Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 22

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:38:26 AM

Chapter 22: Deathmatch Invitation

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Chapter 22: Deathmatch Invitation

Shattered Lake Prison, Cafeteria

"I won 45 contribution points, but I still have to attend the Blood Moon Tribunal in a few days?!"

Ashe, who was eating, lifted his head in confusion: "Didn't you say that those with more contribution points get their tribunal scheduled later?!"

"That's right," Langna said while drinking milk. "But there's one condition - all prisoners must attend their first Blood Moon Tribunal, only a very few can escape due to pardons and the like."

"Only after surviving one tribunal and living through it, will the scheduling be based on contribution points."

"What if I die at my first Blood Moon Tribunal?"

"If you're worried about that, why not have a practice match with me and give all your points to me?"

"In your dreams!" Ashe muttered, then after thinking for a bit, asked: "Didn't you say only one person dies at each Blood Moon Tribunal?"

"That's right, there are eight participants, but only one dies," Langna said. "There's only a 12.5% chance of dying - that's pretty low in general."

"But am I an average person?"

"Clearly, as the leader of the Four Pillars heretical cult, you are not. With at least over a thousand civilian victims from your murders, kidnappings, imprisonments, and bloody rituals - your infamy these days is known far and wide. Without accidents, you'll certainly be an important focus at the Blood Moon Tribunal."

Ashe silently cursed Heath in his heart for the endless grievances caused on his behalf... Building weird cults and angering everyone, even loan sharks are less hated!

"What do you think? If you want to give up, why not give me your points?" Langna said. "I'll remember your sacrifice and live happily ever after with my boyfriend..."

"Piss off!" Ashe huffed. "I might just live through it! I won't give up!"

"Very well," Langna didn't seem to care about Ashe's 95 points either, "Someone wants to challenge you, will you accept?"

"That's why you waited for me at the cafeteria right?"

"Yes," Langna admitted plainly, "As for why, you'll understand when you see the number of points he bet - 37 contribution points."

Ashe narrowed his eyes: "The guy who fought 36 deathmatches is challenging me? I only bet 2 points per match."

Langna shrugged.

"That's why I came to inform you specially."

"Usually it's the newbies challenging veterans, to win big with small bets. Veterans can also challenge newbies, but that's generally after 5 matches, otherwise the veterans don't even have interest in earning points."

"So I was quite surprised that a veteran took the initiative to challenge you. I wanted to ask if you have some history with him."

"Who is it?"

"Valcas Uhl."

"Valcas, you can repay me right now. Just tell me why you suddenly targeted little cutie Ashe. Does it have to do with that name - Sylin Dole?"

In the dim audience stands, a slender middle-aged man watched the arena.

Yes, watched the feeding. There probably wasn't a better description. Although the food could move, escape, scream, and beg for mercy, in the end it was just food to be devoured.

"I don't mind telling you, as long as you don't regret it."

"Then forget it. My boyfriend and I are very loving, and quite satisfied with our lives. I don't want to get involved in the contests between big shots."

Langna tore off a strip of warm flesh and put it in his mouth to slowly chew: "But is Ashe really the leader of the Four Pillars heretical cult? I consider myself quite skilled at judging people, he seems more like a new grad who just started working. I thought he was innocent."

The middle-aged man gave a cold snort.

"Every single person who steps into this cesspool is far from the word innocent. The only difference is whether only their skin is stained, or if they willingly open their mouths to gorge on the stench."

"I'm eating right now, Valcas, so don't mention feces alright?"

"Then I won't disturb your meal, bon appetit."

When the great doors of the Deathmatch Society rumbled closed, the faint wails faded into the pitch black darkness.

Valcas walked along the prison passages, every prisoner and guard he met gave him a wide, indifferent berth.

Occasionally he came across a new prisoner who had just arrived. When they saw Valcas's ears, their faces naturally revealed gloating expressions.

Because Valcas's ears were pointed.

When Valcas returned to his own room, he saw a guard waiting outside his door.

He had expected this, and said in a low voice while opening the door: "Ashe Heath has agreed to deathmatch me."

"You must completely shatter his brain, heart, spine, to the extent even tier 2 mages can't heal." The guard said.

"I will do as you ask, then will you fulfill your end?" Valcas didn't enter, but turned to look at the guard.

"As long as Ashe Heath dies tomorrow, then after the next Blood Moon Tribunal ends, you will vanish from this prison." The guard said, "But you and that child cannot remain in Caimon City, this is Master Sylin's request."

"I have no interest in continuing to breathe the same air as Sylin either." Valcas revealed a disgusted expression.

"Free activity time is almost over, don't stand outside. Go into your cell."

Valcas's lips twitched as he stepped into his room, letting the automated door close.

The guard turned and left, the corners of his lips raised in a slight smirk as he gave a cold chuckle.

"A mere elf death row convict still retaining the arrogance of the noble-born... Ha!"

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