Published at 12th of June 2024 06:31:06 AM

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Though startled for a moment, Fan Dongdong quickly regained his composure, shifting from fear to delight.

"Hello, hello! Are you here for cycling too? Which direction did you come from?"

Wen Qian had already closed the door, but as the other person's voice grew closer, Wen Qian stood by the window: "I came from Xia Province."

"Oh, it seems we came from opposite directions then, I came from Qing Province."

Fan Dongdong threw his bike by the entrance and walked over, his expression excited.

"Ah, it's been so long since I've encountered another person. I've been camping alone recently. I was quite startled when I saw the abandoned shack, never expecting to actually meet you here.

"Are you alone? How many days have you been cycling?"

"I haven't tidied myself up in a while, but it doesn't matter since no one's around," he laughed.

Wen Qian watched as the other person chattered on incessantly, not caring whether she responded or not, probably because it had been so long since he last spoke to anyone.

He was now letting out all the pent-up words he had accumulated.

Of course, Fan Dongdong realized he was talking too much, so after that he said he would go find a room to set up his tent first.

The other person appeared to be in his twenties too, but his face was blotched with dirt, his hair greasy, looking like he had been cycling for a very long time.

Fan Dongdong chose the room farthest from Wen Qian, also on the first floor, and quickly set up his tent before inquiring about Wen Qian's route.

Of course, when asking others, he would first explain the route he had taken. Fan Dongdong traveled from Shu Province through Qing Province, now in Xia Province, and still planned to go to Jiang Province.

After reaching Jiang Province, he would take a train home.

For him, the most treacherous and highest altitude portions had already been traversed.

When he asked Wen Qian, she told him she started from Xia Province, went to Qing Province, and would then return home.Yoouur favorite novels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Fan Dongdong sighed: "Ah, it really is the case that our future paths are opposite. I had hoped to have a companion on the road."

The quality of food and accommodation didn't matter, having no one to talk to was the hardest part, feeling like cobwebs were growing in his mouth.

Afterwards, Fan Dongdong prepared dinner, which was instant noodles cooked with mineral water.

He also asked Wen Qian what she wanted to eat. Wen Qian said she would have instant noodles too, of course eating the same as others since there was someone else present.

However, just having plain instant noodles wasn't enough, so Wen Qian added baby cabbages and sausages to hers.

Soon, the familiar aroma of instant noodle seasoning packets wafted through the air. After cooking, Fan Dongdong ate in the hallway outside the rooms, occasionally chatting with Wen Qian.

Wen Qian's door was open, and she sat by the entrance eating.

The person glanced behind Wen Qian, trying to confirm if she was alone.

This place wasn't large - whether looking through the windows or the entrance, the rooms inside were all visible.

Although he didn't believe she could travel alone, Wen Qian was indeed alone.

"You really are alone, huh."

Wen Qian said: "Aren't you alone too?"

"That's different." With that, the person chose the room next to Wen Qian's. "I'll stay here tonight. Say, you're alone here, aren't you scared? Let me stay next door and keep you company."

Wen Qian felt something was off, but this wasn't her territory, so she couldn't say much.

After putting his belongings down, the person poked his head out again to chat with Wen Qian: "Why did you come here?"

"Then why did you come here?" Wen Qian responded with the same question.

"Just wandering around."

Wen Qian: "I'm just wandering around too."

The person laughed: "Then we're quite like-minded."

Wen Qian still didn't respond, inwardly mocking, "Like-minded, my foot."

The person continued unprompted: "People who travel this route, some do it as a challenge to themselves, some want to see the beautiful landscapes. Of course, there's also a possibility that some heartbroken people come here to purify their souls."

Seeing Wen Qian's silence, the person smiled: "I'm just kidding, haha."

In daily life, Wen Qian could easily perceive from others' words and actions whether they looked down on her, because it's something that can't be hidden.

If someone is careless, blunt, or harsh, making it part of their character or persona, then they won't choose when, where, or with whom to express it - simply put, they'll act that way anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

But some people are different. They'll be tactful with their superiors, paying attention to details and using language carefully while displaying emotional intelligence. Yet with their colleagues, they won't do the same.

Some will immediately speak harshly to their family members, but be polite to strangers.

Others will speak with decorum when facing stronger individuals, but when facing weaker people, they'll either mock and ridicule, or recount the person's embarrassing moments, completely unconcerned about the person's displeasure.

This person had not even set up his tent before asking Wen Qian all sorts of questions - where she was from, how old she was - and never first offered his own information, only persistently questioning Wen Qian.

Seeing Wen Qian not responding, he muttered to himself: "Ah, I asked the wrong thing, girls are sensitive about age, I shouldn't have asked a girl her age."

From his words and facial expression, Wen Qian felt this person was less reliable than Fan Dongdong before.

This was not at all proper etiquette between strangers.

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