Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 36

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:38:09 AM

Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Since coming to this world, Ashe had heard the term "Blood Moon Tribunal" more than once.

At first, he thought it was an execution show.

Then, he thought it was a live broadcast execution show.

After that, he thought it was an online guessing game where a lucky viewer is randomly selected to be executed.

Now, Ashe felt that the Blood Moon Tribunal was probably an unrestricted fighting reality show.

"Yes, when death row inmates participate in the Blood Moon Tribunal, the prison will remove all your restrictions. At that time, you can use arcane energy to invoke spirits."

The medic stretched out her hand, and a kindly old granny spirit emerged in her palm.

"If you're asking whether there are opportunities for deals in the Blood Moon Tribunal, theoretically there are, but no one can actually do it. I don't need to explain why, right? You've seen the Blood Moon Tribunal before."

"I haven't seen it!"

"Don't think you can fool me that easily!" The medic nearly roared, "I won't believe such a stupid lie!"

The medic was no longer willing to reveal any more information. Ashe's clumsy lie made her feel that her dignity had been insulted. Lying was one thing, but using a lie that even children wouldn't fall for, who was he looking down on!

Ashe was also very wronged, he really hadn't seen the Blood Moon Tribunal before. But everyone here assumed it was common knowledge that needed no introduction.

Since he couldn't trick any information out of her, Ashe prepared to go eat. However, the medic stopped him again at this time.

"Why did you ask about the elf's condition earlier? Are you worried about him?"

"It would be too embarrassing to say I'm worried, I'm just a little curious."

Ashe scratched the tender new flesh on his shoulder, "After all, he's also the first person I've killed. Isn't it said that murderers always return to the scene of the crime to spectate? My mentality is similar to that."

"Really? He was actually your first?"

"The way you phrase it really makes people misunderstand..."

"But you're a death row inmate who got to stay in the luxury suite of the Shattered Lake Prison! For you, destroying lives should be as simple as eating and dressing, tormenting souls should be as habitual as breathing, right?"

"Although I can't say I'm a good person, I'm wrongly accused!"

"I'll temporarily believe the first half of that statement."

The medic looked down at the spirit in her hand, seemingly weighing her words.

"Alright, I'll believe this was your first kill. So why do you care about whether that elf lives or dies? Do you hope he won't make it, or hope he doesn't die?"

No wonder the medics weren't allowed to reveal their names. It was probably to prepare for anonymous escapes - after honing their skills through many medical accidents in prison, they could just pat their butts and leave. The death row inmates wouldn't even have anyone to complain to if they wanted to curse someone out.

Ashe arrived at the door and suddenly turned back to look around the treatment room.

"Speaking of which, I've been wanting to ask for a long time - are you being ostracized by your colleagues?"


"Both times I woke up, I only saw you alone. Where are the other medics?" Ashe guessed, "Did they give you the most difficult work then pat their butts and clock out?"

"No - although it is true you're the most difficult job."

"It's really not? If you're being singled out and boycotted by colleagues, remember to tell me."

The medic looked at Ashe and snorted.

"Why would I tell you?"

"Aren't we friends? Friends are people who can gloat at each other's misfortunes."

"Get out of here!"

Ashe waved goodbye, "Then see you next time, Dr. [222]. The apple was very delicious, thanks."

Silence returned to the treatment room after he left. The medic packed up her toolkit and pushed open the door to the public lounge - the medics' activity area did not overlap with the death row inmates' - and she saw a group of medics wearing crow masks waiting outside.

The medic was so startled she almost thought they had come to interrogate her.

But when she looked closely, she noticed one person in the group of medics wasn't wearing a crow mask. Based on the physique and name tag, it was the tall medic [176] who often scolded her. His appearance was that of a blue-scaled fishman, but his eyes were a glistening ruby red.

Not only was [176] not wearing a mask, his hands were tied behind his back, and there were obvious bruises on his face. Around his neck was a moss green bubble necklace.

The medic knew very well what that was.

Miracle Vein Bubbles.

This was the most commonly used offensive miracle of blood mages, combining entrapment and killing. Targets affected by the vein bubbles would have all their veins linked to the bubbles. Once the bubbles burst, it also meant all the veins in the body rupturing simultaneously, leading to rapid heart failure and death.

Any mage, even the weakest, had the power to instantly annihilate life.

Being collared with vein bubbles - this was how criminals were treated.

"What did he do?"

"He was peeping at Young Miss's treatment techniques," the medic with tag [201] reported with a bow. Even the voice changer of the crow mask couldn't conceal his deference.

"Attempting to steal the research results of the Blood Weeping Institute without permission violates the constitutional principle of 'personal and collective property is sacred and inviolable'. It is indisputably a crime."

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