Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:49:36 AM

Chapter 65: Don’t want to be popular on the 65th day (illegal meal (two in one)...)

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It's really fierce and cruel. Who loses and who wins is decided three times. Everyone blushes, their necks are thick, and they work hard.

This is destined to be a war without gunpowder.

The chaotic spring brother: crazy!

God is so fierce and cruel.

Blushing is a thick neck is suffocating a smile, rock-paper-scissors is indeed a handwork, after all, you can't get on your feet.

It is unsightly and tasteful. Even if you let them go, they can't do such a difficult thing. How could there be gunpowder in the rock-paper-scissors war.

Everyone is now completely let go, face to face, you come out of stones, I come out of cloth, for a while, it seems to be back to the kindergarten period.

Fairness, openness, and justice are really all on your own.

That's it, Dajia has really gotten into disputes. If it is really fighting, there may be no such thing. The main reason is that some young people don't speak martial ethics.

"Zong Shi, he punches too slowly, he deliberately."

"Shi, he lied to me, this shameless..."

Facing the grievance Baba's angry accusation, Shi Zhi felt like a kindergarten teacher.

She also came out urgently to supplement the rules.

"Don't be anxious to hear."

"If you want to have the Olympic spirit, anyone who plays tricks will be eliminated directly."

Her voice is not too loud, even a bit slow, but no one doubts the authenticity of her content.

With Shi Zhi showing up, everyone was finally honest.

Soon four lucky geese were born in this fierce battle and obtained the qualification for the advertising background board.


The newcomers of Shizhi Studio have learned through this lesson: It turns out that this is the cruel adult world, and it turns out that this is the cruel entertainment circle.

This is too fun, hahahaha!

Can they apply for more ways to fight? For example, see you in the Canyon of Kings, flying chess, really not good, throw dice?

Everyone's proposal was rejected by Shi Zhi.

She curled her eyebrows, "Can you be more serious, this is a serious matter."

People on the team want to ask, Sister Shi, are you serious?

However, they will still be observant. Now the company bosses are all replaced by Shizhi. Whether they can get a promotion or raise their salary is all up to Shizhi alone.

"Sister Shi Zhi is right, you guys are serious."

The rock-paper-scissors project was also carried forward in Shizhi's studio. In case of indecision, the rock-paper-scissors carried out a real confrontation with equal strength.

Never do any small movements, it's so refreshing.

These newcomers in the studio have developed well in the future, have made achievements in their respective fields, and have their fans.

Later in a variety show, there happened to be two artists from Shizhi Studio who met when they became a PK team.

A is very serious and asks B, do you want to fight against international conventions?

The rest of the guests who recorded the show were shocked, and they didn't care about grouping or grouping.

It's not, it's not, it's just playing a game. Didn't it make the brothers better before? Why are you fighting each other?

Even the audience raised their hearts when they saw this passage.

It turns out that these brotherhoods are all fake? !

Then they saw that the two started rock-paper-scissors and won two of the three games.


What kind of international practice is this fighting in the end! Not childish!

It's not just these two people. Sometimes Zhi Studio artists rock-paper-scissors scenes are exploded.

It is the international practice of Shizhi Studio.

The naive thing was Shi Zhi himself, who became naive even with a family of people.


Shizhi took the selected group of four to the place where the commercial was recorded, and two of them were more impressed.

The rap boy Ye Ziwen, young, with a kind of innocence, because Mr. Xu was sad to abandon them.

Now Ye Ziwen: Who is Mr. Xu? Who is Mr. Xu? He only knows Mr. Shi!

In sharp contrast to Ye Ziwen’s innocence, Gao Fan, who was sitting next to Shi Zhi, had a face that could be considered visible. Shi Zhi felt bored. How could he be so oily?

Gao Fan's luck was also good, and he stood out in the fight and became the top four player.

He directly followed Shi Zhi's nanny car, and sat next to Shi Zhi, talking to Shi Zhi nonstop along the way.

