Chen would be more proud than him.

"It is estimated that the official website of this kind of plug-in will not only be banned, but will also be held for legal responsibility.

"That's right, I guess I'll go to jail if I can't make it."

Brother Biao smiled proudly: "We are waiting for the result. This is the end of offending me. If he is not banned, I will live broadcast immediately."

As for Ye Chen's title, Brother Biao felt that there was no suspense at all.

Because of the game of kings, the official is mainly relying on coupons to make money.

Now someone has actually made a plug-in software that can't run out of coupons, which has seriously affected the balance of the game.

Many netizens in the live broadcast room also support Brother Biao.

"Brother Biao is really doing the right thing. I hate this kind of people who use plug-ins."

"Deserves to be banned, if we use this kind of plug-in, how should we players play."

"This kid will definitely be banned. If not, I can live stream and eat."

Those netizens also feel convinced that Ye Chen will definitely be banned.

Brother Biao looked smug.

"Boy, how good was it when you gave me the account number and gave me the plug-in, now it's fine, I've been banned, you're stupid."

Brother Biao had even seen Ye Chen's painful tears after being banned.

"Ding Dong, you have a new email that has not been processed."

A message was uploaded from Brother Biao’s game account.

"Haha, the result of the report has come out." Brother Biao said with a look of excitement.

"That kid's account must have been blocked."

While talking, Brother Biao opened the email proudly.

When the email opened, Brother Biao was stupid.

how can that be?

I saw the content of the email: "Hello, your report was unsuccessful!"

how can that be.

Brother Biao never thought of this result.

He was completely stupid, rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was wrong.

But after reading it several times, the report was unsuccessful.

The other younger brothers have already asked anxiously: "How did the boss report the result?"

"Yeah, how come your expression is not right?"

Brother Biao said with an ugly face: "The result came out, the report was unsuccessful."


When I heard Brother Biao's words, the other brothers and netizens were all stupid.

How can this be possible if the report is unsuccessful?

This guy used such an excessive plug-in, and the official didn't even care about it.

There is no reason for this.

Everyone was stunned by the result of this report.

Especially Brother Biao looked dull.

Just now, he even vowed to say that if he fails to broadcast the live broadcast of Chi Xiang.

As a result, he was severely beaten in the face so soon.

Now netizens look at Brother Biao jokingly, waiting to see Brother Biao eat.

"Brother Biao, you just said that if the report is unsuccessful, you have to eat Xiang, didn't you?"

"Brother Biao, it's not a big deal if you can't speak."

"Haha, hurry up and live the live broadcast, we can all watch it."

Brother Biao looked very ugly.

He looked embarrassed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, with such an excessive plug-in, how can the report be unsuccessful?"

Brother Biao is all ill.

He didn't believe that such an excessive plug-in official didn't care.

This is simply too unreasonable.

"The email is not good, I am calling, I must report his account today." Brother Biao said aggressively.

"I really don't believe it."

Brother Biao said, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed the official customer service number of Wang Zhe for reporting.

Soon, the call was connected.

There was a nice voice on the phone.

"Hello, I am King's 18th customer service. Do you need my help?"

"I want to report someone using a plug-in." Brother Biao said aggressively.

"Do you want to report? Yes, please tell me the other party's game ID or game account." The customer service lady said patiently.

"The person who opened the plug-in, his account is called "Brother Express", please check him quickly, his account is definitely a plug-in.

Brother Biao said angrily.

"Okay, please wait a moment, we will verify your report immediately, please wait a few minutes."

Brother Biao breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't believe it, so it was impossible to find out that Ye Chen used a plug-in.

"Haha, this kid can't run this time."

"Yes, I can definitely find out this time, this kid used a plug-in."

The other little brothers began to cuddle their stinky feet.

"Huh, this kid can still be untitled this time, so I played it today to really live the live broadcast."

Brother Biao sneered. He was basically sure that this kid was using a plug-in.

As long as the official checks carefully, it will definitely be found.

The customer service may have been careless the first time, but this time it will definitely be fine.

After all, I called and reported it myself.

At this time, the nice voice of the customer service lady rang again on the phone.

"Hello, after our appropriateness, the player you just mentioned did not violate any game rules, so the report failed."

Brother Biao was embarrassed this time.

He just vowed to say that if the report fails, he will go live, but he really wants to live broadcast the live broadcast so soon.

But this time, those little brothers and the netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Brother Biao was also furious.

"Have you checked carefully? How could this be possible by counting the coupon 9999999999 in this kid's account? You are not serious about your work. He used such an excessive plug-in, and you didn't notice it at all."

The customer service staff on the mobile phone said lightly: "Sir, we have verified that the player is our black diamond VIP, so the coupon in his account is a gift from our company."

In an instant, there was a dead silence.

Brother Biao is stupid.

His little brother is stupid.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are all stupid.

They were all stunned by the customer's words.

how can that be.

These points are actually sent by the official customer service?

When was the official so generous and gave so many points to a player?

Don't they want to make money anymore?

At this time, Brother Biao suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Could this player be a super boss?

Thinking of this possibility, Brother Biao's face suddenly changed slightly.

He tentatively asked: "How can you give so many coupons? Who is he?"

The customer service said: "Sir, I'm very sorry, I am not convenient to disclose the player's information to you, you only need to know that this player is a super rich player."

Hearing the words of the customer service, Biao's hand holding the phone suddenly shook slightly. Choose

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