Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 202

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:34:13 AM

Chapter 202: Preparations Before Cheating

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Chapter 202: Preparations Before Cheating

At this moment, Igor finished researching his next developmental path, his face revealing a very complex expression.

The smoking Butler Youth noticed this scene and asked, Mr. Bukin, do you have any questions?Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Nothing much, I just feel the people here are really blessed.

Igors tone was somewhat melancholic: The answer I just got for 82 Points would have been impossible to obtain with any amount of money in the previous Kingdom. But, you, sir, have been living here since you were young, so perhaps you cant understand the feelings of someone from the countryside like me?

Thats not necessarily true, Banjeet said with a smile: The Gospel is bestowed selflessly upon the world, but not everyone is eligible to partake in it. I was equally astonished the first time I Prayed for the Gospel, by the greatness of the Omniscient Weaver.

Ive had a question since last night, Igor inquired: With less than 10,000 on each Ranking List, and only the top ten positions listed, even without accounting for overlaps, there are less than a hundred thousand spots available in the entire Kingdom. If making the list is the sole source of Points, then how does the average person earn Points?

Organizational Rankings, Banjeet stated succinctly: For instance, if the Funeral Firm makes the list, Miss would share a certain proportion of Points with me as profit sharing. Ordinary people just need to join top ten companies in their respective fields that can make the list, and their salaries will generally include Points.

Besides, the Points from various city Ranking Lists are also distributed to workers in their respective fields, like the Security Ranking Points would definitely be shared with those wearing the Red Cap. Basically, as long as you are a tax-paying citizen, you will receive a certain amount of Points as a year-end benefit.

Igor nodded, That sounds quite fair

Ashe, who was editing his question, raised an eyebrow upon hearing this: Igor, do you really think its fair?

Igor instinctively wanted to argue, but seeing Banjeets surprised expression, he realized Ashe was right. Yet, even after pondering for a long while, the Con Artist couldnt figure out the catch.

Igor, a smart person like you naturally cant see the cunning within this system, Harvey laughed. Because you are certain that with effort, you can join a good company, earn your first Points, and then gradually snowball and grow. But even a Corpse could tell you that the positions and companies that share Points are limited, and those qualified to compete for these spots must have improved themselves into high-quality talents through Points.

Points are the universal Currency, and nobody thinks they have enough. Unlike wealth, which has a limit to how much one can indulge in, Points can be easily spent. Therefore, the Kingdom definitely follows the Pareto principle, with a large amount of Points flowing into the hands of a few. Moreover, with the Family System in place, the deeper the accumulation of Points in the parent generation, the easier it is for the progeny to make the list. Those at the bottom simply dont have the resources to compete with Points families.

That cant be right, Igor frowned. There should be free basic education here

Thats exactly it, Igor. Youre too smart, and thats why you cant see through it, Harvey said. Do you think the children from the same Nursery as you can become Two Wings Sorcerers like you? Your intelligence and self-discipline have already exceeded the ordinary, and you can perfect your knowledge system through self-study. But ordinary people need guidance and someone to fill in the gaps, and this is where Points come into play.

Of course, maybe Im wrong, Harvey looked at Banjeet. Points really are the Boon of the Gospel Kingdom and havent become a barrier between classes.

Banjeet flicked the ash from his palm and smiled, Mr. Harvey, youre mostly right, but because of the Loopholes in the Gospel, the social system of the Gospel Kingdom isnt that simple.


Miss didnt seem to mention this, Banjeet said. Aside from the Slaughter Ranking and other Sin Ranking Lists, most normal lists consider personal credit.

Almost instantly, both Igor and Harveys eyes lit up with an unusual gleamthat of laid-off workers suddenly discovering new job opportunities.

Not all crimes result in arrests, and in fact, even if someone commits murder, as long as the Red Cap doesnt find out, its as if it never happened. However, the Gospel records all illegal activities in ones credit report, and if someone suddenly disappears from the rankings, the Red Cap will likely find something if they decide to investigate.

