Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 110

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:36:44 AM

Chapter 110: Let’s Break Up Now

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Chapter 110: Let’s Break Up Now

I remember now, Sonya murmured. This is the Destiny Questionnaire.The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Destiny Questionnaire?

She nodded slightly. This is a very rare virtual world mechanism that comes in many forms. What weve encountered is the simplest paper questionnaire version. If we answer correctly, we can ask the virtual world any question and it must provide an answer.

We can ask anything? Ashe said in surprise. So if I ask how to attain immortality and invincibility in this world, it would also answer?

Yes! Sonya nodded affirmatively. But the quality of the virtual worlds answers depends on the number of your correct responses. The more you answer correctly, the more detailed its answers will be.

In fact, compared to the reward of asking the virtual world questions, most sorcerers actually value the Destiny Questionnaire itself more because the questions asked in the Destiny Questionnaire are about the sorcerers future.

Questions about the future?

Right. The questions here are about things the sorcerer has not yet experienced, so theres no way for them to know the correct answers. They can only infer based on the past to guess the future. Sonya looked at the paper and said softly, Its said that whatever future is mentioned in the Destiny Questionnaire will inevitably become reality.

Ashe uttered an oh and said, Whats your question then?

Sonyas pupils suddenly constricted. She spoke as if nothing had happened, I dont want to tell you.

Why not? Wouldnt discussing it together make it easier to find the right answer?

Oh please, dont pry into a girls privacy, how disgusting, Sonya said in feigned disgust.

Sorcerers still care about privacy

Ashe grumbled, seeing Sonya intentionally covering the paper. He thought she was really shy, but suddenly felt something was off.

When it came to power and her future, the swordswoman had never been ambiguous. Although she occasionally had a bad temper, there was no denying that she was a good teammate, never dragging the team down in virtual world explorations. Whenever she needed to contribute, she did so without hesitation.

The Destiny Questionnaire was undoubtedly an extremely rare opportunity. In this situation, would the swordswoman really refuse to cooperate due to shyness and prefer to answer incorrectly rather than discuss it with Ashe?

Maybe for others, but the swordswoman was someone who could shout You have no dreams but can protect my dreams in front of him. Her greed was even recognized by the game, with Bond Resonance Greed being the best proof of her ambition.

Moreover, Ashe and her were from two different worlds,no matter how many of her secrets Ashe knew, it wouldnt affect her reality one bit. Putting on an act of purity in front of Ashe was useless anyway.

It was as if a laser beam pierced his head and Ashe had a flash of insight. Is your question related to me?

Sonyas body froze.

She knew now was the best time to deny it. She should contradict it with humor, disdain, and astonishment, then disgustedly throw out a Stop prying into a girls privacy! to dispel all his doubts.

Just lie, just conceal, only consider her own interests, and nip anything unfavorable to her in the bud.

So I dont think its option 1 either, Im more inclined to think its 3, unequal distribution of spoils.

Are you insinuating theres a problem with the current spoils distribution system?

No problem now, but after you break out of prison, your appetite may grow. Who knows what will happen then

Pfft, I see youre the greedy one making unreasonable demands. For the greater good I have to tolerate you, but eventually cant stand it anymore and have to part ways with a freeloader like you!

Speak conscience, from the beginning until now, which battle was I not the one contributing the most, outputting the most damage? Tsk tsk, observer, youve revealed your foxy tail. You must be planning to reduce my share of the spoils in the future!

Even if I adjust the shares, it will certainly be for good reason. Ive always been fair and impartial, never doing underhanded things

Who was it saying just now that if selected for the Blood Moon Tribunal, they would incite a massive prison riot? Who was it~?

Although they were discussing very serious future matters, the two spoke lightly and jokingly, causing Sonyas mood to gradually relax.

She had been worried that bringing up this destiny question might cause the observer to become suspicious and resentful, but his attitude dispelled all her concerns.

Many things were like this when you dont see it as a problem, it ceases to be a problem.

1 is wrong, 2 is wrong, 3 is wrong. Sonya said impatiently, Then which option do you think is correct?

I actually dont think any of them are correct answers. If I split up with you, there must be another reason.

What reason?

For example, youre not strong enough.

Sonya was startled. What do you mean?

That is, you might not be able to keep up with my pace of improvement in the future, Ashe said. Then I meet an operator stronger than you, naturally youll become useless.

This was the most sensible reason in Ashes opinion although there was only the swordswoman operator for now, that didnt mean shed be the only one in the future. Wasnt it very normal for initial characters to not keep up later in gameplay for a mobile game? There would surely be stronger operators to draw in the future, then Ashe would naturally stop putting the swordswoman in his team.

Sonya was so angry her hands and feet turned cold, her shoulders trembling. So you want to abandon me because Im not strong enough?

Not abandon per se, just that you might not be suited to me then, could even drag down my progress. For both our sakes, wed have to temporarily part ways, itd be better for you and me

No need to wait for the future, lets split up now!

Huh? Ashe was taken aback.

Was this Destiny Questionnaire so effective it became real right away!?

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