Shifting Shadows - Chapter 73

Published at 24th of June 2024 01:18:28 PM

Chapter 73

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Ch. 73


Other than the Baldur, I have never seen a dragon in person. I mean I wasn’t allowed out much and the only source of the outside world was the pages that lived in the grand library, and it was severely lacking in the dragon department. But Nyx. Whatever species these are, they’re huge, way bigger than the Baldur was, and there are at least ten of them circling and chipping away at the clan, the only place I have ever truly known. These dragons are different, they fly with form and lines, one following the other. They are also wearing protective type leathers across their chest.

These are dragon rider’s dragons. Uscia.

What the flying literally fuck are Uscia dragons doing in Adros, and even better yet why are they fucking attacking a shifter clan that nothing more than a speck on an Adros map? Fucking Shit.

Think, think. What have I read before? Anything helpful would be nice. Fuck.

I feel as my paws grip and launch myself forward. Over stone, fallen bodies, shifters cold mid shift, splinters of once market stalls, guards in battle with the dark clothed men. Fucking shit. The spikes along my back pulsing with purple sparks as flames inch closer to me.

Oana’s brain would be helpful right about now. I haven’t seen my friends or even Zanir since this dragon started chasing after me.

I feel my mind racing and I am unable to keep up with it, and suddenly a voice, one I have tried hard to forgot and tune out fills my head and moves through it, silky and soft. No mental walls or door to keep him away.

Riders. Lady Mihaela. Where are the riders?


I glance back toward the flying monstrous beast chasing me like its next meal.

A beautiful, maybe not at this moment but a blue dragon moves through sky like a raptor in the sky or even Altujon. Mighty, powerful, and absolutely terrifying. At least this thing only has one head…but it seems it may know how to use it. Scales covering every inch of its body and shine an iridescent array of bright to deep blues as it moves its massive body. The dragon’s underbelly is a soft cream color and is covered by a large leather type vest. Protected. This dragon has decent sized spikes along its back all the way to its tail, which looks like a hammer that could easily knock out any mortal person. Me included.

I search over the massive beast, my eyes moving over every inch and scale, but nothing. No rider, but as the beast twist and I change directions to not be cooked alive…there is something along the opposite side of its body, but I can’t quite make it out.

I squint my eyes to try and focus on it, but I suddenly feel stone as my legs run straight into one. My body tumbles and I come crashing down as flames move along my side.

Burns on top of ward burns is highly NOT recommended. I feel tears start to fall, running down my cheek. Mixing with the smoke that is clinging my fur. I duck behind a large fallen stone. Fire comes creeping around the sides of it. Heat burns through the stone. The ground shakes as the beast lands and only a large stone stands between us.

Something gold slides until it hits my paw. I follow from where it came and see Oana crouching behind some stones roughly twenty feet away. Her black hair with the faint blues clinging to her cheeks. Ash covering her face like a mask. Blood covering the palms of her hands that leaves a trail that leads to me from what she slid towards me.

The locket.

I swipe at it with my tail just so I can reach for it, and the flames don’t claim my paws. I can live without a tail or at least part of my back, but I like to keep my hands. I pull the locket toward me and Oana’s voice is faint with the chaos of basically warfare going on around us.

“Mi, the riders…” Claws click along the stone as the beast inches closer. “They are connected. Kill the rider, kill the dragon.”

“I haven’t seen any riders.” Click. Click.

“Need a closer view.”

Fucking shit.


I shift into a Ratatoskr, small enough to slip through the stones unnoticed. Sadly no letter delivering for this Ratatoskr, only mission is to not be like a boar on an open fire.

I move between stones until am behind the blue beast. Oh how big everything looks when one is so small. I hate it.

The blue dragon is moving around the stone I once was. It’s bright yellow eyes narrowing, and I bet if it had brows they would be burrowed. I look over the large beast. Steam coming from its large nostrils. Long tendrils of vapor twitch as it smells the air. The dragon turns back to where I hide and, on its side, stitched into its scales…it’s rider…fixed to its side, unmoving other than his frantic eyes moving back in forth. Just under the rider a golden rune shines but is only visible when the sun hits the scales a certain way. The beast lifts its massive skull toward the sky and takes a deep inhale. Soon after a white blur hits the dragon along its belly. My guardian. A ball of flames hit the beast along it neck and I see blue hair fly back behind some stones. Arrows hit the beast in the face and bouncing back toward the ground. I heard metal hitting something hard. Daggers sticking into the scales of the beast. The beast roars as a sword is swinging toward its front legs. Shadows move and obscure the dragon’s vison as it swings its huge hammer like tail.

Holy fucking shit.

As the dragon is distracted, I am already changing. Bone snapping and reforming into something bigger, and something of more equal power. A dragon who needs no rider.

Black scales start to form where my arms once flexed. When the sunlight hits them at the right-angle purple replaces the dark as night scales. My head forms into a large reptilian snout and smoke bellows just behind the hundreds of fangs that start to fill this massive mouth. Wings start to spread and reach across my shoulders. My spine expanding the spikes of my beast until each pulsing spark moves toward the sky.  I roar and smoke and saliva fly from me. I can feel the fire building within my chest.

The blue dragon and his rider, stitched to its side, eyes both move in my direction.

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