Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 59

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:37:34 AM

Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

I'm done for!

Ashe looked at the red chains all over his body and was completely dumbfounded.

Forget about how he would break free from these chains, even if he did, the wind blades above his head weren't there just for show. Right now the wind blades were only aimed at Valcas because he was the only one resisting. But it was hard to say the wind blades wouldn't go for this soft persimmon Ashe once he decided to stop playing dead.

Moreover, Ashe had no way of breaking free from the red chains!

Crap, now he was definitely dead. Should he call for the swordswoman? Though other than watching the show she couldn't do much either...

Just as Ashe was trying to empty his mind and comfort himself before his impending doom, he suddenly felt himself move.

No, he didn't move, the ground beneath him did.

Ashe looked down and saw the ground he was on seemed to have 'come alive' and was carrying him backwards. The red chains didn't react at all. After all, the chains were connected to the ground so when the ground moved, the chains naturally moved with it.

Could it be that the earth's intelligence recognized that I'm a kind-hearted environmentalist, so it wants to save my dog life?

But when Ashe was carried to the edge of the platform and saw Harvey summoning earth spirits to control the land, he was immediately moved by the sincerity of this prison buddy.

"Next time you wanna die, come find me. I have great skills and provide after-sales service too. You just need to give me your spirit as payment before you die." Harvey whispered angrily: "If the executioner accidentally kills someone not meant for judgement, it might go berserk and attack indiscriminately. It's happened once or twice before, almost always resulting in the death of all condemned prisoners!"

"....I was just about to broad-mindedly tolerate your fetish..."


"Why do you have an earth spirit? Aren't you a death mage?"

"Nowadays the common burial methods are earth burial, cremation and sea burial. As a death mage, mastery over earth, fire and water magic is a must. How can I call myself a death mage otherwise?"

Damn, Ashe had thought a mortician was just a side gig for death mages. He didn't expect a death mage's main occupation was to work at a funeral home.


Valcas suddenly stabbed his sword into the ground. A deep yellow sword aura burst forth, encasing Valcas like a barrier, blocking the turbulent wind blades outside.

"Miracle - Sword Body Barrier. A very impressive defensive sword miracle." Nago appraised: "But it will only buy Uhl a little more time. Pointless struggle, such labor, such humility, but don't worry. The Titan Executor will swiftly relieve his pain... Oh?"

Harvey said softly: "This is perhaps the only chance most people have to trample an elf."

Ashe looked at the Titan Executor again, but this time, he did not see a hideous monster. He saw the murky anger, the tremendous pressure formed from the hysterical frustration of countless ordinary people.

Although other than his swordswoman, Ashe had never seen any ordinary people - the prison only contained guards and condemned prisoners - he could understand what ordinary people on the outside felt.

It was the despair born under an orderly society, the anger from gazing upon an uncrossable ravine.

In the Order-raised Caimon, most were separated into castes from infancy. Those with high potential went to good orphanages, those with low potential went to poor ones. Their futures were divided from the starting line.

Those of good birth like elves pursued prestigious careers and becoming mages was no surprise. Ashe saw from the criminal records of goblins, beastmen and ogres that those of poor birth were either manual laborers or gangsters, never rising above their station in life.

Moreover, the lower class didn't even have the right to complain.

Because those above you were simply better than you. Everyone came from orphanages, with no capital beyond their talents.

He just had better aptitude so he could enter a better orphanage, accumulating advantages step-by-step until finally standing over you.

A society divided by talents nearly deprived people of the courage to cross class boundaries.

Ashe completely understood the meaning behind the Blood Moon Tribunal.

Under such suffocating class barriers, the desires of all to live well were thoroughly suppressed, twisted desires breeding nothing but malice and resentment.

When Order dictated they would never make something of themselves, breaking the shackles was inevitable. Moreover, with the complete lack of family in Caimon, everyone was an island. They could do anything with no fear of consequences.

Thus three things must be told to the masses: First, break the law and you will suffer a terrible death; Second, even highly-placed people will die terribly; Third, you who live orderly lives are the most fortunate.

Ashe was a sacrificial lamb, Harvey was one as well, all the condemned were. And Valcas was the most satisfactory sacrifice of all.

Just as the Titan Executor was about to unleash destruction, Valcas suddenly turned and looked at Ashe.

Ashe froze.

Why are you looking at me?

But in the next moment, the condemned prisoners around Ashe rolled and crawled away frantically, with Harvey moving the earth to flee even further. Ashe immediately understood.

Damn it, don't tell me Valcas wants to use me as a meat cushion!?

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