Shifting Shadows - Chapter 74

Published at 24th of June 2024 01:18:26 PM

Chapter 74

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Ch. 74


Who the fuck and what the fuck binds a fucking Uscia dragon and stitches, like some cruel doctor’s experiment, its rider to its body. What the fuck are we dealing with?

I raise my wings and use my wind to push myself into the air. Each flap stirs the rumble beneath me until I am up high enough to look down at the clan…my only home, my closed and limiting home. The castle is in piece, no part is whole and I’m pretty sure I can see the throne room, or at least what use to be that room. Tables and chairs thrown around. A room that dictated much of my life in complete shambles so quickly. Shit.

I hear the beating of wings behind me. I move my skull and behind me in a formed line are the blue dragon, another a green one, and the last one, at the tail end of the pack a red dragon, rich and bright like the color of fresh blood from an open wound.


I bank upward and start moving my wings as fast as they will go. My shoulder groan in protest but keep going. Higher and higher until the air becomes chilled and thick, and my mind goes cloudy.

His smell, his touch, his mouth, his fangs...

And I am falling.

I tuck my wings close to my body and it starts cutting through the ash filled clouds.

The blue dragon banks left and soon the red follows, but the deep green one keeps flapping toward me. Flames dripping from its jaws.

The air moves over my scales, and I can feel my body becomes cold. The fire that started in me, changes.

As the bright stunning green dragon spreads its wings and opens it jaws, bracing for impact. I flay my wings open. The air catches the membrane between the bones within them. Stopping me just short of the green dragon’s grasp.

It starts deep within my core, and I can feel it move up my throat. Quicker than the fire moving through the green dragon. Once my jaws open ice, of all different shapes and size leave my distinct jaws. I watch as the ice moves through the air, thick and consuming the faint water in the sky. Hail starts raining down as the earth pulls the extra down to the ground below. But the larger pieces move toward my target and my wind moves them exactly where I want them.

I watch as ice cuts through the thick scales of the green dragons legs, wings, and sides. I even see cuts through its protective leathers. The green dragon’s side is bloody and its rider that is attached to... is falling to the ground below. The stitching that held him secure, cut precisely...

The green dragon roars and it echoes the sky around us. The green dragon tucks his wings close to it and starts free falling trying to catch up to its rider, but it won’t make it in time. I watch for a moment wondering about the rider’s family, his life, and how he got to this point, and sudden air escapes my lungs.

The blue dragon legs wrap around me, and his claw dig into my side. I roar and ice flies around as I whip my head. The blue dragon in a death grip and I can’t move my wings to free myself, and now we are falling.

Shit, fucking shit.

Think Mihaela. THINK.

The sound of air rushing past us making it feel like my ears are going to exploded. The blue dragon claws digging further into my hide, and in one movement its fangs are in my neck. Another dragon to add to my list of scars. Fuck.

I can’t move.


His voice.

My bones crack and my beast form is almost completed when the blue dragon banks unable to grab me once again. I use my jaws and bite into the dragons thick hide and hold on like my life depends on it...because well currently it does.

The blue dragon roars and twist its body and the force of the air has me releasing my jaws because I feel like they may snap apart. I’m rolling along its back to the other side of its body. I reach for anything to regain leverage, and my paw catches someone.

His eyes, green like the pine trees, watch me and tears stream down his ash covered cheek, and I freeze.

My body is unable to react until his green eyes close and he nods his head.

Again, I am thinking the rider’s families, their lives, and how that was ripped apart...

“I’m so sorry...” I say and with the wind and air around I feel like it get swept away until I see the tears increase and his eyes never open again.

I wrap my body over him and the blue dragon twist again, one claw on the left side of his chest, quick and painless, just like Devlyn taught me. The blue dragon roars and they turn into gasps until once again I am free falling. I stay over the rider and can feel the tears that start moving down my own face. Do I even want to experience this cruel world? Do I even want to live a life that could so easily be taken away?

Before I even have a chance to exhale my shaky breath, I am hit with what feels like an arrow and see a flash of red.

I feel my head sway into the blue dragon’s body. Pain moves through me in waves. My eyes flicker. I am falling...and fast.

My beast forms starts to fade, and my true forms comes to me like a welcoming carcass. My hair blowing and pulling against my scalp as air rushes past me. The quick air moves across my skin and the ice in my veins starts to faint, along with the heat at my fingertips. No wind to catch me.

Little bat...No... No... wake up!

His voice fills my skull...and it throbs. I can’t keep my eyes open. I can’t respond. I can’t do anything.

Sudden my world slows. The air around me turning from cries to a soft vibration. I feel something move across my skin...cold like a decayed corpse with a heat that makes me feel nausea.

Mihaela, wake up!

My eyes flutter and I see flames as they flap like wings that hiss as air passes through them. I blink again and a skinless face looks down at me in his humanlike arms. Teeth clinging together as he says....

“We’ve been looking for you.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!