Published at 12th of June 2024 06:32:42 AM

Chapter 13

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Chapter 13

Wen Qian got up early to finish dinner after the end of the holiday, moved her computer downstairs to the coffee table, and went online to download videos.

Wen Qian even shopped online for some USB drives, transferring things she had previously downloaded on her computer, as she was not very good with computers and had not deleted the movies and TV shows she had downloaded before.

Thinking that she might not have the chance in the future, Wen Qian even planned to buy a DVD player, one that could play discs and plug in USB drives.

Although they have been mostly phased out now, they can still be bought online, and the prices are not expensive either.

Wen Qian shopped on her mobile phone while listening to news broadcasts, buying charging flashlights commonly used in rural areas, and hand-cranked flashlights. She placed orders for home solar panel boards.

Now even slightly larger villages or road junctions in the countryside have installed solar street lights.

Wen Qian also ordered several radios for herself, some hand-cranked, some solar-powered.

The next day when Wen Qian woke up, she had been having fewer and fewer dreams recently. She was busy hoarding things, which consumed too much energy, and she had been sleeping very soundly every day.

Whether she dreamed or not, Wen Qian was worried. But there was no solution to the anxiety and fear, the only thing that could alleviate it was to make preparations to the best of her ability.

Once she started work, Wen Qian did not stop except to go to the bathroom and drink water. Her colleagues said she was too diligent, sometimes even calling her but she could not hear.

Amidst many distractions, Wen Qian felt it was a good thing that she could still stay focused, although she felt her eyes and cervical spine were not so good after staring at the computer screen for so long.Explore new novels on novelbin(.)com

Especially her cervical spine, sometimes when working overtime she would feel dizzy. There were employees who had started the company with the boss. One of them could no longer get out of bed due to cervical spine problems.

To avoid having this kind of problem when she got older, Wen Qian could only put reminders on post-its to get up and move around every now and then, but the effect was limited.

Work time passed quickly. At lunch, a male colleague next to her lamented the dire situations in foreign news as he looked at his phone.

"Last year's wildfires are only being extinguished now? I don't think they're extinguished, there's just nothing left to burn now."

The female colleague next to him also shook her head: "You probably haven't seen the latest news yet. There's another new fire somewhere else. It feels like they never stop."

"It feels like there are particularly many disasters this year?"

"No, it was like this before too, you just didn't pay too much attention. Disasters happen on Earth every day."

Wen Qian listened to everyone and nodded, "That's true, if you search, things like this happen every year. It's just that our environment is relatively peaceful, but natural disasters are still quite common every year."

Wen Qian decided she would first see if anyone else posted similar posts. With so many people in the world, there must be some who were worried like her.

Imagined things must have at least some basis in reality. There must be similar people with similar concerns, right?

Wen Qian decided to post when she got home today.

After work, while Wen Qian was waiting for the bus, she checked the delivery path of her packages to see where her things had arrived.

Wen Qian had already attracted the attention of the staff at the delivery station near her residence because she had so many packages. They would call to remind her how many had arrived that day.

Fortunately, Wen Qian used separate addresses for her three shopping apps, otherwise it would be even more eye-catching if they were all in one place.

Wen Qian would be leaving in the future. Even if she bought a lot of things now and was remembered, it did not matter.

Not revealing one's wealth was something Wen Qian had been taught since she was very young.

From primary school to university, almost every school Wen Qian attended had thieves. The thieves were never caught, so Wen Qian was very careful about preventing theft.

Thieves were not necessarily poor, some were addicted, some found it thrilling, some felt their things were not as good as others' so they stole them.

In primary school coins from the drawer may have gone missing, or a newly purchased protractor disappeared.

In middle school a newly bought padded jacket hanging in the hallway was taken away.

In university everyone in the dorm had their laptops stolen, and high quality fitted sheets hanging outside were sometimes stolen too.

The more Wen Qian thought about it, the more she felt she should buy more tools for self defense.

Things that could be used for self defense all had a certain lethal capability, so they were basically prohibited from being sold both in physical stores and online.

Whenever Wen Qian saw officials confiscating knives, guns and the like, she found it incredible. There were even machine guns, mortars and other weapons turned in by the public.

She did not know how all these people obtained them. Could they really all have been family heirlooms?

But in any case, Wen Qian had to prepare tools for self defense.

This had to go from plan to execution.

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