Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:43 PM

Chapter 998: 998

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At this time, Ye Chen received the message.

It was the wild **** who sent tears from Lu Bufan.

Ye Chen added three friends, then opened a game room and directly ranked five.

Ye Chen invited three professional players and Tian Xiaoxiao.

Tian Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment: "Did you find these three?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, I found it."

Of these three, Ye Chen believes that they are all the most powerful professional players.

Only in this way can you score in the shortest time.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and started the game.

The three professional players are all pyramid-like existences among the players.

Ordinary players are simply crushed in front of them.

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that these three people were familiar.

God, suddenly Tian Xiaoxiao remembered.

In the past, she would also watch professional leagues. Wild God, Hua Zhuang Tears, Lu Bufan, isn't she the top three professional players?

Tian Xiaoxiao's cherry mouth opened wide in surprise.

how can that be.

How could such three players appear here.

Tian Xiaoxiao understands that the reputation and strength of these three senior players are in full swing.

Now they are just diamond ranks, and each of these three great players is an existence of the Slaughter Office.

But Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't believe that these three were really the top three gods.

Yes, it must be counterfeit.

After all, many fans like to use their names and add symbols.

Tian Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and quietly clicked on the information of the three people.

Zhao Yun, the first in the national service.

The first Xiaoqiao in the national service.

The first descendant of the national service.

Seeing these top brands of national clothing, Tian Xiaoxiao was completely stupid.

It turned out to be true.

She felt like she was dreaming.

In the Game of Kings, everything can be faked, but the rank cannot be faked.

Three people ranked first, indicating that all three are real.

But how did Ye Chen invite these three great gods?

This kind of player, bringing him to the king is simply too simple.

And it is not just these three roles that the three people play well, and the other roles are also among the top ones in the national service.

"Oh my God, this is like a dream."

"Brother Ye Chen, how do you know Ye Wang?"

"How come the tears are in our room."

"Is that Lu Bufan also true?"

Tian Xiaoxiao said in surprise.

She feels that her whole person is not good.

These three are the gods in the hearts of all players.

It's incredible that they appeared together in their live broadcast room.

These people turned out to be professional players.

And they are still deities.

Is Brother Ye Chen really a courier?

How could it be possible to know so many great gods.

Could it be that Ye Chen's brother was a courier, so he knew them?

At this time, Tian Xiaoxiao's gaze towards Ye Chen had completely changed.

He felt like he was dreaming.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Tian Xiaoxiao and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tian Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "Brother Ye Chen, you are really amazing."

Ye Chen smiled: "What is this, there is something more powerful."

"By the way, remember the bet you lost."

Tian Xiaoxiao blushed pretty face.

With three great gods, even if you don't want to be the king, it's difficult.

It's over, this time I must have lost.

Tian Xiaoxiao regrets a little, and shouldn't make such a bet with Ye Chen.

"What do you want me to do?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Keep it secret, I helped you become the king, you know it naturally."

"By the way, Ye Chen, why do you know those three Great God level players?"

"They are all professional players, and they are among the top three, super awesome."

"I really didn't expect to be able to fight with them one day."

"Did you know? At the beginning, the wild king was in a headwind, and only one person was fascinated, and he vomited blood in the C position of the other person, and finally one person stole the tower."

"There are also tears, and I heard that he is the best mage, and Xiao Qiao's playing is even more superb."

"And that one..."

Tian Xiaoxiao excitedly talked about the legendary record of the three great gods.

Ye Chen said helplessly: "The game has started, let's start."

"By the way, Ye Chen, you haven't told me what your relationship is with the three great gods."

"Why can you invite them?"

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen curiously and turned into a curious baby.

"I don't know them."

Ye Chen smiled and said.

To be honest, Ye Chen really didn't know these three great gods.

If it weren't for Tian Xiaoxiao, Ye Chen didn't even know that these three were among the top three in the professional league.

"You don't know them, why did they come to help you?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly.

Ye Chen said: "You forgot what I said, I'm Penguin's father."

Tian Xiaoxiao was stunned when she heard this.

Ye Chen said before that he still didn't believe it, but now he believes it.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you're just a courier, what's the matter with Daddy Penguin."

Tian Xiaoxiao snorted coldly.

In fact, he said he didn't believe it, but he still believed it in his heart.

"Okay, let's start now, you are the king, and I can deal with you at will."

Ye Chen looked at Tian Xiaoxiao jokingly.

Tian Xiaoxiao snorted coldly: "You let me be the king first."

However, Tian Xiaoxiao's face flushed and she couldn't help committing a nympho.

Ye Chen is so handsome.

It looks so handsome even when it's broken.

No matter what, I want to make Ye Chen my real boyfriend.

Yes, yes, not just for one day, but forever.

Tian Xiaoxiao cheered for herself.

"Xiaoxiao, you are so cute and beautiful, you must be fine."

Ye Chen said: "Okay, the game has started."

After clicking the match, the three great players were excited.

"Boss started."

"Haha, great, let's hurry up and let the boss become the king."

Several great gods looked excited.

If they help Tian Xiaoxiao become the king, then they will have a profit of 5 million yuan.

Ye Wang: "Haha, let's behave well. If we can become the **** of the boss, we won't have money in the future."

The flowers splashed with tears: "Yes, I seem to know this big man too."

Lu Bufan said: "Let's perform well, I believe the big guys will not treat us badly."

They have already thought about it, Ye Chen and Tian Xiaoxiao only need to lie down and win.

At this moment, in a villa, a man with eyes dangling cigarettes with a look of excitement.

He is about to get out of the order soon.

Luo Xiao looked excited.

He is an otaku and he likes to play games every day.

He met a girlfriend through playing games.

The girlfriend has promised him that as long as he can bring himself to the king, he can be Luo Xiao's wife.

Luo Xiao looked excited.

As long as he wins this round, he will have a wife.

Luo Xiao was in a good mood, looking at Ye Chen beside him with a look of excitement.

This round must be won.

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