Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 141

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:35:46 AM

Chapter 141: What Professors Teach Beyond Knowledge

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Chapter 141: What Professors Teach Beyond Knowledge

At Caimon Comprehensive University, lecture hall 107.

The deconstruction of character is a significant research direction in the Heart Sect.

Ordinary people or sorcerers who have not studied mental knowledge all unavoidably make pre-conceived characterizations of unfamiliar people they just met, also known colloquially as labeling. Rich and gentle, poor and inferior, strong and domineering, weak and tender We distill the most conspicuous characteristics of the other person and incorporate them into our thinking.

Labeling is a very normal mental activity, which can help us quickly find the most reasonable way to interact: be humble in the face of a strong enemy, take a mile when given an inch in the face of the weak. It can even be said that labeling is a necessary survival skill.

But for Spirit Art Masters, this pre-conceived characterization often presents the best opportunity for us to cast our spells. We can influence strangers silently through character deconstruction, generally in two ways.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The first method is the simplest, conforming deconstruction. Generally speaking, after close interaction, people gradually modify their understanding of others, from simple labeling to complex labeling. For example, rich and gentle might become rich, stingy towards others, gentle, but only towards friends, etc. People deconstruct a complex individual into easy-to-understand concepts through limited information.

In conforming deconstruction, the Spirit Art Master, after giving an initial impression, constantly reveals expected characteristics. For example, if I dress up as a rich and funny middle-aged man to chat up someone in a bar, theyll expect me to have a luxury car, and then I indeed pull out a luxury car key; theyll assume I live in the Upper District, and then I inadvertently reveal that I live in Phoenix Garden Then, what do you think the result of my chat-up that night was?

Give the first impression that the other party likes, and continuously reveal details for the other party to automatically fill in the characterization, and you can quickly gain their trust. Because you didnt actually say anything, everything about you was inferred by the other party, they will unconditionally believe in their own judgment.

Many victims of romance scams are fooled by this technique, leading them to believe that love truly exists in this world. Personally, I do not recommend that you use this method, and if you do, dont scam money; having a pleasant evening is enough.

There are many ways to use conforming deconstruction, which I wont elaborate on here. Those interested can purchase my book, 108 Practical Character Templates, available for download on the Canopy.

The second method is the hardest, reverse deconstruction. You dont need to worry about the impression you give to others, you only need to detail the impression others give to you. Simply put, its guiding others to conform to your impression of them through techniques such as spirit, Miracle, rhetoric, etc.

If you think the other person is kind and generous, then in front of you, they become kind and generous. But you cant simply label them, you have to think about why they are kind and why they are generous. Then reinforce this understanding through various details, leading the other person to unconsciously conform to your impression even if they resist conforming to this impression.

The official profession of the Mind Series is only a psychotherapist, but everyone knows that a real Spirit Art Master is either a criminal or a politician (actually, theyre quite similar). They can be described as high-risk, high-reward, so its only natural that the knowledge of the Heart Sect is hard to come by.

If it werent for the fact that Freya is a Bewitcher, and has a high probability of being able to summon a spirit on her own, she would rather spend her tuition money at the Mud Cafe for a few happy days.

Adela said, How about dinner at Salehs tonight?

No money, Freya said lazily, I just went to Frostfall last night.

Ill treat you.

Did you win money?

Hehe, Adela gave a cat-like smirk, I placed a heavy bet on Fernand Snow in the Blood Moon Tribunal last night and made a lot.

How much did you make?

All I can tell you is, if Id lost, I would have had to work in the Tea Cafe for the next few months.


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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