Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 157

Published at 22nd of March 2024 12:04:01 PM

Chapter 157

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Chapter 157 – There Is Also the Sword Princess


In the study room on the second floor of the villa, Ashe was practically turning into a treant, like a tombstone of a forest. Each of his branches was as hard as steel, and every leaf was absorbing his arcane energy.


This was a very powerful miracle from the Sylvan sect. It’s notable that the Sylvan sect has always been known for creation as its main development direction, yet this miracle was unusually ferocious. It’s hard to imagine how many spirits were combined within it to incorporate binding, killing, and weakening effects all in one.


The over-two-hundred-year-old Sylin was a Two-wing Sorcerer, which wasn’t surprising. The realm of sects was the most ruthless test, acting as a natural chasm that blocked all the ‘mediocrities’ without enough talent or opportunities. Efforts were meaningless to a Sorcerer, as effort was the foundation of a Sorcerer. However, without talent, no matter how long you live, how diligent, or how desperate you are, you can’t touch the higher scenery.


Although Sylin couldn’t see the higher scenery, he had ample time. Therefore, he could appreciate the towering and ancient trees next to him, the poison stinger of the bee, the secrecy of the spider, and the hidden threat of the plants.


All resources could be transformed into the power of a Sorcerer, including time.


Ashe didn’t look down on Sylin because he was also a Two-wing Sorcerer  C neither now nor in the past. But time wasn’t on his side. As time passed, it would be easier for the Heresy Court to find him. He found in the Canopy that the Heresy Court had begun a large-scale investigation into the lower areas and the Pig District.


Although Freya’s home was a haven of peace, it was also his deathbed.


He had to get the needed intelligence as soon as possible, and Professor Sylin was his only choice. He knew before he arrived that he had to stake his life. After all, life was just a more important chip, and you had to bet when it was time to.


Moreover, to him, how important is the chip of life?


This wasn’t the gambling game he was familiar with, and the gamblers he was facing weren’t familiar either. If it weren’t for the fear of being picked up by others, he might have wanted to throw this chip away a long time ago.


Ashe closed his eyelids slightly, as if he were falling asleep.


His voice became loud and steady, as if he were the ruler here: “Have you made a decision then, Professor Sylin?”


Sylin circled him, murmuring: “Since Heath is no longer here, I naturally don’t need to continue to be loyal to him, nor do I need to carry out his orders. I am now a free Blood Moon Elf.”


“But your existence is always a huge threat. No one can guarantee whether Heath will revive again, returning like a bolt of lightning with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.”


“But you won’t kill me.” Ashe said calmly: “After you know that I am not Heath, not only do you not want to kill me, but you also have to protect my life.”


After careful consideration, Ashe knew that he was in no danger at all.


If he were the real Heath, Sylin would have to obey the order to assassinate him, but Heath also had a way to control Sylin; he was not Heath, and Sylin had been freed, so naturally, there was no need to kill him.


Perhaps some people will wonder, wouldn’t Sylin, who had been enslaved and controlled by Heath, want to destroy Ashe, who was a stand-in?


Of course not. If Sylin only had thoughts of revenge, he would have crushed him like a peach just now.


But Sylin was in fear.


“Yes.” Sylin stopped behind Ashe, his voice trembling: “Since Heath wants you dead, then you have to live, even if you have to live in a pitiful way, even if life is worse than death, you have to live!”


Ashe asked: “Do you know why Heath wants to kill me?”


“I don’t know, but considering how weak, ignorant, and insignificant you are, it can only mean one thing…”


Sylin walked in front of Ashe, his index finger pointing at Ashe’s forehead: “The ritual isn’t complete yet. You’re not a complete ‘Touch’. You’re just a semi-finished product.”


“Only by killing you can the ceremony be completed, and Heath’s illusion descend upon this world.”


Ashe looked at Sylin’s fingers, “What is ‘Touch’? What will happen after I die?”


