Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 47

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:37:50 AM

Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"Hey, stop going to class. Come to the combat hall! Isn't Orange Dancer your idol? She's right here!"

"People in front, make way! This is Swordmage class!"

"This is the school's combat hall, you Swordmages should get lost!"

More and more students flooded into the combat hall, many calling their friends over to watch the spectacle. After all, the messy love triangle between Felix, Sonya, and Sylvia was dramatic enough, and now Lorein and Leone joined the fray as supporting characters. Even if there were classes, students would come to see the drama unfold.

The combat instructor simply stepped aside, taking a "let them fight" attitude. Disputes between swordsaint disciples were not something he should get involved in, and the combat was reasonable as long as no one died.

If this were an evenly matched duel between students, the instructor might be worried they would get carried away. But this was the safest scenario possible.

The difference in strength was far too great.

Sonya let out a roar, her wooden sword swinging with a swoosh, pale purple sword qi rippling into a curtain before her like a wall to block Leone.

"Not bad fan vibration sword."

Leone casually commented and tapped the curtain with her wooden sword. She flicked her wrist, batting away the curtain like a rag. Stepping forward, her wrist snapped!


The heavy impact traveled down the wooden blade, forcing Sonya back two steps as her hands nearly lost grip.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Sweat dripped down her face, smudging her makeup. Her clothes were drenched as if she just emerged from a lake. She panted loudly like a country bumpkin, all pretenses of elegance gone. But Sonya had no time for that now, her eyes fixed on Leone without a second's respite.

This was the first time she truly felt what a sorcerer was.

Felix was a newbie like her, insignificant. Professor Trotzam was too far above her, only teaching and not applying real pressure when they dueled.

And her smooth adventures in the Virtual World fed her arrogance—being a sorcerer isn't that hard!

She wasn't humble, but haughty. Believing her future would be bright, she endured present obscurity.

Until Leone shattered her facade.

Leone used only basic sword spirits from start to finish: Slash Sword, Stab Sword, Cut Sword. It wasn't a matter of arcane power either. Leone's attacks only pressured Sonya without being unblockable.

A sorcerer's true terror was knowledge.

Every second, every move, Sonya felt Leone in complete control. It was as if Leone knew her every derivative action and had countless counters ready, effortlessly nullifying anything Sonya tried.

Like a child wrestling an adult who only needed one hand to hold down their head, helpless frustration brewed in Sonya's heart no matter how hard she swung. The indignity made her want to scream.

"Continue, junior Sonya. Show me everything you've got."

Leone raised her wooden sword slightly. "Don't worry about hurting me."

The seemingly caring words were more mocking than any insult. Sonya gritted her teeth, inhaling deeply. "Then senior, I'm going all out. Be careful!"

"I look forward to it."

Sonya adopted a sword-sheathing stance. Leone's eyebrows rose with some interest. "Iaijutsu?"

Step, pivot, slash!

Gales erupted as a rippling sword qi swept the stage. Sonya charged and spun with lightning speed, blinking to Leone's front!

This was her original move—Spiral Vibration Iai Slash!

"Interesting, but..."

Gasps of surprise sounded around Leone. "Not luck. But let's see true skill."

The next second, the crisis swelled like a tidal wave, a small boat before a tsunami. Just the shockwaves could flip and sink her!

She spun to block, and miraculously saw a flash of golden sword light illuminate the hall, like divinity itself come to punish mankind!


Sonya was batted flying, soaring meters into the air. She quickly riposted with a vibration sword to steady herself and barely landed on her feet. But her wrists were bruised, her body shaking uncontrollably.

And she finally realized Leone's move.

"Miracle Melody Rhythm!"

"It's her! The true Orange Dancer! Moving so fast she's almost invisible! Only an orange afterimage!"

"Senior Leone mastered Rhythm Swordsaint's famous Miracle? But that was created after the second wing, wasn't it?"

"It means senior isn't far from the golden second wing!"

Melody Rhythm, Professor Nidhogg's swordsmage miracle. Simple effect: the first two strikes charge up, the third explodes!

It didn't seem like much, but with movement and stealth spirits, Melody Rhythm became a lethal Death Melody, effortlessly shattering defenses in seconds with absolute violence!

Just like Leone steamrolling Sonya!


Another heavy blow sent Sonya stumbling back. Leone said calmly, "Drop your sword and it's surrender."

Should she surrender?

If she didn't, the third Melody Rhythm strike was next. Sonya knew she had no chance of blocking the charged explosion. Leone would smack her a dozen meters away in utter humiliation.

By all reason, surrender was the optimal choice.

Surrendering now, Sonya lost no face after fighting Leone this far, even forcing out Feathermail and Melody Rhythm.

After this battle, no one would question Sonya's qualifications as Professor Trotzam's disciple.

After this battle, Sonya would be the most renowned first year swordsmage genius.

She already gained tremendously. Now was the time to withdraw.

With luck, she could even befriend senior Leone. She heard Leone partied with Trinity College students, an avenue to higher connections.

Every logical fiber knew what to do. Sonya's ability to leave her rural home for Cailleach City was built on never letting emotions sway her reason.

Yet right now, even with her hands numb and body ready to collapse, Sonya refused to lower her sword!

She! Would! Not! Concede!

It wasn't about profit or prospects, likes or dislikes!

She simply wanted to win. She would not lose, that was all!

Rebellious blood burned her body and mind. Defiant thoughts drowned her reason this moment. She became a sword, plunging heedlessly from life to death, mad from battle!

Observer, you orchestrated this to enjoy my miserable defeat? I'll tell you, I won't serve you, you son of a bitch!

Sonya screamed in her heart, gripping the wooden sword tighter. Tears brimmed her eyes, teeth nearly biting through her lip. Every muscle tensed as she braced for the final Melody Rhythm!

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