Published at 3rd of July 2024 10:48:51 AM

Chapter 88: Don’t want to be popular for the eighty-eighth day (fishing is a mermaid (two in one)...)

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Shi Zhi learned that he was replying to acquaintances before he fell, and followed everyone's words.

"Yes, it's particularly tragic."

"It's sad, but life has to go on."

Recalling bitterness and thinking about sweetness, others comfort Shizhi, but fortunately it's better now.

He also said that this would send Shizhi something to eat to soothe her injured heart.

When Shi Zhiyun received special products, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

She is working with Cheng Yu now. To be precise, Cheng Yu is in the office and Shi Zhi is playing on the side.

Cheng Yushun passed by Shizhi's studio, and came in to take a look. Shizhi cleaned up the room and handled some things smoothly.

When Ge Quan came in, he was not surprised to see Cheng Yu. He was accustomed to Cheng Yu's existence. To be precise, the entire studio was familiar with Cheng Yu's existence.

She is simply the conch girl.

Brother Quan told Shi Zhi in a complicated mood, "You have lost your horse."

Shi Zhi wasn't very surprised, "Everyone knows that I am the richest man?" She is about to take off the poverty hat, right.

Shi Zhi didn't think about exposing this identity, but if someone discovered it, there was nothing to do.

I think you are watching Shi Zhi with a crazy look. Why does she always think that she is the richest man? Although Quan Ge admits that Shi Zhi is doing a lot now, she is still far from the richest man.

"Everyone knows that you have become a black fan before yourself!"

Shi Zhi: Her poor filter just disappeared.

Seeing Cheng Yu looking up at him, Shi Zhi cleared his throat and said to Cheng Yu, "I'll go out first."

Then he dragged his agent out.

"It's over."

Shi Zhi said this as soon as he left the house.

Although Brother Quan was in a complicated mood and behaved very serious, he was actually not very angry. He was shocked when he saw Zhi suddenly feel so depressed.

"In fact, it's nothing. Everyone thinks it's fun, and online reviews can be controlled."

Shi Zhi, "You shouldn't be in front of Cheng Yu, you should tell me quietly."

"My popcorn is gone."

Cheng Yu said he wanted to give her popcorn, and Shi Zhi was still looking forward to it.

Brother Quan:? ? ?

I thought something was wrong when I stepped on a horse. It turned out that the popcorn was gone.

And Cheng Yu hadn't avoided them before, and Cheng Yu would sometimes put forward constructive opinions.

Shi Zhi: Didn’t Cheng Yu say to give her popcorn this time?

Anyway, I already said, Shi Zhi can't blame Brother Quan, she is also curious, how was she discovered, was she recognized by the group members?

It was exploded by the marketing account.

Shi Zhi has not withdrawn from the group. Although he has been busy recently, he also bubbling up in the group from time to time. By the way, he collects a beautiful picture and takes a look at everyone's clips.

The gardenias in the group were all black fans before. When they were still black fans, everyone was very professional. After turning into fans, they became Shizhi’s powerful output, high-quality pictures and videos. Coherent and exquisite, even not inferior to the official group.

The problem is that Shi Zhi is chatting in the group.

The crew is large and the interpersonal relationship is complicated. The group performances are changed every day. Shizhi chat is filmed. The other party resolds them to the marketing account, so the marketing account is eloquent in small compositions.

[Shi Zhi pretends to be a fan in his fan base, what do you think? 】

Although it says what you think about it, in fact the small composition is very provocative. It is completely provocative. The marketing account’s point of view is that the main character is normal in the fan group, but the key is to hide it. Last name, pretending to be a fan, this is a bit inappropriate, right?

The marketing account has a lot of traffic, and I bought the data specially, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Netizens who did not know the truth were ridiculed by the marketing account.

"I also said that I don't care. Ms. Shi Zhi's character is a bit too much. If I don't care, I'm actually pretending to be a fan... I don't usually have a rainbow fart myself?"

Shi Zhi, fake! I don't care about it on the bright side, but the clouds are calm and gentle, but I actually care more than anyone! Isn't this pretending to be a fan?

Gardenia:? ? ?

