Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 112

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:36:42 AM

Chapter 112: Myself from a Different Time is Not Myself

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Chapter 112: Myself from a Different Time is Not Myself

Based on Ashe and Sonyas situation, asking the Golden Fish was undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice.

Spirits they lacked them, but Fates answers could not simply hand over a spirit directly. This was a Q&A, not a wish granter.

Miracles they were not lacking much in this aspect, and with their number of correct answers, the Virtual Realm would most likely not provide a detailed miracle formula at most, only pointing them toward a specific direction of miracle research.

As for quickly improving the proficiency level of their spellcasting disciplines, the fastest method would undoubtedly be taking Experience Orbs. And the origin of Experience Orbs were creatures of knowledge. The Virtual Realm could at most point them toward suitable creatures of knowledge, not directly taking an orb out from such a creatures body and giving it to them.

After thinking it through, the three factors of spirits, miracles, and proficiency provided only decorational improvements. What truly determined a sorcerers combat power were undoubtedly the number of virtual wings and the level of arcane energy!

As long as they advanced to two wings, they could adventure in the Time continent and obtain two-winged spirits!

As long as they advanced to two wings, their arcane energy could continue growing!

As long as they advanced to two wings, Ashe could use his golden arcane energy to fully activate the two-winged spirit Sword, greatly increasing the defensive power of the Miracle Sword Barrier. This would provide greater assurance when breaking out of prison!

The reason Ashe was so eager to improve the swordswomans sword mastery to golden grade was that he hoped after she advanced to two wings, she could bring him to smuggle into the Time continent. And now there was an even better smuggling opportunity!This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Of course, if they directly asked the Golden Fish, the Virtual Realm would definitely not provide a very detailed answer.

However, there was an obvious loophole in the Fate Q&A no matter how many correct answers a sorcerer had, if the question was a matter of right or wrong judgement, the Virtual Realm would definitely provide the right answer!

For example, if a sorcerer was stuck in their research on a certain miracle, and had tried all possibilities leaving only two directions A and B, then asking the Virtual Realm whether direction A was right, the Virtual Realm could only answer yes or no, naturally also knowing whether direction B was right or wrong.

If it was a master logician, they could even construct a complex right-wrong judgement question to have the Virtual Realm eliminate multiple doubts for them.

For example, if Ashe asked Will I see the swordswoman sleeping beside me when I wake up one day 10 years later?, with the key points being one day 10 years later, wake up, and swordswoman sleeping beside.

Wake up was a necessary element, Ashe could not stay in the Virtual Realm every night, sleeping in lazily was a luxurious and wonderful enjoyment that Ashe definitely wanted to experience occasionally.

And swordswoman sleeping beside was a controllable element, Ashe could completely remember this and have her act it out and sleep beside him in the future.

The only uncontrollable element was one day 10 years later.

If the Virtual Realm answered yes, then naturally there was nothing more to say, Ashe could directly confidently call the swordswoman his wife.

If the answer was no, there were two possibilities either Ashe and the swordswoman had broken up by then, so the swordswoman refused to even act it out; or the Virtual Realm believed Ashe would not live past 10 more years.

Therefore, when the Virtual Realm was stingy with its answer quality, asking right-wrong judgement questions was the most cost-effective choice, at least it would not provide useless information.

After briefly discussing, they decided to ask the Virtual Realm different questions in succession:

Does the Golden Fish need to be seen through a specific ritual?

Questions like Where is the Golden Fish or How can I find the Golden Fish would definitely not get a detailed answer. The Virtual Realm would mostly answer with correct nonsense like In the Sea of Knowledge or Use your eyes to look for it.

These two questions actually originated from Ashe and Sonyas guess Sonya had asked Professor Trotzam before, the Time continent was also an extremely vast place, not much smaller than the Sea of Knowledge. Logically, the Time continent was so big, then the Golden Fish should also be very huge, but why could sorcerers not see the Golden Fish in the Sea of Knowledge?

With the precedent of Whirlpool Venom and Expulsion Venom, they naturally associated and guessed that the Golden Fish was likely non-existent in the Sea of Knowledge. Only when a sorcerer activated the Virtual Realms mechanisms through a specific ritual would the Golden Fish appear before the sorcerer.

Yet the answer greatly shocked them: No.

The Golden Fish did not need a specific ritual to be seen? That meant the Golden Fish also existed in the Sea of Knowledge right now?

Sonyas lips moved slightly, seemingly wanting to retort but didnt say anything, probably thinking how to refute him. Ashe continued asking:

Have you heard of a game where children write a letter to their future grown up selves?

Heard of it, Ive written one too.

What do you think, when the grown up adult reads that letter, would they feel its like a final will?

Why would they think so?

Because they are completely different people, vastly different in thoughts, habits, values, ideals, yet they once lived in the same body. Isnt that like the latter killing the former?

Sonya shook her head repeatedly: But they are the continuous same person, this change is called growing up, not taking over!

Ashe smiled: When the child wrote the letter, its like freezing the him at that instant in time on the letter. The soul on the letter broke away from the continuum of time, becoming an independent unchanging individual.

Isnt this very similar to a prophecy? The prophecy pulls out a future you from a certain point in time to show you. Isnt that like the future you writing a letter to the current you?

Myself from a different time is not myself.

So I dont care about prophecies, but I look forward to confronting them. Of course, things that are clearly about to happen soon like me going after Sylin after breaking out dont really count as prophecies. But if in the future we really break up for those random reasons, then it means the prophesied Observer killed me, the prophesied Swordswoman killed you.

Ashe suddenly pondered: Speaking of which, why does the reason for getting back together contain romance, but the reason for breaking up doesnt include broken relationships? Could romance have only sprouted after breaking up, both sides realizing how indispensable the other is

Sonya snapped back to reality and said with a red face and gritted teeth: That would mean we got back together not because of romance, but to unite against common threats!

Alright alright, no need to get worked up.

Im not worked up!

Okay okay okay, youre right, we should go kill a Slash Dragon to liven up the mood.

After hunting two more creatures of knowledge, not only were there no Experience Orbs, Sonya also failed to intercept an escaping creature of knowledge. But such mistakes were common, Ashe didnt mind. They bid farewell and exited the Virtual Realm together.

Upon her consciousness returning to her body in the meditation room, Sonya took a long time to recover her bearings, the Observers words still echoing in her mind.

Actually, after growing closer, Sonya couldnt help but harbor doubts was the Observer really the reincarnation of a mighty one like she had imagined?

Mainly because the Observer did not resemble a legendary figure at all he did not pursue power, did not love learning, even his desires were shallow. If placed in Swordflower College, this kind of person with no potential, a mediocre and inferior passerby, Sonya would not even glance at.

But the Observers speech just now made Sonya realize he was absolutely no ordinary person, even if he was now, he would not remain so in the future.

That madness wrapped in logic, that wickedness vastly different from common sense, Sonya had witnessed many times in Psychoanalysis of Malicious Sorcerers. Malicious sorcerers were not all evil people, many were even content with mediocrity and having families. But once their lives were shattered by accidents, they would shed their old selves like cocoons into butterflies, daring to trample all earthly laws and morals, and chase the light in their hearts like moths to flames.

She recalled the opening words of that book

They did not change, only awakened.


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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