Published at 12th of June 2024 06:31:45 AM

Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Wen Qian did not fully understand the feelings of a pregnant woman, but she could see that the other party seemed anxious.

So she suggested that she prepare some things for the baby. Since she was worried about the environment not being good for the baby after birth, she should try to create a good environment for the little one.

However, Wen Qian first advised her to decide whether to give birth and have her confinement period in her hometown or go to the city.

This decision was up to her, Auntie Chen had no opinion either way. After all, they also hoped that the third generation would be born in a better environment, and she could go to the city to take care of them if needed.

In the end, Fang Ya decided to give birth and have her confinement period in her hometown.

If she could have a natural birth, it would be best to return home early.

So in May, Chen Ming took leave and came back, driving with his family to the town hospital. The baby was born within the expected due date. Fortunately, it was only raining, and the temperature was not low, plus it was a natural birth.

They soon returned home, and Fang Ya began her confinement period in her hometown.

Auntie Chen racked her brains every day to make confinement meals for her, and the chickens at home did not escape unscathed.Yoouur favorite novels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Auntie Chen bought chicks and raised them in the cow shed because at this time, if the chicks went out in the rain, they would get sick and die, so they had to be kept indoors.

With a new baby in the family, the mother's milk supply was still sufficient, and they had also stocked up on plenty of infant formula, so there was no worry about the baby not having milk to drink.

During the confinement period, Wen Qian came to take a look at the newborn baby, who was indeed very tiny.

The little girl's nickname was "Tangyuan" (Sweet Rice Ball), because she was the family's first baby in over 20 years, and everyone was very excited.

It rained continuously, and Auntie Chen's cloth diapers were not put to use because she knew they were difficult to wash and dry, and the smell from drying them inside was unpleasant. So she simply bought more disposable diapers and pants to change directly.

Since it was raining, there was little sunshine, and the newborn baby had a slight jaundice.

Many people would sunbathe to treat jaundice, but at this time, even sunlight was scarce, causing Fang Ya some anxiety.

However, the parenting book said that physiological jaundice would subside on its own in a week or ten days. Only pathological jaundice required intervention.

Fortunately, the baby's jaundice subsided naturally, putting her mind at ease.

Wen Qian came to visit and brought some fresh fruits and a red envelope gift.

In this weather, the baby probably wouldn't be able to have any activities, so since Wen Qian had a close relationship with them, she gave the red envelope directly.

Many residential areas became flooded, with some people dying from electrocution in the water, while others passed away because they could not be reached by ambulances due to illness.

At this point, Fang Ya felt that it did not matter where she had her confinement period, as long as her family members were safe.

Since they lived in a hilly area with a gentle slope, there were no major issues like collapses, landslides, or mudslides.

However, the rain was too heavy, and some of the ridges in the terraced fields below were slightly washed away, but it was not a big deal.

The rain was so heavy that Wen Qian did not go out but stayed at home doing chores or recording white noise videos during the downpour.

However, now that it was raining every day, netizens became sick of this sound.

Previously, the sound of rain was the most soothing for sleep, but now hearing it made them angry and annoyed.

So Wen Qian started recording videos of herself cooking in the kitchen, always making large pots of food.

Because she liked to eat fried dough twists, during this period at home, she experimented with making dough.

After several attempts, she made fried dough twists that she was quite satisfied with.

Then, following this method, she started making fried dough twists and steaming buns.

While white noise was no longer popular, delicious food always had its fans, so Wen Qian regularly converted the extra income into cash for emergencies.

In any case, she would not keep it on cards or her phone.

After several days of heavy rain, the street along the river was once again hit by flooding.

Videos taken by nearby spectators showed the river roaring, and the street had turned into another river.

The houses there were submerged, with conditions worse than ten years ago when the water level reached about 2 meters, but this year it was over 3 meters.

Some people regretted not moving their belongings to the third floor, but with such heavy rain, the water could not drain fast enough, causing leaks in many rooms on the third floor as well.

However, fortunately, there were warnings, so there were no casualties, except for people who drowned while trying to salvage items from the floodwaters.

After the flood, each household was disinfected and given water purification tablets.

This was just the situation on the street. In some flat towns, the losses were even more severe, with some people not even having a chance to escape and drowning in their homes.

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