Before Gao Fan talked to Shi Zhi, he wanted to keep his heat up. If he could develop a relationship with Shi Zhi, it would be even better. Now Shi Zhi has become Gao Fan’s immediate boss, and he wants to communicate with Shi Zhi even more. .

"Sister Shi Zhi."

He did not call Shi Zhi Shi Zong.

Shi Zhi looked at Gao Fan, "Say."

The expression in his eyes was very calm, and Gao Fan flinched momentarily.

But he is not so easy to shrink back.

"If we two live on a desert island together..."

Shi Zhi, "No."

Gao Fan, "..." was choked.

"Isn't this, in case?"

Shi Zhi raised his eyebrows, "Why does such a bad thing happen."

What she did wrong, there must be such a case to punish him.

Gao Fan thinks he is not so bad, right!

However, Shi Zhi still followed Gao Fan's words and said, "In case, the two of us are living on the deserted island, only the two of us, and then we can't get out temporarily, right?"

Gao Fan, "Yes."

Shi Zhi thought for a while, "Then I will give you a nickname."

In fact, Gao Fan received a series of blows at the beginning. He felt that Shi Zhi could not move. He had already planned to shut up and make himself a little more decent, but he didn't expect to be a little bit decent.


Falling from the sky, love's nickname?

Gao Fan, "What is it?"

Shi Zhi smiled at him, "Friday."

Gao Fan: Why is it Friday, not Monday and Tuesday, because Friday is about to face a holiday for social animals, is it happier?

The car fell into momentary silence, and the driver said, "Friday, it seems quite familiar." Desert Island and Friday, I always feel that I have heard it somewhere.

Ye Ziwen hesitated for a while and said, "It's Robinson Crusoe. Did Robinson save the savage?"

Yes, that's the savage.

Robinson and Friday lived on a deserted island.

Gao Fan, "..." smiled politely and not awkwardly.

The atmosphere inside the car was excellent, and Brother Quan could also see what Gao Fan was thinking about, but it didn't work for Shi Zhi at all, Shi Zhi didn't get oil and salt.

Everyone was talking and laughing. Various discussions started based on Gao Fan's nickname. Suddenly, the brakes slammed and the body shook.

On the other side of Shi Zhi's assistant, sitting on the other side, he almost fell to the front, Shi Zhi gave her a hand.

The little assistant was in shock, "Thank you Sister Shi."

Shi Zhi asked the driver, "What's wrong?"

Ge Quan was also taken aback when sitting in the passenger seat.

The fierce driver always drove relatively steadily, and such a situation hardly happened.

The driver said, "That van seems to be looking away from me."

Because the van next to him had been waiting for him, he almost ran into the rest of the cars, which made the sudden brake just now.

Shi Zhi looked through the window, and there was indeed a black van that kept getting closer to their nanny car, deliberately and completely ignoring the danger.

The window was open, and there were men and women inside, waving in the direction of Shizhi's nanny's car.

"Shi Zhi, can you see us?"

"Uncle Shi, I love you!"

Brother Quan cursed and told Shi Zhi, "Bailiff."


Celebrities not only have fans, they have black fans, and they also have illegitimate meals.

In web search, illegitimate fan refers to a kind of celebrity fans who have extreme behavior and crazy style. In reality, they are all-pervasive. In order to satisfy their selfishness, they invade the celebrities’ daily lives and have an impact on the celebrities’ lives and work. , Which also seriously affected the rest of the people.

Car chasing like this is one of the behaviors that illegitimate fans would do. Some time ago, an artist had an accident because of a star chasing a car.

Shi Zhi almost understood it after Quan Ge described it.

Fans are not only Zhang Mingxia, but also those who write to her, and there are others like this.

The time when Tang Yunling was blocked, many of them were illegitimate meals.

"Can't let them chase cars like this."

"Too dangerous."

Shi Zhi felt that he still had to go on and talk about it, and Brother Quan wanted to stop Shi Zhi, but he didn't stop him.

