Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 192

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:34:28 AM

Chapter 192: Is It Only Ashe? Only Ashe? Only Ashe?

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Chapter 192: Is It Only Ashe? Only Ashe? Only Ashe?

Calamity Walker!

Though the name carries an aura of sinister madness, its effect was almost like Ashe challenging Freyaexhilarating, followed by certain death. A mere +5 to luck isnt much, but at critical moments, its as if luck plummets to -50.

Winning is like gaining a tiny piece of candy, losing is like losing an entire factory, akin to the losses one can suffer in the stock market.

In addition to that, more likely to trigger mysterious events, more likely to encounter complications, more likely to be observed by Destiny, more likely to trigger major failures. In short, it means being more prone to misfortune, and once misfortune strikes, a -50 to luck, a perfect combo as if Bewitcher had launched an attack with both hand and mouth.

If Ashe had a stable life, even just a normal family, he could somewhat counterbalance the disadvantages brought by his Occupational Traits.

After all, a -50 to luck seems daunting, but it actually requires triggering a critical moment as a prerequisite. Therefore, the method to avoid it is simplejust as moral blackmail requires a target with morals, if Ashe lived a calm and uneventful life, even the lowest luck would merely affect his Probability of Eating Wallaces Spray.


However, Ashe doesnt have a stable life, not even a home.

He even doubts if sleeping under a bridge would, due to his Occupational Traits, lead to non-stop encounters with robberies/gang wars/serial killers/Bewitcher hunts/Sorcerer invasions from Exotic Lands and other such events throughout the night.

Hence, for Ashe, the option of blending in from the bottom of this Kingdom carries an exceedingly high risk. Finding a place to live, looking for a job, even searching for Sorcerer resourcesall these tasks are extremely troublesome to begin with. Add to that a -50 to luck, and Ashe feels like everyone he meets is bound to be a shady middleman.

Annans hundred-day Contract, while restricting Ashes freedom, also ensures his safetythe very first clause stipulates that the master must protect the Slave.

With Annan acting as a mediator, Ashe could at least safely navigate the perilous newbie phase. He didnt believe that bad luck was like lightning specifically targeting him; rather, it must be akin to a fifty-meter radius event-level Map blast centered on him. This would inevitably drag others, such as Igor and Annan, into the fray, at least allowing him to share the misfortune. Should anything happen, he wouldnt be the only one facing the consequences.

It seemed likely that the negative status of Calamity Walker was planted when Selina bumped into him, followed by two severe incidents: Annan taking advantage of a crisis and the young girl Lises cute but deceitful scam. The +5 to luck hadnt shown its face yet, but the -50 to luck was indeed exceptionally potent.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, they arrived in the living room.

Annans place appeared to be a large flat design, with the entire 51st level below ground constituting her home. The living room alone was easily over a hundred square meters. As Ashe and the others arrived, they spotted several mechanical spiders returning to their web nests to recharge.

As soon as he entered, Ashe noticed these mechanical spiders cleaning. There was no need for further description; the advantages of such spider machines were evident to the naked eye: extremely flexible, not missing any cleaning dead spots, and offering three-dimensional thoroughness.

There were no signs of other servants, suggesting that the daily cleaning was managed entirely by these mechanical spiders.

Considering the unmanned drone delivery systems and the advanced network of automatic vehicles outside, it seemed that manual labor had lost its exploitative value in this place.

Although it was a Sorcerer-led nation, the level of development here, both macro and micro, seemed to comprehensively outshine the Blood Moon Kingdom. Ashe couldnt help but consider the possibilitywas the Blood Moon truly the most barbaric and underdeveloped Sorcerer civilization?Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Could his transmigration have started him off in hell?

Please, take a seat, Annan, already waiting for them at the end of a long table, invited. She had changed into a set of purple silk pajamasAshe felt he could already guess the color of this womans underwear. The white-haired young girl Lise sat next to her, holding a cup of milk and wearing cute bunny pajamas, her eyes bright and lively.

That was to be expected; during the one-hour car journey from the outskirts, where the Four Pillars Cult was located, to the downtown area, only Lise had enjoyed a sound sleep. Ashe and the other two had merely taken turns resting their eyes.

Butler Banjeet stood by, serving with a demeanor that belied his youthful appearance; he exuded the steadiness of a seasoned butler well over sixty.

On the table lay four aluminum rings with a metallic luster, each engraved with numbers from 1 to 12, exuding a high-tech vibethree large and one small.

You can wear it on any finger, the method is to put it on and then give it a twist, Annan said while filing her nails. These are the latest Gospel Rings from Salome, available in starry gray, matte black, and sparkling blue. If you have a preferred color, you can mention it now and switch within seven days. The numbers on the rings are just to indicate time, theyre decorative.

In an instant, Ashe, along with the others, did so. Lise also obediently turned her book around, and Annan, after a glance, confirmed that the name on it was indeed Lise and that the account had zero Points, thus dispelling the last shred of doubt he had about this mysterious little girl.

At that moment, Ashes page was also fully exposed to Igor and Harveys view.

Igor feigned surprise and bellowed loudly:

Ah, my dear Ashe, do you not have a ranking at all?

Can it be that only Ashe has no ranking? Only Ashe? Only Ashe!?

Its just like Ashe to have something so embarrassing to hide, definitely cant let everyone find out how shameful this is

Ashes mouth twitched with irritation. That damn Bewitcher Igor is one thing, but even Harvey, who usually has the expression of a dead fish, was laughing as if high on Moon Sugar, his shoulders shaking so hard he was nearly flinging his pajamas off.

Harvey, during our escape from prison, its clear who was dragging their feet, who was slacking off. The conclusion is pretty obvious now.

Indeed, indeed, hahaha. Sorry, Ashe, I really cant help you, its just too hilarious hahaha

Hmph, laugh it up, Ashe resigned himself: As long as I work hard, I can definitely make it to the top!

As long as I work hard, I can definitely get into college! Igors mouth was almost grinning to the heavens, Ah, the nostalgia. That classmate who said those words seems to have become the ace Silver Fire Dragon at the Mud Caf.

Ashe, dont be like that. Harvey chuckled: I assure you, if there was a Corpse Ranking, Id do everything in my power to get you to the top!

Daddy, dont be sad! Lise clenched her little fists and said: I wont despise you!

Do you really have to keep calling me daddy? Ashe couldnt help but say.

Eh? But who else will promise to always protect Lise, to always listen to Lise? Lise earnestly said: I believe that even a daddy whos powerless can still protect Lise well!

When did the duration of the Contract extend to forever

Harvey reminded: When she made her vow, there was no mention of a time Restriction; theoretically, even after you die and are turned into a undead by me, youd still have to continue protecting her.

Stop, stop. Annan gently tapped the table, Now that you roughly understand the significance of the Gospel, we should move on to the main topic.

Points? Igor guessed: The higher the ranking, the more Points you get. Do you want us to give all our Points to you?

Since I was sixteen, I have been on three or more Ranking Lists, the same number as Banjeet, Annan said languidly. Those Points of yours dont catch my eye.

But your job is indeed related to the Ranking List, related to the Gospel.

Annan blew on his nails: I need you to become the future number one.


Probability of Eating Wallaces Spray():

Wallace is a famous fast-food brand in China. It is rumored online that eating at Wallace can cause diarrhea, turning one into a spray warrior. (Personal experience seems to confirm this.)

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