Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 146

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:35:41 AM

Chapter 146: Who Falls in Love Seriously?

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Chapter 146: Who Falls in Love Seriously?

Freya was awakened by the aroma of food.

Today was April 29th, her third day of harboring an escaped convict, and also a day she could sleep in due to a morning without classes.

The normal sleep duration for mature Bewitchers was 12 hours, but such a schedule was apparently not compatible with the fast-paced urban life. Therefore, on school days, Freya would sleep for six hours and then take a stimulant. If necessary, she could sleep for only four hours and take two stimulants.

However, stimulants could build up resistance, once the dosage was increased, it would be hard to reduce. Thus, Freya cautiously maintained a rhythm of one pill a day, preferring to yawn than to take a second one.

It wasnt that she feared addiction, but rather that the stimulants were expensive the stuff was even pricier than Moon Sugar.

One could also argue the opposite, that Moon Sugar was too cheap.

That was how it was in the Blood Moon, entertainment was always cheap, anything that could be used for work and making money was definitely expensive.

Like how Ogres could use Moon Sugar to aid in painting, that belonged to the category of exploiting racial talents, something to be envious of.

After greeting the Demonic Saint, Freya, yawning, headed to the bathroom. She put on a non-slip hairband, took a shower, washed her face, brushed her teeth, groomed, and since she was a naturally beautiful Bewitcher, plus Freya didnt need to charm anyone currently, and she was the one paying, she only needed to carry out simple skincare, taking less than half an hour in total.

Before she went out, she thought about it and decided to give Ashe some face, she would get dressed before she left. After all, it was time for class and not sleep, she had no reason to be naked.

Ashe had prepared the meal and was watching a video while eating. Freya moved closer to take a look but lost interest soon after it was Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Various Magical Factions (Part 1).

Id suggest you watch some comedy videos instead, although this video is also pretty funny.

Ashe was somewhat surprised: Why? I just wanted to get a basic understanding of the knowledge of other factions

Understanding them like this will only lead you to form biased preconceptions. Freya said, Can you summarize yourself, who has existed for decades, in one sentence? Do you think a few minutes of introduction can summarize a magical faction that has existed for hundreds or even thousands of years?

Watching such videos will only make you think that Earth Art is all about moving dirt, lightning spells go bilibili, sword art requires close combat, illusion series has no lethality, prophecy series are all frail scholars, and Mind Series can be countered just by plugging your ears youd be better off knowing nothing, at least you would be more cautious.

If you want to understand a magical faction, you should at least read an introductory book, or listen to a lecture by a professional professor. Videos like this are not aimed at sorcerers, but at non-sorcerer audiences these audiences just want to get a sense of superiority that so magical factions arent that mysterious or useful after all.

Youd be better off watching the videos in the new folder, at least theyre harmless, and they can even stimulate your appetite.

Ashe was taken aback: Really? Can they actually stimulate appetite?

Youre actually doubting the taste of a Bewitcher, Ill pick one for you right now that will definitely increase your appetite

No need, no need, Ill change the video. Ashe hurriedly refused the Bewitchers recommendation, quickly picking from the video canopy: Hmm, lets watch this Why is it so Expensive? food exploration video, its perfect as were eating Damn, its a Tea Cafe exploration video!?


Freyas response shocked Ashe. Neither have I. Who in their right mind would be in a relationship?

Ashe asked in confusion, Why? With your appearance, wouldnt it be easy to attract the opposite sex? Or are they afraid of you because of your Bewitcher constitution?

Freya shook her head. No, Im just curious as to why you think I should be in a relationship. Do you Four Pillars Religion followers still harbor such unrealistic dreams?

How is being in a relationship unrealistic? Ashe felt perplexed. You were enjoying the romantic comedy Sorcerer 100% on the Screen of Knowledge last night, and you seemed to have a great time?

Freya became annoyed. Then tell me, whats the nature of the love in Sorcerer 100%?

Welltruly loving each other, always thinking about each other, willing to protect the other at the risk of ones own life, willing to accommodate the other in daily life


What do you mean exactly?

How can such love exist in reality, outside of movies and TV shows? Freya spread her hands. Who would be willing to accommodate others, consider others, or even risk their lives for others nowadays? At least I wouldnt.

She paused, I can feel emotions like love, liking, and infatuation. For instance, I think youre quite good, and Im willing to meet with you once or twice, or even on a regular basis. However, if you want to go further with me, such as living together, fully participating in my daily life or future plans, I cant accept that.

When it comes to love, most college students understand that theres no such pure relationship in reality. On the contrary, those with lower education believe in the plots from TV shows and movies, wishfully thinking that true love exists in this worldthere are particularly many such fools in the Curtain Game. The end result is often being deceived of their money. The particularly foolish ones even end up in debt, but whats on the other side of the curtain is not a beauty or a handsome guy, but an Orc Uncle and a Goblin Fat Woman.

Ashe couldnt understand, But isnt a romantic relationship very normal? In reality, you can always find someone you can trust, right? Cant you start from being good friends and gradually develop into lovers?

Freya chuckled, unable to resist reaching out to pat the Demonic Saints head. She said with a grin, Silly boy, people change. He may be trustworthy now, but tomorrow he might become stupid due to Moon Sugar, and the day after he may have an adventure in the Virtual Realm and start to despise me.

Didnt the Foster Home teach you not to trust strangers, not to have expectations of strangers?

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