Shi Zhi in the fan base?

Gardenia was also dumbfounded. It was totally unexpected that he would suddenly learn about such a situation, but everyone's response was very quick. First of all, you can't follow the marketing account. Someone is already planning how to deal with it.

The reversal is ushered in without planning.

"My mother, who said Shi Zhi pretends to be fans in the fan group? This fan group was a famous Shi Zhi black fan group before. I compared the avatars. Shi Zhi did it before the black fan group became a fan group. Come in."

Various pictures and time are also attached.

The black fan group also came out.

"Isn't this the member of the group who has been asked if there is any change in fans, is it still in the making? It turns out to be Shi Zhi?"

It turns out that the gardenias of the black pink group:...

Does this also show that they were all seen by Shi Zhi in the dark before?

Netizen:? ? ?

What kind of serial melon is this, this is too wonderful!

I thought that Shi Zhi was pretending to be a fan in his fan group, but I didn't expect to get here, but it was Shi Zhi who became his own fan in the black fan group?

This is much more interesting than the former.

Why did this happen? How did Shi Zhi enter the group? Netizens discussed a lot, and the previous black fan group also had the same doubts.

Shi Zhi... how did he get in?

"The culprit" Xia An'an, "..."

"I can explain."

Xia An'an has been immersed in happiness every day since she became a fan of Shi Zhi. Recently, she has become addicted to watching TV series. She has almost forgotten about putting Shi Zhi in the group until now.

Xia An'an: Although it's a bit embarrassing, we still have to have courage.

"When I was still a black fan, I went to a show and accidentally got into the wrong car..."

Xia An'an talked about the whole process in general. The black fan got on the wrong car and was not driven off. On the contrary, Shi Zhi claimed her own black fan title. Everyone had a good time. Xia Anan decided to absorb this black star talent, so outstanding. The black powder should be handed over to the organization.

Then Shi Zhi took root in the black powder group, without any violation and no one noticed.

Netizens said, "Even to carry forward, when black fans turn to gardenias, Shizhi himself is still determined to be a black fan?"



It's hard not to laugh!

This is too shameful!

Although it is known that Shi Zhi is a magical female star, and she has a lot of fun when she fan Shi Zhi, but everyone really did not expect that when there is no Shi Zhi variety show, she would have such happiness unexpectedly.

Combined with the previous video of Shi Zhi’s attitude towards black powder, the effect is better.

Shi Zhi didn't look at it, she chose to join the black fan, and she was very happy to see the screenshot of the chat with the black fan.

A netizen said, "There is nothing wrong with it at all. Uncle Shi told us not to hack others, but he didn't say that we can't hack ourselves. (dog head

"Does black yourself need to pay legal responsibility?"

"This question is a good question. The last such wonderful question was probably whether a pregnant woman beating is considered a gang fight."

In the front, Zhizhi chatted with the black fans, and the black powder turned into gardenia flowers. Every time he saw it, Zhizhi would send various pictures and videos of Shizhi to this unwavering little black powder.

Everyone can see some meaning from here.

"Is Shi Zhi pretending to be a black fan for stealing pictures?" They just said casually.

Shi Zhi was surprised, "Is this all discovered?"

After the team assistant read out the netizen's guess, Shi Zhi answered like this.

assistant Manager:? ? ?

Is the feeling true?

Shi Zhi received the pictures with great joy, but she still felt that her words were not cautious and needed to be corrected, "I am taking pictures in an upright manner, and everyone sends them to me."

Shi Zhi felt that he still had to go to the previous black fan group to say something.

In fact, when she first broke out, she planned to appear in the group, but at that time everyone's screen was too intense, Shi Zhi was dazzled, and temporarily stopped the thought. Now the group is suddenly quiet, she can come out. .

[Shizhi Black Fan] Because the incident was too unexpected, it was out of the circle. As a result, the number of people who joined the group was soaring. They all took a closer look at the black fan. Shizhi, the management has not released people for the time being, the more people are The more you need to be cautious and review it carefully.

They were a little embarrassed, after all, they were serious black fans before, and Shi Zhi watched them excitedly and all kinds of quotations from the meal circle were marked out.

