Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 149

Published at 22nd of March 2024 12:04:01 PM

Chapter 149

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Chapter 149 – Fear


“Why are you studying and doing homework again tonight?”


“Isn’t that what being a college student is about? I’ve paid so much in tuition and even took out student loans. If I don’t study diligently, how will I ever get my money’s worth?”


“Wow, that’s impressive. Keep it up.”


“Wait, I remember the warrant mentioned you went to college too! How about you help me with my homework?”


“Weren’t you just now eager to study, insisting on sticking to the right path and studying diligently?”


“But some assignments are meaningless, and I only study them because I have to for the credits. Can you help me out, please?”


“Stop, don’t lean in so close. It’s hot, I’ll start sweating. Let me see… (takes a quick glance) Ah, I see.”


“So, are you willing to help?”


“I’m willing to provide any support other than helping.”


“What does that mean?”


“It means I don’t know how to do it either.”


“But didn’t you already graduate? You must have done these kinds of assignments too!”


“How can a person remember the taste of every piece of bread they’ve ever eaten? How should I remember how I completed these assignments back then?”


“Ugh, worthless grey college student.”


“If you want to become a legendary golden college student, then do your homework. For your sake, I’m willing to endure this humiliation and serve as a negative example to spur you on.”


“You’re shameless.”


“Ashe, we’re out of shampoo, can you get a new bottle from the bottom shelf?”


“Strange, you actually know you can’t just walk out and get it.”


“I haven’t finished my shower, and I’m too lazy to dry myself. If I walk out all wet, I’ll get the floor wet. I have that much common sense.”


“You’re so considerate, I’m touched. I hope you can acquire more common sense… like how you shouldn’t expose half your body when grabbing something from the bathroom!”


“You’re so annoying.”


“Ah, Ashe, have you finished your shower? You took even longer than me, water isn’t cheap…”


“Whose fault do you think that is.”


“Why are you acting as if I forced you to take so long… Oh, oh, I get it! My, I’m not even shy, why are you?”




“If you want to take care of it yourself, you don’t have to hide in the bathroom. As long as you don’t make a mess, I don’t mind if you do it on my bed. And while I don’t have many videos suitable for men, I know which Canopy to download from. You can take your time finding spell materials. And I also have lubricant, it’s much better than water…”


“Stop, I was just taking a shower in the bathroom, nothing else!”


“So you handle it during the day, when you’re alone in the apartment? Hold on, let me check the browsing history…”


“I didn’t do anything like that in your house!”


“No way, you’ve been staying at my place for three days… You’re not a masochist, are you?”


“I don’t want to talk about it, move over, I need to use the Screen of Knowledge.”


“You’re quite strange.”


“Are you asleep?”




“Isn’t it uncomfortable sleeping on the floor? Why don’t you come up and sleep in the bed? I can move over a bit.”


“No need, I’m afraid of you.”


“Hey, that’s kind of hurtful. Honestly, while there are many people who are afraid of my Bewitcher constitution, there are even more who are attracted to my looks. Besides the real thing, there are many games that could make you feel good… want to give it a try?”


“You know, I’ve been wondering. Freya, you’re so attractive, I bet you get hit on a lot at the Barista. But why do you prefer to spend money at the Mud Cafe?”


“Hey, Ashe, haven’t you ever been to a Barista? You really don’t have a clue, do you?”


“Whoa, I can’t believe I’m being lectured about common sense by someone who sleeps naked without a blanket.”


“Let me tell you, the most notable difference between a Barista, a Mud Cafe, and a Tea Café is, everyone in a Barista is equal.”


“Isn’t equality a good thing?”


“But equality means both sides have to serve each other—you make me comfortable, I have to make you comfortable too. You have to give as much as you want to gain. And I just happen to dislike serving others, so I’d rather pay a bit more to go to a Mud Cafe.”


“Hearing that, you sound quite self-serving…”


“Moreover, the Mud Cafe offers buffet, bath, sauna, spa, and other entertainment. ‘Mud Worker Service’ is just one of them. Every woman can temporarily shed her worries from reality and find entertainment suited for her at the Mud Cafe, so a visit there is a very relaxing experience. According to statistics, every adult woman visits a Mud Cafe once a month on average. Some high-ranking women even have long-term exclusive rooms in private Mud Cafes, living there directly and enjoying the top-notch service every night.”


“Oh, I see, you’re a queen, confident and shining!”


“If you pay, you can also make some requests that ordinary men can’t fulfill.”


“I see… Wait, what?”


“Ashe, come here (pats bed), I wouldn’t mind serving you.”


“After you serve me, will you make a request for compensation?”




“And the request is a ‘special service’ that ‘ordinary men can’t fulfill’?”


