Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 12

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:38:37 AM

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of swords clashing rang out like a steel symphony. Felix was somewhat surprised - the training sword he was using was made of black iron ebony, one of the finest choices even for a real weapon.

Yet his opponent was using nothing more than an ordinary wooden sword, and had exchanged dozens of strikes without it breaking or splintering, either the wood was of an unusually hardy quality or their swordsmanship was highly skilled.

He suspected both were true.

The instant his opponent dropped back on defense, Felix's eyes glinted sharply. Gripping his sword high he slashed down with full force, pivoting his body to add momentum, making it look from the outside as if he was 'sliding' at high speed. The ebony sword crashed down like a shockwave!

Yet he struck empty air!

Just like the last few times, right before his attack landed on the opening in his opponent's defense, Sonya would make an extremely bizarre footwork maneuver, interrupting all motion to abruptly slide along the ground, barely avoiding his killing blow by a hair's breadth every time. Then--

He turned to see Sonya's tranquil, icy gaze and the fading afterimage of her wooden sword slashing back at him!


Felix quickly swung his sword to block the blow, growing more anxious by the second. Although Sonya had yet to injure him, he could feel the increasing pressure as she became more familiar with the Fluctuation posture.

At first Felix thought that continuous heavy attacks would be enough to defeat this suddenly appeared swordplay genius.

He didn't expect that in addition to the Starchild posture, she had also mastered a bizarre footwork that allowed her to evade his certain-hit attacks again and again. While Felix had more or less figured out her rhythm by now, at the same time Sonya had also grasped the essence of the Fluctuation posture, effectively narrowing the gap between them!

In addition to that, she had a mastery of barehanded blade-drawing skills.

Compared to the Fluctuation posture however, the instantaneous explosion of barehanded blade-drawing was still somewhat lacking. Felix actually hoped she would engage him with barehanded blade-drawing, since the reverse recoil alone would be enough to shatter her wrist. But after being burned once Sonya simply abandoned barehanded blade-drawing, focusing wholeheartedly on contending with Felix.

Felix didn't want to drag this out any longer, nor could he. Even if he dragged it out until Sonya was exhausted, that would just be a hollow victory.

And with that gorgeous and alluring body of hers, it seemed she had endless stamina. He felt that if it dragged on, the one worn out wouldn't be her, but himself!

It was time to end this!

Without looking for any particular opening, he abruptly took a step back, once again assuming the Fluctuation posture, deeply exhaling a mouthful of stale air as he stared at Sonya like a sword.

"Next move, lose and fail!" His tone allowed no compromise.

"Summoning your innate spirit in the midst of combat!"

"As expected of a Vlozrada!"

Iris hurried over to support Sonya, comforting her, "Don't lose heart, you'll be able to summon your own spirit soon. Then during the next match..."

"I didn't lose." Sonya stated lightly.

The crowd was stunned, thinking Sonya was just unable to accept the loss of face. But the next second, Felix's ebony sword also snapped apart with a crack, falling to the ground.

Above Sonya's shoulder, a swordswoman also appeared. Unlike Felix's however, hers was female, and her sword was formed from white light.

"Fluctuation sword spirit!?"

"How did she also summon the Vlozrada's Fluctuation sword spirit, could it be..."

"She learned Felix's Fluctuation posture mid-battle, then directly summoned it?"

"How is that possible..."

"Wait, isn't that saying she went from novice to swordmaster in the course of a few hours?"

At this notion, the crowd was nearly knocked senseless--many of them had spent years without reaching swordmaster level, yet Sonya managed it overnight?

The crowd's envy, Iris' astonishment, Sylvia's jealousy, the complexity in Felix's eyes...

But Sonya had no mind to care about any of that.

She stared straight at the Observer who was standing to the side watching, a look on her face that said 'I already know the truth'.

In her heart she asked: "You mean you're just a figment of my psyche, not a real existence? You just represent my inner thoughts? You're just my delusion?"

The Observer did not speak, only squatted down to pick up the broken sword that had fallen to the ground. He then pressed it to the break in Sonya's wooden sword, wiping lightly with his hand, and the wooden sword was restored as if it had never been damaged, not a single crack visible.

Even having performed such a miraculous deed, no one noticed him, no one even noticed the restored wooden sword.

He clapped his hands, turned, and walked outside, leaving Sonya fuming with rage at his parting words:

"You guess?"

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