Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 5

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:38:44 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You have ten seconds to rest."

Sonya took a deep breath, frantically recalling every detail of the battle so far. Although she was confident she hadn't lost any memories from her repeated deaths, she had no way of knowing for sure. She had to avoid the worst case scenario as much as possible.

She had lost count of exactly how many times she had died. Her mind was focused solely on the enemy before her, the "Apocalypse Observer." She analyzed his every move, imprinting his ruthless attacks into her body's muscle memory!

She realized the Observer did not possess any extraordinary abilities. He didn't even have a physical advantage over her.

Compared to her, the Observer was merely a skilled swordsman - at best.

Sonya had seen master swordsmen who had cultivated their skills to perfection. Even a casual swing of their blade emitted an oppressive aura like needles pricking your back. Just gripping their sword hilt was enough to instill fear and submission in the weak.

The Observer was an ordinary foothold compared to those true masters.

Yes, just a foothold.

Although she had died again, Sonya's desperate counterattack had succeeded in hitting the Observer.

But like his sword returning to his hand after being thrown, the Observer who had just taken a sword to the chest appeared unscathed, as if the wound had instantaneously healed.

If there was a recovery period, Sonya would have certainly traded injuries for death to wear him down. Unfortunately, this duel was meant to be fair, leaving her no such loopholes.

A fair duel - Sonya found it somewhat ironic.

But she had to admit, everything was fair.

The unreasonable restrictions made it clear she had only one choice: to defeat the Observer through absolute skill in this duel.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

The ten seconds were up. Time itself seemed to become a tangible entity. The moment it ended, Sonya tensed up completely, gripping her sword and charging at the Observer!

At the start of every battle, the Observer would hold his sword in a ready stance before stepping forward to draw and spin in a slashing attack. The farther Sonya was from him, the more intense the blow, even knocking away her weapon entirely!

This move was similar to the famed iaijutsu quick draw slash. And the method to counter it was simple - never dodge, actively step forward to interrupt his spin!


Sonya's arms were almost numb from the vibrations, but she had succeeded in stopping the Observer's spin, dragging him into lethal close quarters combat!

After dying so many times, Sonya no longer cared about a few more holes in her body. As long as she could kill the Observer before her own death, it would be her victory!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

After several seamless exchanges, Sonya silently counted to five in her head. Right on cue, the Observer evaded in a bizarre, abrupt direction, then stepped forward for a sword slash at her head!

No warning, extremely dangerous!

Sonya had initially thought it was some supernatural ability. But after experiencing it several deaths, she realized it was a combat footwork technique.



"Sonya, we have morning classes today. Aren't you going?"

Sonya clutched her head and sat up to find only Engelica left in their dorm room. Engelica was already dressed and about to head out.

"What time is it?"

"7:30 AM. We have General Ed this morning. I remember you usually get up an hour early on mornings with General Ed to do your skincare and makeup routine... The others already left... You don't look well."

"Is that so?" Sonya unconsciously touched her neck before collecting herself and shaking her head. "I probably had a nightmare..."

"A nightmare? You'll forget it soon." Engelica said indifferently. "Remember to come to class. Don't be absent or we'll lose dorm points."

After that, Engelica left and Sonya was alone in the room.

On any other morning when she overslept, Sonya would be hurrying to wash up, apply makeup, and get ready. But today, she sat numbly on the bed, lost in thought.

It was so strange. It felt so real even though it was a dream. Even stranger that she had zero lapses in memory, recalling everything vividly from her first death to her ninety-ninth.

Even the pain of each wound was fresh.

Once the Observer entered dual blade mode, their battle intensity instantly increased exponentially. Sonya barely had any chance to breathe before the Observer was upon her again. Her arms were nearly numb from exhaustion. By the end, she was basically relying on instinct to meet the Observer's onslaught.

Mikiri, iaijutsu, mikiri into iaijutsu, iaijutsu into mikiri, triple mikiri, triple iaijutsu... Sonya countered the Observer's endless variations with just these two techniques, nearly exhausting every combination.

When she finally defeated the Observer, she felt no particular emotion. In the end it was just endless mikiris and iaijitsus, evading all the Observer's attacks and striking all his openings until he fell.

But after defeating the Observer, Sonya felt no joy.

Because the Observer had said one thing to her.

"This trial is over, but your life has only just begun."

Though she couldn't see his face or hear his tone, Sonya was absolutely certain - this was no blessing.

"Apocalypse Observer..." Sonya mulled over the name, as if crushing it between her teeth before swallowing it down.

At the same time, in the luxurious master suite of the underground cells of Caimon City's Shattered Lake Prison.

Ashe yawned and awoke, feeling particularly exhausted for some reason, as if he had been beaten up.

Opening the light screen, Ashe saw a new message in Aurora's Sorcerer Handbook:

"Your bond with the Death Maniac Swordswoman has deepened after the trial."

Ashe scratched his head. "...Just assigning a trial can deepen bonds? There's something like that?"

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