Shi Zhi had just come out of his cheongsam dress. I don't know how many people in the group expressed greed about the body of the uncle Shi.

The more I think about it, the more embarrassed it becomes.

Shi Zhi took the lead in speaking, saying hello: hi.

Shi Zhi, "Hello Gardenias, I'm Shi Zhi, the photos are very well edited, and the video editing is also very good. After everyone's Amway, I also turned into a black fan."

Because Gardenia, who was still hesitating with her black fan status, she almost shed tears when she saw this sentence.

Hey, Shi Zhi is so sweet too!

However, everyone secretly warned themselves that they must be cautious in their words and deeds in the future.

The originally quiet group also had a lively chat, no less than the New Year, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Shi Zhi chatted with Gardenia for a while, and asked, "I saw that there are peripherals in the group, can I buy it?"

She had been interested in her surroundings before, but she had always been inappropriate to speak up. Now that everyone knows her anyway, she can be unscrupulous.

Around, want.

The management told Shi Zhi, "It doesn't cost money, it needs to be done, and it can be exchanged after a certain number of times."

Shi Zhi:...

Then she won't redeem, and doesn't want to do the task.

Shi Zhi thought that he could not do the task if he didn't need to be around, and the management told Shi Zhi, "But if you are a group member, you need to play the list."

The reason Shizhi didn't need to play the rankings in front was because she had not yet become a gardenia, and now that she has turned black, she needs to play the rankings.

Shi Zhi thought for a while and made a decisive decision, "I apply to return to my previous identity again."

Black turn to fans or something, wait a minute.

If everyone doesn't accept it, then...kick her.

The management girl is extremely sincere. The netizens thought that the matter was over, but they did not expect it to become a TV series.

Shi Zhi wanted his surroundings, and he didn't pay for gardenias. Even if he didn't need it, he still had to continue playing the rankings, forcing the uncle to put on his black pink vest on the spot.

Gardenia is really principled, and Shizhi is really brilliant.

What kind of fairy is around, give her quickly, look at the uncle in a hurry!

In fact, the people in the fan group were also taken aback by the upright management. They said on the spot, Princess Shizhi, there are surroundings here and I can give it to you.

Shi Zhi didn't want it, and it was not easy for everyone to work hard to get the rankings, so she wouldn't compete with everyone.

However, Shi Zhi still received the surroundings he wanted.

Cheng Yu gave Shizhi, besides the surroundings, there was also popcorn that Shizhi talked about.

Shi Zhi turned around and looked at the surroundings, curious, "Is this collected?"

Cheng Yu said, "No matter how high the price of your surroundings is, there are not many gardenias to sell." There is no price in the market.

Surrounding Cheng Yu is in charge of printing. Although he woke up not too early, he has already gotten into the Shizhi fan management with his professionalism and arrogant style.

Cheng Yu explained clearly before Shi Zhi spoke, that this is not a use of relationship, "I am also on the list."

He should have had several copies.

Shi Zhi, "Boasting!"

"High mental consciousness." Thumbs up.

Cheng Yu: He thinks Shi Zhi is complimenting the children.

But his face started to get hot.

In addition to the peripherals obtained from Cheng Yu, the fan club at the back also sent Shi Zhi to Shi Zhi. Shi Zhi You Cheng Yu gave it to her. With the consent of the fan club, they sent them a forwarding lottery.

The popcorn that Cheng Yu sent over was old-fashioned popcorn, and it tasted very fragrant. The team members saw it on the table and tried to get it, but Shi Zhi yelled it.

She ordered caramel popcorn for everyone. Those old-fashioned popcorn belonged to her.

Brother Quan knew who gave the popcorn, and he was also puzzled.

"What have you been doing?"

When he saw that Zhi Zhi and Cheng Yu were meeting more and more people, Cheng Yu could now completely replace him as a secretary. It was obviously not for Zhi's agent at that time.

At that time, Zhi Zhi was in contact with Cheng Yu, what did he think?

Shi Zhi, "Solve the mystery."

Brother Quan, "..."

I believe you a ghost!

Shi Zhi was indeed solving mysteries, and Cheng Yu had a secret in her body, which made her curious and wanted to explore more and understand more deeply.

