Sharing Rain and Dew - Chapter 3

Published at 8th of January 2017 10:33:37 AM

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 : I think, the Emperor is really bored


After twenty years later still a hero.

[Note : It means dying and reborn as a baby, after twenty years old still can be a hero]

I clearly remembered, the day the Emperor was forced to abdicate, it was on his twenty five years old birthday.
At that time, my two brothers were still leading the army on the way back to the Capital.

The numbers of the Palace guards was unable to handle the momentum of the powerful renegades, have to close the Palace door.
Then…. I asked Duan Ming Zhang, “What day is Your Majesty’s birthday?”

Smiling in his eyes, “It’s on the tenth of the twelfth lunar month. Why? Huai Zhen want to wish Zhen birthday?”

“…….” I was afraid of someone wanting you to lose life!

Sighing, I proceed to eat the shark’s fin soup rewarded by the Emperor.
This dish made by the Royal Kitchen is getting more and more to my taste.
Ai, most probably can eat for six more months, thinking of it just make me sad.

“Huai Zhen is unhappy?”

I replied with a wooden face, “How could it be, this Servant has food and drinks, I’m very happy.”

“But Huai Zhen didn’t smile even a bit.”

Really? Surprised for a moment, I immediately rubbed my face.
Pulling at the corner of my mouth ….
I’m finished, I don’t even have look in the mirror to know how ugly was my smile.

“Huai Zhen…… Zhen don’t know how to make you smile happily,” he sighed.

“……..” If I don’t have to die, then I will immediately be so happy I can jump three feet high in the air.

After thinking and thinking, finally gathering my courage I said, “Your Majesty, this servant want to eat whatever I want to eat.”

“And eat how many I want to eat, then this servant will be very happy.”

I’m afraid that in the end I still won’t be able to escape death….
If like this, please let me taste good food and drinks, and not be scared of offending him for the rest of my short days!

He was surprised for a moment, “It’s that simple?”

“It’s that simple.”

“Then all right, Zhen grants it.”

Immediately I revealed a relieved smile.
Surprised for a moment, then his gaze became soft.

“Granting you a title, you also frowned. But granting such a small requirement of yours, you became this happy?”

Because title is nothing, it’s really a bother ah!
Need to go out to socialize, need to buy new clothes to wear in accordance to the system, and also endless ……
In short, it’s a very troublesome, very troublesome matter.
How can I be happy about it?

Seeing this rare easy-to-talk side of the Emperor, I hesitated and hesitated but finally can’t help but asked, “Your Majesty, ….. if Your Majesty can agree with this servant on another thing, this servant will definitely be very happy.”

“Oh? My beloved subject, try to say it for me to listen.”

Trying my best to keep my neck straight, I swallowed some saliva, “Can I ….. sleep until I wake up naturally everyday ah?”

God knows, back at home I was pampered by Big Brother and indulged by Second Brother.
All day long lazing around, eat after sleep, sleep after eat.
Everyday, the moment I opened my eyes will be able to see the sun.

But in this Palace? Who dared to rise later than the Emperor?!
Due to severe lack of sleep, I was listless and yawning incessantly all day.

Duan Ming Zhang looked at me thoughtfully, I … I also looked at him, not afraid of death.
Every words I said was true from the heart ah!

“….. Granted. From now on, will prohibit the servants from waking you up early in the morning. And when my love is ready to get up, then can call in the servants to serve you.”

“This servant give thanks for Your Majesty’s enormous kindness!”
Long live Your Majesty!

This happiness ah, the smile on the face can’t be stopped, I have rubbed my face several times but still unable to rub the smile away.
Then Duan Ming Zhang reached out to rub my face, saying, “Seems like this time you are really happy.”

I was happy, that’s right but after being rubbed by him, the smile faded from my face.

That scared me to death!

However, when the next morning arrived, I knew I celebrated too early.
Indeed no maidservants or eunuchs went to call me to get up in the morning.
….. because before the Emperor went to the morning court, he specifically detoured to the Hai Qing Pavilion to wake me up himself!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!