Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 123

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:36:13 AM

Chapter 123: Cannibal Fernand Snow

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Chapter 123: Cannibal Fernand Snow

So Hollis is rallying the Everlife Elixir clubs?

A transport ship was sailing through the waves on Crush Lake, with finger sharks occasionally trying to take a bite of the huge vessel, making crisp ding ding ding sounds.

In the only VIP cabin, the kindly-looking cannibal sat in an armchair, puffing on a pipe and blowing out rings of light green smoke.

On the light screen in front of the cannibal, a tall, handsome, bald goblin with pointy ears was going through some documents. He wore a tailored black suit, glasses, and had a worried look on his face.

Yes, Mayor. Im afraid they want to initiate impeachment proceedings to end your term early. Youre the main person responsible for the 424 Incident, and if Hollis unites the centrists to make a move, demanding a mayoral vote, it will be hard for us to gain support. Those councilors supporting us will also face pressure from voters in their districts.

I didnt expect that after struggling with Andrei for so long, Id end up having the peach plucked by that bastard Hollis


The cannibal viciously bit down, crushing the white ivory pipe into pieces! It chewed a few times then swallowed the pipe whole!

How could I expect good politics being together with these bugs! Its eyebrows furrowed, and the kindly face instantly became ominous: Trash like Hollis with no firm stance, no outstanding views, no agile thinking, no ability to change the status quo, and is commonly known to be easy to manipulate, also dares to compete with me!?

Mayor, if theres really no way, we can wait until next term

There is no next term, no! Kibbott, we dont have a second chance, none! As soon as I step down, there will never be another chance! The cannibal held up three thick fingers: In Caimon Citys history, there have been 51 elven mayors, 42 human mayors, and Im one of only three non-standard race mayors!

The Blood Moon Sovereign impartially bestows glory upon all races, but some races can obtain more glory due to their appearance, such as elves and humans, known as the standard races. The rest, like beastmen, cannibals, and goblins, are non-standard races.

After years of artificial selection, the appearance of non-standard races has become closer and closer to the standard races. The most primitive and grotesque non-standard races were reforged and remade on the spot in the infant stage itself, never even making it through the doors of the foster homes.

You know what Ive given up for this, right? The cannibal tapped his teeth: I pulled out all my fangs and replaced them with neat, straight teeth; the first thing I do every morning is trim my nails, because cannibals can grow inch-long sharp claws overnight; I get photon skin rejuvenation every week to ensure my skin doesnt get unsightly wrinkles.

Even after doing so much, if not for the citizens curiosity, I wouldnt have been elected mayor! Even if I, Alandor Fernand Snow, have three gold degrees, am a two-winged gold sorcerer, and have many other titles Ive forgotten myself, the citizens would not give me a second chance, just like you wouldnt watch a clowns second performance.

Kibbott, do you know why I chose you to be my secretary? Because youre a goblin, only you can understand my circumstances, only you have experienced the ridicule I once suffered.

The goblin Kibbott on the light screen hesitated to speak. The cannibal Fernand Snow raised his fake eyebrows and asked, What do you want to say?

Mayorwhy didnt you save the citizens? Kibbotts voice was somewhat sad: You clearly knew it was foreign realm sorcerers invading, but first you said it was all rumors, nothing had happened.

Then you said there was a serial killer, and the Heresy Court was investigating.

Finally, only when it was too late did you announce there was a terrorist attack, and mobilized all the citys armed forces.

If you had announced the truth from the beginning

If were lucky, well be the first to discover the correct virtual gateway, the first to invade the foreign realm, and this achievement will be enough to please the Blood Moon Sovereign, ensuring my reelection, giving me more time to prepare!

Too bad cannibals always have bad luck Fernand Snow gritted his teeth: But no matter what, I cant end my term early, and absolutely cant hand the mayors seat to the bootlicking Hollis! Humans are more arrogant than elves, more short-sighted than goblins, lazier than beastmen, and greedier than cannibals Humans are the most unreliable race, they cant wait to abandon their bodies and take on the Sacred Bloodlines blood and wear Moonshadows skin, then turn around and exploit their own people even more ruthlessly! Things being as they are, we have no choice but to make small mistakes!

Kibbott looked absolutely incredulous: Assassinating councilors is a small mistake? Then whats a big mistake?

Getting caught is a big mistake. Fernand Snow said coldly.

The scenery outside stopped flowing, and a voice sounded from the cabins speaker: Mayor Fernand Snow, transport ship 322 has arrived at Shattered Lake Prison.

Fernand Snow walked to the window. His fingers lit up, and he tapped his own temple, pulling out a thin white strand and tossing it outside into the sea, where a finger shark leapt up and swallowed it.

Ive already forgotten what I just said to you. He looked at the young secretary on the light screen: Ill leave it to you, goblin.

After that, Fernand Snow turned off the light screen and left the room. Accompanied by two Blood Mad Hunters, he disembarked from the transport ship and stepped into Shattered Lake Prison.

Within the yellow line, two neatly dressed prison guards were waiting.

The hunters didnt give Fernand Snow much face and handed the documents to the more handsome guard: Theres only one prisoner for this transport, please sign to acknowledge receipt.

The handsome guard checked the documents and nodded: Confirmed, its Caimon City Mayor Alandor Fernand Snow.

Did you come alone to move the supplies on the ship?

Sorry, Im not sure if there was an issue with the ingredients delivered last time, but right now half of the prisoners and most of the guards have upset stomachs and are lining up at the infirmary. Could the hunters and sailors please help move the supplies?

The hunter grumbled: I heard Caimon City recently discovered a batch of toxic lala fatscould it be Of course, no problem, but we dont know where the warehouse is.

Ill lead the way for you. The handsome guard looked at his colleague: You take the mayor to register in the Register of Sinners and arrange his cell.


Fernand Snow turned his head and looked at the prison guard next to him who had no presence at all. He wasnt sure if it was the glaring sunlight, but he felt the others face was a bit blurred.

Mayor Fernand Snow, welcome to Shattered Lake Prison. You will experience home away from home here.


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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