The Loophole in the Gospel is that as long as youre not the one committing the act, it wont affect your own credit.

So even those who arent qualified to be on the rankings have their own kind of work they can do.

Igor pondered, I thought Firms were just organizations that did the dirty work

Firms are at most for pruning branches, eliminating pests and diseases. Banjeet pointed outside the balcony, Azura is actually a three-tiered city.

The second layer bathed in sunlight, the first layer that clings to the earth.

Sure, its just part of the job anyway.

How about the quality of these Echo Children?

They are quite exceptional, having gone through so many iterations over the years, Sirimoro explained. Almost every one of them is a Genius of all Faction Realms, with some infants reaching the Silver Tier at just two years old. However, these geniuses artificially created through Miracles are almost inevitably short-lived. To deceive the Weaving Festival and secure a seat, they need to live for over ten years, or else the Weaving Festival wont recognize these Echo Children.

Echo Children are a unique product of the Gospel Kingdom. These infants are subjected to Miracles during gestation to prematurely develop their intellect, almost all possessing Talent across all Factions. If they can survive until the age of ten, they are certain to master a Gold Tier Faction Technique.

But they seldom live to be ten.

The purpose of these Echo Children is to launch surprise attacks and to deceive the Weaving Festival.

As long as these children live past ten years and their potential is recognized by the Weaving Festival, they will essentially become true Echoers. After all, while the Weaving Festivals Ranking List is random, Echo Children are geniuses of all Factions. Whatever question you pose, if I cant answer it, consider it a loss for me.

Of course, the rewards of the Weaving Festival are naturally taken by their Family, while the Echo Children are kept alive until they die naturally. Without rewards to extend their lifespan, Echo Children can only live up to fifteen years at most. After all, geniuses artificially created in such a way are too much against the natural order. If there were no severe consequences, the whole Gospel Kingdom would have ascended long ago.

Just as the Blood Moon Kingdom excels in Bio-modification, the Gospel Kingdom has a profound cultivation in the field of artificial geniusesfrom the very first day the Weaving Festival appeared, countless individuals have pondered how to deceive the Prophecy of the Omniscient Weaver.

In the future, it might be possible to create a Faction Genius capable of living stably until the age of 20, but for now, the Echo Child initiative is more like a lottery for the elite Families, a test of the technological progress accumulated over the past fifty years, akin to an arms race.

Annan said, I need you to alter the records of the Echo Child to specify three individuals, even creating the illusion that they have not died and have been active in the outskirts, Sewers, and forests all this time.

Sirimoro was somewhat surprised and casually asked, No problem. Do you want to pick specific birth years?

No need, Annan replied. Just change the records for all the Echo Children who died in the past fifteen years.

All of them?

All of them.

Sirimoro narrowed her eyes slightly.

She realized what Annan intended to do.

The Gospel had many loopholes, one of which was the Retrieval Loophole. When the Gospel sought to query individuals with the same name and surname, it could potentially mix up the information of multiple people into a single profile.

But this loophole had been fixed a long time ago. As long as you were born in the Gospel Kingdom, the Gospel would assign you a unique number that only it could know, avoiding any confusion with others who might share your name and surname.

Annan undoubtedly knew this, yet she was willing to expend her favor to merge the Echo Child records with those of the three individuals. This meant she was quite confident that she could trigger the Retrieval Loophole in the Gospel, leading it to mistake these three individuals for whole-Faction Geniuses.

This meant that these three individuals

Suddenly, a Contract Fabric was extended in front of Sirimoro.

Even though I trust the integrity of a Sea Witch, its safer to have a contract, Annan insisted, completely exhausted and collapsing to the ground, her amethyst earring swaying in the light. Once the contract is signed, Ill hand over the names, appearances, and information of those three to you.

Sirimoro took the Fabric, signed her name, and watched as the Fabric burned away. She then asked, Youre willing to risk your Firms ranking for this? Was your whole-hearted effort to support me in becoming the Azura Sea Witch also for this moment?

Annan nodded, her tired face etched with determination.

Ive staked the name of Dolan on this.

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