Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 45

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:37:57 AM

Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

In the Star Kingdom, the Cailleach World, Sword and Rose Sorcerer University.

"Against the Turbid Heart Monster, unless the swordsman can pierce its brainstem in the first moment - cutting off its head is useless, as long as the Turbid Heart Monster still has its brain it can launch attacks - otherwise they will be affected by its spirit magic 'Frenzy'. Upon noticing impatience, the swordsman must pierce his own thigh with pain to stay sober, allowing the rest of the ranged sorcerers in the team to kill the Turbid Heart Monster..."

In the terraced classroom, only the teacher's voice droned on while Sonya, sitting by the window, looked at the three bright stars in the sky outside. Warm sunlight spilled onto the lawn, the walkways, the park benches - all creation shone radiantly.

"Sonya!" Ingritt whispered urgently, "Don't space out during class!"

Sonya, who was resonating with the light of reality, smiled slightly. "It's not an important class anyway, my bracelet is recording notes, even if I space out a little..."

"This is the most important Introduction to Swordsmanship class!" Ingritt said seriously, "Don't you want to delve into the Abyss in the future? Aren't you afraid of danger? Having the bracelet record notes is useless! This is the most crucial knowledge class about enemies, you can never be too careful about safety issues!"

"Cough cough!"

The teacher on the podium coughed twice and the two girls quickly sat up straight to listen attentively.

Introduction to Swordsmanship was not about teaching empty theories, but about introducing the countermeasures swordsmen had to take when facing different enemies in different environments. The reason this course existed was precisely because it was closely related to the future career directions of swordsmen.

Swordsmen were undoubtedly pure combat sorcerers. Unlike watermages who could switch to become healers, mechanical mages who could become crafters, swordsmen would gradually decline in peaceful times, and might even face a broken lineage.

The prosperity of swordsmanship in the Star Kingdom was precisely because the world was unsafe, constantly threatened by the Abyss.

The Abyss was not a fixed place, but a randomly appearing monster nest. It was said to be random, but there were also traces to follow: it would only appear in populous cities, or rather, the more sorcerers in an area, the more likely the Abyss would appear.

As the core city of the Star Kingdom, Cailleach naturally also suppressed the largest Abyss.

To this day, no scholar could explain the cause behind the generation of the Abyss, but the threat it posed had to be dealt with. The Abyss could not be eradicated; the deeper one went, the more powerful the monsters became. Even Saint-tier and Legend-tier deep level monsters might appear, but even the surface level monsters were not easy to handle.

Because the terrain of the Abyss changed drastically every period of time, sorcerers could not build camps inside. At the same time, every period of time, the Abyss would riot and Legend monsters would also run to the surface levels. Therefore, during that period, all sorcerers had to retreat from the Abyss.

Due to various restrictions, 'periodic cleansing of the Abyss' thus became a very important social division of labor. Other than the few who could become nobles or corporate 'riot consultants', most swordsmen would form small teams with other sorcerers to periodically adventure into the Abyss and slay monsters.

This was by no means a dirty job, rather, it was an excellent path to take. On top of the 'Extermination Gold' provided by the country, the various spoils of war dropped by the Abyss monsters were also extremely valuable. Sometimes, even rare resource points could be found inside the Abyss.

Many nobles originated from Abyss adventure teams, and the number of sorcerers who had fortuitous encounters in the Abyss was countless.

But risks and rewards were proportional - the monsters in the Abyss almost all had spirit bodies, their combat power not inferior to sorcerers. Every day, countless sorcerers died in the Abyss, with the possibility of entire teams being wiped out, becoming nutrients for the Abyss.

Therefore, Ingritt was so dissatisfied with Sonya's attitude: listening for one more second in Introduction to Swordsmanship class would increase her vigilance and caution when facing danger in the Abyss in the future!

But Sonya had just absorbed an Experience Orb and was excited like a child with a new toy, her mind preoccupied with proving the knowledge of the Light Faction. Also, she no longer thought it was likely for her to adventure in the Abyss - there was a small possibility before, but now with her talents and the Observer's support, she could easily attain Saint without having to roll around fighting desperately in the Abyss with others!

When Introduction to Swordsmanship ended, next was Swordsmanship Practicum, a sparring class between swordsman students. On the way to the practicum hall, students all around kept stealing glances at Sonya, gossiping incessantly.

Sonya was not surprised by this. Since Professor Trotzam allowed her to skip all procedures and directly join the Swordsmanship Department, she had become the focus and daily hot topic among students.

But today felt a little different - in addition to Sonya, the students were also observing Felix on the other side.

"Look, she's the one who dumped Sylvia..."

"Sonya will probably get dumped soon too..."

"I knew with one look she was that kind of person..."