According to Shi Zhi's statement, the driver stopped the car at a safer place and the van followed them all the time.

The **** fan probably didn't expect Shi Zhi to get out of the car. They were very pleasantly surprised.

Everyone is not too old, the oldest is in their twenties, and some seem to be minors.

Shi Zhi, "Do you know that chasing a car is dangerous?"

Asking means knowing, answering very simply, and proactively admitting his mistakes.

When Shi Zhi said he would not do it again, and when he hurried back, they were still very obedient and said they would not do it again.

Shi Zhi climbed into the nanny car again, "It's solved." It should be all right, they all assured her.

However, Brother Quan was not as optimistic as Shi Zhi.

He knows more as an agent.

Brother Quan pointed to the rearview mirror, "What do you think it is?"

Shi Zhi followed Quan Ge's instructions and looked over.

The van no longer blatantly left the car, but it did not leave as promised by Shizhi, and it was still following at a certain speed.

Brother Quan looked at Shi Zhi as if he was thinking, and actively changed the topic, fearing that Shi Zhi would be down.

"Normal, it means you are on fire now, isn't it?"

I'll shoot an advertisement in a while.


In Quan Ge's view, Shi Zhi is not so aggressive in general, and is completely disinterested in the usual tearing in the circle. The only time there is a draft about Yan pressure was released by Mr. Xu.

Then he was fired on the spot by the employee Shizhi.

However, Shi Zhi's attitude towards work has always been okay. The people on the team are worried that Shi Zhi will be affected because of his car chasing.

The group shopping software still attaches great importance to Shi Zhi. Someone greeted her outside, probably because Shi Zhi was angry with the beverage vendor. They were a little cautious when facing Shi Zhi and spent some time with Shi Zhi. Just let go.

Shi Zhi was really good at talking.

After Shi Zhi finished his makeup, the other four background boards also had to be aware of the fact that before the official recording time, Shi Zhi was there watching the ad slogan improvise.

"Do you want to fight down jackets? Winter belongs to me, and the remaining three seasons belong to you."

The shopping software staff hadn’t felt that Shi Zhi’s words were wrong, and waited for them to react.

? ? ?

The down jacket will return to Shizhi in winter, and the other three seasons will belong to others. There is an egg for use. Don’t you just wear it in winter!

Shi Zhi played with the advertising slogans before the filming, but waited for a small reminder from the staff nearby.

"Teacher Shi Zhi, it's about to start."

Shi Zhi, "Are you going to start shooting?"

After getting the affirmative statement, Shi Zhi's lazy uncle's breath disappeared, and he walked to the shooting location and began to speak the advertisements with eloquence.

Change your face in a second.

What is a profession, this is a profession!

The four young artists in the studio were stunned. Does Shi Zong have such skills!

Brother Quan, "Learn a little bit."


This group software advertisement is not too difficult. It is much easier than filming a TV series. Shi Zhi has a very high degree of cooperation and the director of the advertisement is also very satisfied. It was finished without a long delay.

Get out from there and go back into the car again.

Shi Zhi's team chatted endlessly with the four young artists in the studio. Shi Zhi didn't say much, but just watching them chatting was quite fun.

Then the assistant let out a cold breath.

"My mother, scared me to death."

"What's the matter with that girl, is it an illegitimate meal?"

Everyone followed the assistant's instructions.

Not far away, there is a young girl with good looks, wearing loose clothes and combing her bangs. She should be cute, but she has a gloomy temperament. The bangs almost cover her eyes. Up.

Shizhi was staring motionlessly at Shizhi.

Looking at it suddenly, it was indeed a little bit oozing.

When she was discovered, she was not afraid. Instead, she grinned, bared her teeth, and smiled at Shi Zhi.

It's like a kind of bian in the TV series.

Gao Fan, "She also chased cars."

She was also among the people chasing the car just now.

Brother Quan, "Stop talking, let's go quickly."

This time there was no black van behind them. The girl Qi Liuhai found a bicycle and rode with the car, but the speed was too slow and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.


