Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 134

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:35:55 AM

Chapter 134: Allow me to make a few sophistries

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Chapter 134: Allow me to make a few sophistries


Facing Andreis accusation, Fernand Snow actually laughed.

He laughed loudly and wildly, as if he didnt care about the audience watching the live broadcast.

The Ogre nearly laughed to tears. Wiping away the smile-induced tears at the corner of his eyes, he said, Andrei, your are quite unbecoming. In the pursuit of survival, you have lost your composure. You are not worthy to be my adversary.

Yes, exploring the virtual chaotic flow was approved by me. Both emotionally and rationally, I should bear the main responsibility, hence why I am here for investigation. But if you think you can bring me down in front of the citizens of the entire city with just this, you are too naive.

How can an exploration operation that involves the Heresy Court, war zone, and even the prison be a minor matter that I can decide with a single word? Its said that big meetings discuss minor matters, and minor meetings discuss major matters. Before the operation, the leaders of all parties held three meetings. Andrei, you are a representative of the council, you havent forgotten this, have you?

It was only after a vote among all parties that this operation was fully implemented. Event 422 was a disaster, but it was also a man-made calamity resulting from our collective misjudgment. I am not shirking my responsibilities, but Andrei, the responsibility on your shoulders is no less than mine.

Andrei nodded, Indeed, if you have to say it, this is just a war initiated by the rulers for their own interests, its a pity that we are the losers this time. If we had found the correct virtual gateway first, then Fernand Snow, you would not only be free from accusations, but you could also gain the support of all parties and be reelected as mayor with a 100% vote.

At most, I can accuse you of promoting this operation for your political achievements. Besides, youve already apologized, and the citizens cant say much more.

Andrei glanced at the Ogres stone pillar, which was almost unchanged. This meant that the citizens did not deepen their resentment towards Fernand Snow because of his accusations.

This was beyond his expectation. After all, although Event 422 caused tens of thousands of casualties, what does it have to do with the living?

Its not them who died.

Maybe among the victims were their friends or even lovers, but so what?

Its not them who died.

If they suffered losses due to the attack, the Government Affairs Hall was willing to compensate. As for the casualties and building collapses caused by the attack, it was all benefits to the living the deads positions would be vacant, the collapsed buildings meant new construction work, rents would fall due to fewer tenants, and the streets would become less crowded.

Caimon City was a bit too crowded to begin with, but now that the attackers had come, killed a bunch, and scared off a bunch, the remaining people naturally had more city resources. At this moment, who knows how many people are thanking the attackers for their slaughter, which allowed them to seize a lot of benefits.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Even Fernand Snow, the main person responsible, didnt attract much hatred. The resentment he attracted on this matter was even less than that of Dragons Den Apartment and the control of the public examination.

After all, the ones who truly hated him are already dead, and among the survivors, quite a few were cheated out of their money by Dragons Den Apartment or had their positions taken away in the public exam.

In the Blood Moon Realm, the living do not empathize with the dead.

To bring down Fernand Snow with Event 422 is a pipe dream. Andrei is not so naive. He just needs this topic as a lead-in.

Correct, if we only discuss the cause of the event, every decision-maker is at fault. It is the responsibility of all the rulers, Andrei said, But the process of the event, that was your one-man show stage, my dear Mayor.

The Ogre narrowed his eyes, coldly looking at this political adversary.

Andrei said, Twenty minutes after the arrival of the Outer Domain Sorcerer, the Church informed you of this news. But for the first three hours, you claimed that nothing was happening, until multiple attacks occurred on the outskirts of the city. Only then did you tell the citizens not to go out, deploy the Heresy Court to meet the enemy, and gather adventurers from the war zone

And thats just one of the more noticeable achievements of your political career. If we really delve into it, we wouldnt finish in half an hour. But to sum it up, it boils down to one principle

Exploit the public, and flatter the Blood Moon.

Andrei looked at the Blood Moon in the night sky, the crows feet at the corners of his eyes revealing his fatigue.

Thats why your approval ratings have dropped while youve remained in power for eight years. Your existence serves a purpose the research institutes and the church need people like you as public puppets. Once youve attracted enough public anger, they will send you to Shattered Lake Prison to satisfy the publics thirst for justice.

Even if Event 422 hadnt occurred, you, Fernand Snow, would have only served as mayor for a few more years before facing the Blood Moon Tribunal. Because youre a sinner who sold the publics interest to secure the position of mayor.

The smile had completely disappeared from the ogres face.

The stone pillar beneath him seemed to melt, and hundreds of writhing chains wound around him like hands, seemingly ready to pull him into the dark red Shattered Lake.

But if that were all, youd just be an ordinary mayor, no different from your predecessor or the one before him. Every mayor is a future sinner, or rather, only sinners have a chance of becoming mayor.

Andrei said, Fernand Snow, the reason Ive been competing with you for the position of mayor is because youve tried to elevate the act of selling out the publics interest into a higher form of art youve teamed up with the advocacy groups of the four major races, elves, beastmen, ogres, and goblins, to promote the development of professional fighting leagues.

Of course, your reasoning is very righteous, absorbing the unemployed, reducing crime rates, nurturing sorcerer seeds, managing the tertiary industry Its impeccable, and would even make someone seeing your proposal for the first time wonder why no one thought of such a great idea before.

Thats because previous rulers werent as ruthless and despicable as you!

Speaking to this, Andreis eyes were bloodshot, the wrinkles on his face gathered into a bunch, too angry to even manage his expression, Fernand Snow, cant you foresee what will happen after the combat league appears!? A large number of young people will flood into this get-rich-quick industry, gambling will flourish, body modification will become a new trend, the ring will be painted with a thick layer of flesh and blood, and there might even be Foster Homes specifically nurturing fighting machines for combat!

Violence, death, corpses, these will become the only melody of this city! Fernand Snow, its not that you cant foresee this future, you are just clever enough to foresee everything, thats why you are promoting this plan!

The Blood Moon Supreme kept the Blood Saint Moonshadow in the research institute and the church, all in order to prevent them from causing slaughter, to suppress their torment of the people, and to buy breathing space for all races! But you, Fernand Snow, for your own desires, you are willing to put all the people on the altar, standardize, formalize, and streamline slaughter and death, just to please your master!

You have united all the high-ranking individuals of all races, just to establish a large and shameless ruling group, the people are your best merchandise, the Blood Moon is your worshipped customer!

But dont forget, Fernand Snow, you are still an Ogre, without crimson pupils, let alone a fluffy tail! No matter how much you flatter, in their eyes, you are just food!

Andreis abusive words echoed over the shattered lake, the rest of the people were as quiet as cicadas in cold weather, shrinking themselves in their seats, as if praying that the Blood Saint Moonshadow watching the live broadcast would not notice them.

For a moment, the live broadcast was so quiet that only the sound of sliding chains could be heard.

At this time, Fernand Snow suddenly glanced at Ashe, showing a strange smile.

Are you done? The Ogre looked around: Well then, please allow me to make a few sophistries.


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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