Although the housekeeper can't stay with Shi Zhi all the time, he also noticed that in addition to normal shooting, Shi Zhi would also run to Cheng's house.

Steward, "Does the eldest lady often go fishing at Cheng's house?"

Shi Zhi was surprised, "In fact, I didn't go there often. I went there a few times."

The housekeeper groaned for two seconds, and showed a sorry expression to Shi Zhi, "The fish pond at home seems to be a little smaller."

"It is my negligence for not considering this."

"Actually, I suggest buying a lake directly. Now the place is a bit smaller and it is not suitable, but you can find a lake with better clean water and build a resort area. When the lady wants to fish, she will directly take a private jet... You can also pack one in the nearby suburbs. Although the quality of the lake is not as good as outside, it is better to be close because of the impact of environmental pollution."

"I have already identified the lakes. Miss, look at which lakes you are interested in...or, which lakes are you interested in."

Shi Zhi, "..."

The lake really didn't need to be bought, she didn't need it, and she wasn't interested in fish ponds when she went to Cheng Yu's house, not for fishing.

The housekeeper knows: It turned out to be fishing.

What kind of fish are you catching? It's a mermaid.

Shi Zhi was still talking to the housekeeper about solving puzzles. In her opinion, understanding Cheng Yu was walking through the maze.

The steward corrects in his heart, it is a fish.

Cheng Yu Cheng Yu, isn't there a fish behind?

The butler has actually counted it before, but now he is just verifying his ideas, and the face remains the same.

"How is Missy's puzzle-solving progress? Anything to discover?"

Shi Zhi is very serious, "Cheng Yu cooks delicious food and pops popcorn. He should be in good shape, probably with abdominal muscles... I guess."

She saw that Cheng Yu's family had fitness equipment, and there should be traces of frequent use, and that Cheng Yu should also have abdominal muscles.

Also, Cheng Yu, the more I look at it, the more pleasing to the eye, the more I stay together, the more comfortable it feels.

The housekeeper made a special investigation into the process, and his appearance and ability were indeed much higher than the popular male celebrity he wanted to invite Shi Zhi to eat and talk about his life at the time.

The butler was very pleased, "Master, have you seen it? You can rest in peace, the eldest will finally be able to pick up the cabbage."

The arch is still high-quality cabbage.

Can he finally knock the candy?

Of course, the butler did not tell Shi Zhi, he expressed his heartfelt blessings to Shi Zhi.

"I wish Miss Cheng an in-depth understanding of Cheng Yu as soon as possible."

Shi Zhi nodded, she was indeed working hard, but the latter product felt that this was a little strange.

"Shizhi has been on hot searches all day. I think she is listed on the hot search. Fans boast about Shizhi's acting skills. I didn't see any awards she won."

Shi Zhi honestly filmed in the crew, and his enthusiasm remained unabated. When a love observer was a background character, he still shined, always blocking the interests of some people, so voices like this also appeared.

Cheng Yu: Bring up his 40-meter big knife.

It is enough for him to use a mechanical keyboard.

After a series of data is thrown down, the ratings and box office are the most powerful counterattack.

Gardenia also feels that Princess Shizhi is always suffering from unwarranted disasters, but she doesn't need fans to fight her face. The key is to look at Shizhi.

"Yin Yang Snack Shop" was nominated for many TV awards, and Shi Zhi also entered the competition for best actress. When this voice quietly emerged, a best actress nomination was passed.

Gardenia:! !

The history is surprisingly similar. Last time Shi Zhi was caught by a dark variety show, and Shi Zhi was invited by the great director to make a TV series; now a new black method has emerged, and their Princess Shi Zhi is nominated for Best Actress.

Too proud!

Spring's long-lost bgm was also broadcast again.

"Good Days" must have.

According to Quan Ge, "The opponents who are shortlisted this time are strong, but the ratings of "Yin Yang Snack Shop" are high, and your performance in it is also good, and you are still competitive... Of course, if you are not selected, don't be sad. "

Assistant, "Sister Shi will not be sad."

Shi Zhi paid a little attention when he knew this, and soon continued to read the script like a okay person.