“But you’re not an ordinary man! Have some courage, Demonic Saint!”


“I find the floor quite comfortable. Goodnight.”


“Hm, you’re quite timid.”


“I’ve been wanting to ask, why are you always wearing arm and leg covers?”


“What arm and leg covers?”


“The fluffy white fur on your hands and feet isn’t something you wear?”


“How rude! That’s my natural charm fur. All Bewitchers have it. It’s the biggest difference between Bewitchers and humans.”


“I know a male Bewitcher who doesn’t have this fur.”


“There are no male Bewitchers in this world, only ‘males with a certain amount of Bewitcher blood’. Bewitcher is a term specifically for females. Moreover, if a Bewitcher gives birth, the daughter will definitely be a pure Bewitcher, while the son will mainly have the race bloodline of the male.”


“I learned some useless common sense again.”


“So, do you think my charm fur looks good? Although I like it myself, it seems that many people dislike charm fur, thinking it’s a characteristic of beasts. Some Bewitchers even undergo hair removal surgery, striving to look no different from humans…”


“It looks good! Can I touch it?”


“But don’t you think it looks too much like a beast?”


“Isn’t that even better?”


“Ah? Could it be you are into the Moonshadow type?”


“What I mean is, the charm fur only makes you better. It gives you a wild temperament, and you make the charm fur look even more cute and beautiful. Or to put it another way, it’s not the charm fur that’s beautiful, but you. You’d even look good bald.”


“Really!? I was actually thinking about changing my hairstyle…”


“——But I think your current hairstyle is already very good, no need to change.”


“Hehe, I think so too, you have quite a good eye.”


“What’s for dinner?”


“Fruit salad, and…”


“No Red Flame Fatty Fish Roe Rice Bowl?”


“That’s actually quite a hassle to make…”


“Oh, then I’ll go to class.”


“But I also want to eat it today, let’s replace the fried steak with the Red Flame Fatty Fish Roe Rice Bowl.”


“Hey, it’s you who wants to eat, not me begging you.”


“Have you had any good luck recently?”


During class, Adela suddenly asked this, which made Freya feel puzzled: “No.”


“Then why have you been so happy these days?”


“Am I very happy?”


“Your lips have been curling up, and they haven’t come down. It’s tiring even to look at!” Adela supported her chin and looked at Freya sideways: “I think even if I get admitted to the Red Mist Research Institute, I may not be as happy as you are.”


Freya subconsciously covered her mouth, but soon put it down: “That’s not true, I’m always a happy little Bewitcher.”


“C’mon, what good thing happened? Can’t you tell me?”


Freya looked at Adela quite strangely, “Adela, you seem a bit… impolite.”


Although they were friends, they were just friends.


They could share hobbies. Adela took Freya to the Casino, and Freya took Adela to the Mud Cafe, which was perfectly fine.


But once it came to privacy, it was the ‘taboo’ that both parties could not touch. Although it’s hard to describe what privacy is considered a ‘taboo’, it’s quite simple to judge whether the current topic is a ‘taboo’ or not – when the other party tries to avoid or refuses to answer, that’s the ‘taboo’ you can’t keep asking about.


People who can’t do this are ‘barbarians’ who can’t read the air, lack social skills, and easily hurt others with words.


Adela was naturally not a ‘barbarian’. In fact, she was well-liked and had several friends besides Freya. Plus, her ambition was to belong to the Heart Sect, so reading the air should be almost instinctive for her.


Seeming to perceive Freya’s astonishment, Adela asked back: “Are you planning to see a psychologist soon?”


“How do you know that?” Freya asked subconsciously.




Recently, Freya had been feeling that strange emotion in her heart growing stronger, to the point where it was affecting her rationality.


Although it was her first time experiencing this, she neither overthought it nor tried to solve it alone, but planned to see a psychologist for treatment.


For the citizens of the Blood Moon Realm, if there’s a physical problem, they seek a Medic, and if there’s a mental problem, they find a psychologist. These are survival skills that even an Ogre knows.


Moreover, the modern population is highly likely to have mental issues. Some people need to maintain a monthly appointment with a psychologist from childhood, so the demand for psychological treatment is growing, even surpassing ordinary treatment – after all, modern people may not get sick or injured for a year, but almost no modern person can go a year without having a psychological issue.


At the same time, being a psychologist is a very common profession. If Freya doesn’t become a Sorcerer in the future, she will most likely become an ordinary psychologist.


The market is broad, and there are many practitioners. Coupled with college students’ medical allowance, psychological treatment for Freya is cheaper than a meal, so she naturally wouldn’t force herself to face it alone.


Adela whispered: “Because you’re very scared right now.”

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