“I don’t know, I don’t know!”


Sylin hysterically pulled at his hair, “That’s a secret of the Four Pillars, a ceremony only Heath can fully comprehend! Heath told his followers that he is not yet the complete ‘Touch’. After the ceremony, he will return from suffering, be freed from honor, fall from the sky, rise from the grave, and become the ‘Touch’ that surpasses all! Then…he will smear the world as he pleases!”


“It sounds like I will surpass the so-called four-winged sorcerers after the ceremony,” Ashe’s lips curled slightly, “So, if you kill me, will I become an existence…comparable to the Blood Moon Supreme?”


Sylin stared at Ashe with a harsh gaze, “You won’t have the chance.”


Ashe whispered softly, “So, you’re going to hand me over to the Heresy Court?”


“No, definitely not. Gerard might kill you, and the Blood Moon Tribunal will take your life… I absolutely can’t hand you over!” Sylin shook his head vehemently, as if trying to shake off a fly, “The arrogant sacred bloodline only wants to study you, the stubborn Moonshadow don’t care about you at all!”


“Only I understand your seriousness, only I can handle this…only me…”


Sylin whispered demonic words, “Cut off your limbs, lock you in a puppet box, and place you in the deepest basement on the third underground floor, maintaining your basic life with an infusion tube…”


That’s right, this was the plan.


Ashe’s heart remained calm, he was satisfied with Sylin’s decision. If Sylin really handed him over to the Heresy Court, Ashe would never be able to escape from prison again. Even the dumbest prison would know to be wary of his purifying miracle.


Ignoring everything else, just changing the frequency of sending Ashe’s life signs from once every ten minutes to once every second would mean that as soon as Ashe removed the chip, Gerard would be right on his heels.


No matter how many obstacles Sylin added outside, they were not as straightforward as the chip ban. Ashe didn’t care about physical disability, as long as he could enter the Virtual Realm, he would eventually have the power to break the game.


Moreover, Ashe was not completely devoid of resistance now.


Substitute, sword heart, Slash Me Miracle, these skills that Ashe completely mastered, he could activate without arcane energy.


But this tree completely restrained his mobility, and his resistance was futile for now.


The best time for him to escape would be when Sylin was preparing to transport him. He had followed Gesas here, observing the surrounding security situation. If Sylin wanted to kill him, he would kill the surrounding guards and draw the hunters over.


The hunters want to kill me, while Sylin wants to save my life. If handled properly, it could even spark a conflict between Sylin and the hunters. If it causes mass casualties, I could even exploit Fernand Snow’s recent speech to ignite racial conflicts and class contradictions, and then… one thought after another spun to life and died in Ashe’s mind, quickly forming a rudimentary conspiracy.


The worst-case scenario would be him being imprisoned in a basement, becoming an immobile, boxed, puppet whose world reduced to a heartbeat.


Ashe was indifferent to the tragic fate he was about to face, not nervous, not fearful, not excited.


He seemed to have removed himself from this body, quietly watching the fate of ‘Ashe Heath’.


Pain, loneliness, torment, these could not shake his will, because in his world…


In his world…there was also the Swordswoman?


His thoughts broke off here, Ashe jerked up, his pupils regaining their luster.


It was hard to describe the feeling. It was as if Ashe was on the verge of taking flight, about to transcend this world when suddenly, an unseen string yanked him down, causing him to crash harshly onto the ground. Then, the sound of air flowing, the fragrance of earth, the pulsing of his heartbeat, all sensations flooded into his mind at once.


It was as if Ashe had just awoken from a deep sleep.


At that moment, there were strange noises coming from Sylin.


“Sylin Dor, you can’t run away any longer,” he whispered. “You are free now, you can’t avoid it anymore.”


An elf pulled a blackwood dagger from a drawer, walked over to Ashe, held the dagger upside down, and with a gentle push—


It pierced his own throat.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!