Shifting Shadows - Chapter 72

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:43:44 AM

Chapter 72

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Ch. 72


His eyes never leave me, but some of his shadows move to his side and knock down a man in strange clothing. Dark shades of reds with black and some kind of patch I can’t quite make out at this distance. Not like the scouts patches. His hair cut short and his round ears visible. Soon after the man is knocked to the ground a blade pierces his chest. Blood pooling around the metal. A blonde-haired man yanks the sword from the man, blood flying through the sky. He swings the blade blocking another sword aimed at him. Iamys. The wielder is soon stuck by a liquid that bursts into flames covering the man. His screams fill the area before that turn into faint muffles. Oana. Iamys recovers and moves toward Oana as she throws another bottle at a creature moving in their direction. A shadow knocks the creature down and a dagger comes flying pinning the creature to the ground. Devlyn. Like a storm she rages toward the creature, each movement of her arm sending black blood flying behind her. Like the rain of her storm. Another dark clothed man comes up behind her and within seconds his head is rolling along the ground, and Sadar stands over him. A man stops before Sadar and is tackled by a huge white entity. Who rips into the man until he is limp on the ground. Halfy.

My friends. My guardian. All fighting in front of me as our world, the only world I have ever known, is starting to come crashing down.

The hair along my spine rises as I hear footsteps behind me. As I pivot toward the owner a shadow moves past me and soon after the man with the fire eyes is right behind it. Nyx, he moved so fast.

Before I can even finish turning my beast form, the owner of the footstep is dangling in the air by shadows, and his eyes…are overtaken by the blackness as the shadows overtake them. One shadow moves away from the others and becomes straight, and I watch as it slices right through the man’s dark clothes, through his flesh, his bones, straight to the other side. The shadows disappear from around the man, and he drops like dead weight down to the hard earth below.

My eyes move past the corpse on the ground toward where the shadows have retreated to…to the man with the flaming eyes, that are glowing even with the smoke-filled daylight.

Our eyes meet and that heat moves through me, that exposed feeling and I am already moving toward him. My body is shifting and changing. Shadows start to move around me, shielding me from the outside chaos, the destruction. I’m running and my boots are slamming against the ground. I reach him and the shadows tighten in around us. I jump and he catches me, I hook my legs around him and his arms move me around like they have been for ages, decades, centuries, not just for a few days. I bury my face into his neck, his hair, his smell, mint surrounds me. I take a deep shaky breath and search for his face. His eyes devouring through me, through my body, through my mind.  

I raise my hand to his face, and he follows suit. The shadows move more frantically like they won’t be able to block the world outside for much longer. A single finger shifts, a claw forms, and I run it along my other palm. Blood moving across my skin. I reach for his hand and do the same. His blood enters my nose and I exhale. I clasp our hands together and look for his eyes past our hands. They meet mine and I feel like I would have fallen if he wasn’t supporting most of my weight.

“Never alone, never again.” I whisper into our palms. “And that is my bond.”

Shadows start to move, and the daylight starts to break through, and I can see as the bond starts to form. Starting from our bonded index finger, hard lines with sharp edges black ink moving down our joined hands like a drawing that is only whole once our hands are joined. A unit. A force. A drive.

As the shadows fall around us Zanir smiles and his teeth, his fangs shine against the sun and the autumn breeze moves the smoke away. I meet his smile with one of my own. My cheeks pushing up into my lavender eyes.

I push off him with a twist and exhale with my wind. My loose hair moves around and lands in front my face as I hit the ground. My hands on either side of me balancing my weight on my knees. Purple shines in my hair from the sun peeking through. I feel movement at my side and roll, twisting toward the movement and a dagger moves across my face. I feel a drop of blood roll down my cheek.

Shadows flow past me causing my hair to stir again, blocking my view of my attacker, but I can hear the gurgling sounds leaving their lips and thud of their body hitting the ground.

I will be the only man who makes you bleed.

I feel his stare on my back, but a shadow moves around me blocking the sunlight. Different from Zanir’s, no this is a creature, and it is massive. I smell the fire before it leaves its mouth and I’m moving using my wind to push further as flame scorch the ground where I once kneeled. I watch as the shadow move past me and circle around in the sky. I glance toward Zanir whose face is buried in the neck of another man and as the man slumps Zanir tilts his head back. Bright red blood flinging from him and his entire face is now red with fresh well oxygenated blood. His flaming eyes darken to deep orange. The man in his grip falls to the ground like the stones of the castle. His red face to the sky and I see the moment his eyes make contact with the flying creature above us circling back in our direction.

What about being the only creature who makes me bled?

I am already shifting as the creature wings flutter above me and U moving across the fallen stone as flames chase after me.

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