Sorcerer's Handbook - Chapter 96

Published at 20th of May 2024 06:37:02 AM

Chapter 96: Ashe Heath Must Die

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Chapter 96: Ashe Heath Must Die

Backstage at the Starfall Hall, Sonya looked over the cue cards rehearsing her lines for later, but she couldn’t help glancing towards the back door, only to be stopped by Iris.

“The restroom isn’t this way!”

“I think taking a warning would be better for me!”

“Didn’t you make up your mind just now? Why are you backing out again?”

“Because I realized I’m not as confident as I imagined. I’m scared!”

Just then, a handsome young man in a dark blue suit walked over to greet Sonya, “Miss Therave, good evening. Can I help you with anything?”

“Mr. Cage, good evening.” Sonya quickly greeted, “You came at the right time. I want you to stop my roommate Iris because she’s preventing me from running away.”

This young man was Sonya’s co-host, Acenuth Cage, a second year windmage, known as the ‘sword grass’ of the second grade. His handsome looks even made the female students form a fan club for him voluntarily.

If it wasn’t for Felix’s undercover crackdown, he would undoubtedly be the public enemy of all male students on campus.

“...I’m afraid I can’t join in the ladies’ game as a gentleman.”

Acenuth smiled and said, “Professor Lithrom told me to remind you there are ten minutes left before the event starts. Please take care of your personal issues quickly and get ready behind the curtains. This is our first time working together. If I make any mistakes, please bear with me Miss Therave. I hope we can become friends after tonight.”

Sonya shook her head, “Don’t worry, I will definitely make big news that you can’t smooth over. I hope you won’t hate me to death after tonight.”

The other party was stunned for a moment, “Miss Therave, you really have...quite the sense of humor. I’ll wait for you then.”

After Acenuth left, Sonya pleaded, “Let me go, Iris. I’m really scared. My heart is pounding like crazy. I’m sure I’ll cause big trouble!”

“No way!” Iris shook her head repeatedly, “What about your aspirations? Don’t you want to become the next Dahlia? Are you willing to just be a swordsmaster from now on?”

“I understand all the reasoning, and I know I’ll regret it after I leave, but I still want to go!”

As the two tangled, Ingritt and Adele came in through the back door. Adele excitedly said as soon as she entered, “A star fell halfway in the sky outside, go take a look!”

Seeing Sonya who looked like she was about to cry, Ingritt asked, “What’s wrong with her again?”

Iris helplessly said, “She’s getting cold feet and wants to run away again.”

“How strange. The Sonya I know is a swordsmaster who dares to challenge Felix and Leone,” Ingritt thought for a moment and suddenly clapped her hands, “I got it. Sonya is the impulsive type who performs better the more nervous she gets. Now we just need to push her on stage.”

As the number one fan who witnessed Sonya’s rise all the way, her words were unanimously approved. So Sonya was pulled to the preparation area behind the curtains where Professor Lithrom and others in charge of the event were waiting.

Seeing Sonya arrive, Lithrom nodded slightly and turned to the staff, “Get ready to raise the curtains, let’s begin.”

At this point, Sonya had no way to back out.

She took a deep breath, smoothed out the wrinkles on her dress, and glanced at Acenuth. She said, “Later, you try to take the spotlight by yourself as much as possible. Don’t interact with me too much. Remember my advice – the more I talk, the more likely something will happen.”

This was the first time Acenuth had heard such a request.

He was also the MC last year. His partner at the time tried every means to steal his thunder – interrupting, ad-libbing, competing for attention. Acenuth was worried that it might be her again this year, but instead it was a first-year junior.

His greatest expectation of Sonya was just some basic cooperation. He didn’t expect Sonya to voluntarily give way. It made him feel quite strange – in principle, every MC of the event wanted to become the League’s MC. So they had to demonstrate their abilities as much as possible at the event for the professors to recognize and recommend them.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Could it be that Sonya simply came to be an MC for fun? Or did she just accompany her friend to the audition and ended up being selected herself, so she wasn’t enthusiastic?

“Indeed, that is also the right approach for scum – slaughter cannot create value. Rather than swiftly and decisively killing you all, it’s better to let you rot and be maggot-ridden in this prison, entertaining those citizens who are disturbed and frightened by you like clowns until you die in the most unsightly way, squeezing out your value to compensate for the sins you committed.”

“To be honest, I quite agree with this approach.” Ashe criticized, “It would be even better if I wasn’t a permanent resident here.”

“But you seem very relaxed.” Gerard’s pupils flashed a bloody light, “This isn’t my first time here either – some people I just caught not long ago, they became very unstable, hysterical, remorseful, begging for mercy...all kinds of states, but this kind of natural ease like yours, this is the first time I’ve seen it.”

“Could it be that you already have a way to escape from this prison?”

Ashe held Gerard’s gaze. “Yes, I’m waiting for you to realize you caught the wrong person and let me out in good conscience.”

Gerard laughed loudly, took out a bottle of wine from his arms and drank a mouthful. “I did feel like I might’ve caught the wrong person, but hearing you say that puts me at ease.”


“I didn’t expect that you really do have a way to break out!”


In the instant Gerard slashed his sword at him, Ashe almost used Self-Harm Miracle to take out his belly sword and fight desperately with Gerard. But he endured the urge – even if he used Self-Harm Miracle to lift the chip’s restrictions, with his Single-Wing Silver strength, Gerard could crush him effortlessly with hands and feet tied!

The blade kissed Ashe’s neck, leaving a shallow cut.

Gerard’s nose twitched, and the crimson in his pupils grew deeper.

“....What makes you draw that conclusion?” Ashe asked.

“Intuition.” Gerard said lightly, “And I guessed your escape method too.”

Ashe’s heart thumped rapidly – don’t tell me! They hadn’t even taken action yet and were already seen through?

Was this the strength of the Blood Mad Hunters’ Commander, a Three-Wing Saint mage?

Or was there a mole?

“You must be planning to have the Four Pillars rescue you, right?”

Ashe’s eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, with an expression of utter disbelief, like seeing someone fake an accident by falling down 10 meters away from a car.

After a brief silence, he said with difficulty, “I didn’t study law, but I think criminal litigation here should follow ‘presumed innocent’ right? Even if you want to wrongfully charge me, at least give some evidence so I can die content, instead of convicting me based on your guesswork!”

“Commander Gerard, do you have to make things difficult for an insignificant prisoner like me when you’re so busy?”

“Because I came specifically for you, Ashe Heath.”

Ashe was stunned.

Gerard said, “Someone told me you’ll try to escape. He hopes I can stop your actions and eliminate this disaster at its root...He even called in a huge favor just to get me to come to Shattered Lake.”

“Killing prisoners is a grave crime. Apart from a handful of people in Caimon City, no one can be exempt from this crime, and I’m one of them.”

That ubiquitous name almost instantly jumped out in Ashe’s mind. A chill swept through Ashe’s whole body, the killing intent from the blade made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

But he still asked, “Who was it?”

“Sylin Dole.” Gerard said solemnly, “He said the remnants of the Four Pillars heretical cult must not continue existing in this world.”

“For stopping the Four Pillars, for the glory of the Blood Moon, Ashe Heath must die.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!