Shi Zhi also received a harassing call as long as he had the beginning of being harassed by illegitimate rice.

"Hello, is it Shizhi, I like you so much..."

Shi Zhi was talking to everyone in the hotel room when he got on the phone, and the team members naturally heard the crazy confession from the man over there.

Brother Quan: Fuck!

Actually even got the phone.

The team already had an angry plan to take Shi Zhi's call and scold him over there.

Although Shi Zhi faced this situation for the first time, he was calm.

"Hello sir, do you want to buy a house, we have a house here..."

She has a sweet voice, with a surprise, she talks endlessly.

Over there, he was stunned, and then hung up the phone cursingly. Everyone heard him complain before he hung up.

"Fake numbers, a waste of Lao Tzu's money."

Shi Zhi pretended to be a house seller.

After this incident, no one really harassed Shizhi.

The assistant gave Shi Zhi a thumbs up.

Niu, you still have to look at Sister Shi.

Shi Zhi’s commercials were very fast, and Shi Zhi took four background boards to fight together.

Very magical.

Several friends of Shi Zhi's circle also found Shi Zhi, saying that he had been brainwashed.

When the other artists saw that when Zhi Zhi had obtained such an ad by relying on Digging Soso, they were puzzled. Is this all right?

Carry forward the fight.

Not only the feature film was released there, but Shizhi's tidbits were also released.

So everyone watched when Shi Zhi sat on the chairs and muttered over there, "Do you want to fight down jackets? Winter belongs to me, and the remaining three seasons belong to you."

There is still a second to become professional.

Netizens, "Hahahaha!"

They can also play.

"Do you fight for your husband? I make money during the day and you at night."

"Do you fight the phone? It belongs to me the year before, and you later."

Shi Zhi continued to return to the crew. Not long after she left the hotel, the hotel cleaning staff opened the room to clean, wearing loose clothes, as if a young girl who could drift away in a gust of wind appeared in front of Shi Zhi's room.


"Shi Zhi."

When Shi Zhi rushed to the crew, director Wang Mingchun greeted her over.

"This is the technical consultant I invited, Cheng Yu."

Director Wang Mingchun introduced the man around him to Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi asked him, "How much better?"

Cheng Yu is now standing.

In fact, even if Director Wang Mingchun didn't introduce him, Shi Zhi still saw Cheng Yu for the first time. Not only her, but everyone who walked into the room noticed him.

After all, he is tall and good-looking, with a straight waist, and his skin is probably not seeing the sun for a long time. It is white and reflective, with a sense of luxury.

Ning Jiachi said that Cheng Yu was a noble son before, and it made sense for him to imitate the other party before.

Director Wang Mingchun, "Know?"

Shi Zhi, "I have seen it."

I can't say that Cheng Yu is the fan who bounced up at the fan meeting.

Cheng Yu nodded towards Shi Zhi, showing a gentle smile, diluting the preciousness.

"much better."

The two didn't talk for too long. After all, Shi Zhi still had to work, and after Shi Zhi finished filming, she got a cup of hot black tea.

Everyone has it, and Cheng Yu treats it.

The other party was not far away, didn't talk much, and was quiet, Shi Zhi thought about it and walked over, first thanked Cheng Yu for his hot drink, and then asked.

"Why come to the crew as a technical consultant?"

Shi Zhi remembered that Cheng Yu's family was in a good family situation. This can be seen.

It's not just someone who carried him on a stretcher and gave him gold cakes.

Cheng Yu said, "The company is not busy, it just happens to be nothing to do, come here to earn some extra money, it is also considered to experience a variety of life."

He answered very sincerely.

Shi Zhi very much agrees with Cheng Yu's idea: I really should let Lu Zeming and Gao Fan come to see, don't always think about getting something for nothing, Cheng Yu will make money, even if he has money, he will not give up every opportunity to make money!

Assistant next to Cheng Yu.