Although she could only catch fragmented voices, Sonya roughly grasped what had happened - the news that Felix dumped Sylvia had spread, and as the woman most recently associated with Felix, Sonya inevitably became the center of attention.

Don't stir up trouble for me... Right now, Sonya only wanted to keep a low profile and accumulate strength. She did not want to waste energy over such petty matters.

But women had strong predictive powers, especially when it came to foretelling misfortune - upon entering the practicum hall, Sonya discovered many unfamiliar faces present, and the only one she recognized was senior Sylvia.

At this time, Sylvia had red swollen eyes from crying, looking refined and pitiful in her modest attire. She was the very image of a wronged fair lady that evoked sympathy and compassion from all who saw her. Although Sonya was confident in her own looks, Sylvia had temperament, ambience, and tearful makeup buffs. At this moment, Sonya would be unable to surpass her no matter what.

"Ingritt, I'm skipping class."

"Okay." Ingritt also expressed understanding.

However, just as Sonya wanted to leave the practicum hall, a roar shook even the dust off the ceiling.

"Felix, come here!"

A tall swordsman with black hair bellowed loudly, "You dare toy with my sister's feelings, could it be you don't dare show your face!?"

"This is unreasonable - battles with such a huge disparity in strength are no different from bullying. As a member of the discipline committee, I cannot allow such one-sided crushing situations to happen."

A heroic, valiant female swordsman with orange hair gripped Sonya's shoulder, pushing her forward. Sonya turned her head back, only catching sight of the woman's work pass on her chest: "Swordflower Discipline Committee: Leone Vickt".

"It's Senior Leone!"

"How is she at school?"

"It's the Dancing Orange Blade herself!"

The orange-haired swordswoman pulled Sonya all the way to the center of the arena. Her hand was like an iron claw, leaving Sonya unable to struggle free.

"Junior Felix, Junior Sonya, you two should interact more in the future. If Professor Trotzam knew you two couldn't even help and care for each other, he would definitely be very disappointed."

The orange-haired swordswoman looked at Sonya, smiling.

"While Senior Lorein does have the suspicion of bullying the weak, you two are Professor Trotzam's research apprentices. Him bullying you is the same as insulting the Saint of Hidden Hands. How can you two bear to swallow this insult?"

"You should know, Felix, that you represent not only yourself now, but also that you are one of Professor Trotzam's only two apprentices. Sonya, you understand this principle, yes?"

Sonya reluctantly nodded then shook her head. "But this is their personal grudge..."

"The moment Lorein said he wanted to challenge you two, even if only to defend the reputation of the Saint of Hidden Hands, you have to accept the challenge. Moreover, with two against one, the odds of winning are so high, refusing would only make you seem cowardly."

"As swordsmen, you should have the courage to press forward, and the backbone to speak reason through your swords! Defeat your enemy, and you will be the one most justified!"

"Sonya, what do you think?"

The moment the orange-haired swordswoman brought up Professor Trotzam's name, Sonya knew she could not avoid this battle.

No matter if Professor Trotzam actually cared or not, Sonya did not dare gamble.

Trotzam was currently her biggest backer. She dared not take any risks that might influence Trotzam's perception of her, much less now with hundreds watching. If she shrank back despite Trotzam's reputation, the news would spread through Swordflower within ten minutes.

But she detested this feeling - being manipulated, coerced, schemed against, and finally forced to participate in a battle she did not want any part of!

Strong feelings of indignance and humiliation simmered within her, almost making Sonya's shoulders tremble.

But she was a girl who ran to Cailleach all alone from the countryside. Reason quickly took over.

However, just as she was suppressing her dissatisfaction, a familiar voice sounded by her ear.

"Do you need my help? I guarantee I can eliminate your vexation."


"You agreed in your own words, don't blame me."

The Observer walked past behind Sonya and disappeared into the air after speaking.

The next second, Sonya looked towards the orange-haired swordswoman.

"Sonya, your decision now is - ?"

"I refuse!" Sonya resolutely shook her head, "I absolutely will not get involved in their personal grudges, will not fight alongside Felix, will not battle Senior Lorein!"

The orange-haired swordswoman raised her brows slightly: "But if so..."


Sonya looked at the orange-haired swordswoman, enunciating each word clearly and sonorously.

"As Professor Trotzam's apprentice, I cannot tolerate you repeatedly using Professor Trotzam's reputation to provoke and threaten me before my eyes. I cannot tolerate you trying to incite student sentiments and question the quality of Professor Trotzam's teaching! Even more, I cannot tolerate you using the outcome between the two of us to slander Professor Trotzam's character!"

"I didn't-"

"No need to explain. Just as you said, defeat your enemy, and you will be the one most justified. So - "

Sonya undid her sword bag, took out a wooden sword, and pointed it straight at the orange-haired swordswoman.

"Leone Vickt, I challenge you."

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