She was indeed unaffected, and everything was nothing on her side.

Brother Quan, "..."

To attend the awards ceremony, Shi Zhi needs to ask for a leave of absence from the director of "When the Wind Rises". Shi Zhi's progress is very fast here, and the shooting went smoothly. The director has no reason to let others go. He also wished Shi Zhi a good time this time. Get behind the sight.

If Shi Zhi got the look behind her, her value would continue to rise again, which would be a good thing for their TV series.

This time the styling team did it very carefully and carefully checked the dress. Shi Zhi was still vividly remembering the scene of Shi Zhi wearing a down jacket and walking on the red carpet.

Shi Zhi advises the team members not to be nervous, she won't.

"Not this day. It's not suitable to wear down jackets."

"Wear a raincoat at most."

It's raining.

The organizer didn't let everyone stay outside this time. There was an indoor red carpet. A notice was given. Shi Zhi saw Ye Ziwen's speech while in the nanny car.

Assistant, "They are still very interested."

Go on hot search, go on hot search.

This time he will use six of them and bring Shi Zhi on the hot search.

Make bold rhetoric.

Shizhi’s hot searches were too frequent, which caused controversy. Gardenia fought back. Anyway, it was not bought with money.

Some reporters will also look for Shier to interview Shizhi's artists. Not only does she have a passion for herself, but the popularity of her artists is also not low. The six talents in the draft are Shizhi's most successful work after setting up a studio.

Ye Ziwen learns from Shi Zhi and wants to play as long as he wants to play, and they will also take care of the hot search.

The six people also specially sent messages to Shizhi in the group.

"Mr. Shi, you used to take us to the hot search, now we are here to take you!"

Milk the Gardenia cub.

Especially the newcomers of Shizhi Studio have a deeper feeling about this. Their company is poor, Shi is always poor, but it is not hard to pull them to their present appearance (?), finally they also have a enthusiasm, so today’s enthusiasm Search and give it to them.

Fans of Liuzi are also ready, isn't it just to bring mother-in-law on the hot search, what a big deal!

Now that the husband has already shouted, how can they contribute to the hot search for the mother-in-law.

Ready to fight.

Ye Ziwen and the others were moved by themselves.

After reading it, Shi Zhi said, "It's a grade two."

But everyone is happy, if you take her, everyone is more happy.


Shi Zhi meets the six sons of his studio at the door, and the six sons can't wait to talk about their thoughts.

They have no film and television works and do not participate in the awards. They come as performers.

I plan to call Shizhi's name at the end of the performance to give thanks.

"In this case, your name will be on the hot search with us."

When Shi Zhi looked at the six strangely dressed up for the stage, she began to retreat.

Have to think of a way to pretend not to know them.

Shi Zhi was still not cruel, and his six pairs of eyes were jumping for joy.

Shi Zhi: To accompany and kill Matt.

When Shi Zhi saw that Ye Ziwen did not bring an umbrella, the staff was still assigning them, and asked Ye Ziwen, "Should I open an umbrella for you?"

Ye Ziwen had already jumped under the Shizhi umbrella, "Okay, okay."

Shi Zhi was holding an umbrella, and Ye Ziwen was standing under it. Even if it rained, there were dedicated staff and fans watching.

Ye Ziwen greeted the fans a few times, only to feel that he was gradually getting out of the range of the umbrella. Gradually, he was completely isolated from the outside of the umbrella. The ruthless cold rain patted his face indiscriminately. He looked at the inside of the umbrella. Shi Zhi, Shi always shielded herself tightly, and there would not be a drop of rain on her clothes.

? ? ?

Ye Ziwen's face appeared a little dazed.

Shi Zhi went on the hot search again, still hanging with the six names of the studio, the star chasing girl was still at a loss when she saw this hot search.

The award ceremony shouldn't start, right? Brother (brother) hasn't performed yet, right? They didn't repost and like, and they did something for their mother-in-law.

It was Shi Zhi who used his own ability to go up. He took pictures of the umbrella and blocked Ye Ziwen out of the umbrella. Ye Ziwen's dazed expression looked like a child missed by careless parents.

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