They are obviously Internet companies that are famous for working overtime, and programmers stay up all night and stay bald.

Someone is shouting over there.

"Moving bricks, did you help me?"

Cheng Yu told Shi Zhi, "I'll do a favor."

Shi Zhi remembered that Cheng Yu should still be recovering, and asked casually, "Can you do it?" Or let someone else do it.

Cheng Yu had already walked over to help.

He worked very hard, and the suits that were carefully selected just to go to the runway were also soiled. The crew members who shouted for help were a little embarrassed. Cheng Yu completely became the main output force.

After moving the bricks, Cheng Yu told the director that there was still some time, and he had to leave first when he had something to do.

Now that there is no use for Cheng Yu, the director waved his hand.

After leaving the crowd, the assistant asked the people around him.

"Cheng, what are we going to do?"

What else needs to be dealt with.

Cheng Yu, "Go to the hospital."

He looked at the assistant and told him calmly, "...My waist flashed."

assistant Manager:? ? ? !

Did you move the bricks and flash your waist?


It was a little late to close today, and it was already dark when they returned to the hotel.

Shi Zhi's room was relatively large, and everyone was willing to join her. The team members ordered food together, and Shi Zhi solved it.

Some people are still working on Shi Zhi's variety shows, and some are studying the wind direction on the Internet. After dinner, Shi Zhi plays songs and reads scripts on the sofa.

She had decided on the script beforehand. After filming "Yin Yang Snack Shop", she would almost seamlessly join the group, taking the time to memorize it now when she has time.

The staff in the room came and went, and gradually there were fewer people. For a long time, only Shi Zhi himself was left.

Shi Zhi hardly moved any place, just changed a few script actions.

The little assistant sent a message to Shi Zhi that she was going to borrow some body milk, and she ran out of it.


The door of the room rang and was pushed open.

Someone poked his head out of it.

The little assistant just walked over there, was taken aback and let out a scream.

How can you not be afraid, in a good room, a stranger suddenly emerged from the cabinet, just like shooting a horror movie.

"Why are you here, who are you!" Who is she and when did she come in.

The little assistant seemed to have stepped on the cat's tail.

The other party was wearing loose clothes and combing her bangs. She said, "Can you make your voice smaller, it scares me."

Obviously she was scary in the way she appeared on stage, staying silently in other people's rooms, but now she complained that the assistant had scared her.

assistant Manager,"……"

Shi Zhi recognized the other party.

An illegitimate meal with a bicycle and a car, but she didn't expect the other party to follow her to the hotel and sneak into the room.

It's really dangerous.

Should I hide for a few hours? But why has it taken the initiative now?

Assistant: Too arrogant!

The **** fan looked at Shi Zhi and sent out a soul greeting.

"Are you not going to the bathroom?"

She was satisfied and very happy to see Shi Zhi at first. She planned to wait until the people in the room were almost gone, and left when Shi Zhi went to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, the people were scattered, but Shi Zhi hadn't moved in these few hours, and there was no tendency to go to the bathroom at all.

But her bladder couldn't help it.

Listening to the uncomfortable Buddhist music, the bladder is about to explode, it is almost like torture!

Shi Zhi almost understood what was going on now.

She was held in urine.

Bastard meal, "...may I borrow the bathroom?"

The assistant is also an eye-opener, she still has the face to borrow the bathroom?

Shi Zhi made a gesture, indicating that he could.

She felt that the other party was really unable to support it, as if it was about to collapse anytime and anywhere.

The illegitimate meal that was held up by the urine was solved in the bathroom, and she felt that she was finally alive. When faced with Zhizhi, she was a little nervous.

Just some.

Is it going to send her to the police station?

Shi Zhi was not as angry as her assistant, she looked at the schoolbag that the other party was carrying.

"Still in school?"

The tone is calm, like chatting with ordinary fans.


Shi Zhi glanced outside.

"Today's night is pretty good, since you are also bored, I am also bored, do you want to do something exciting?"

assistant Manager:? ? ?

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