Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 172

Published at 11th of April 2024 05:42:59 AM

Chapter 172: Freya Extra

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Chapter 172: Freya Extra

Adra, why did you have to drag me here? Im in a hurry to get home and catch up on my shows. I still havent seen the finale of Sorcerer 100% from last night

Because the Eastern Army won by a slight margin, it ended with a solo female lead, and the pair lived happily ever after.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Adra, I havent watched it yet!

Well, now you dont have to, unless youre part of the Eastern Army like me.

Im with the Northeast Alliance

Adra raised an eyebrow. Sorcerer 100% featured four main female characters, with the Audience divided into East, South, West, and North, each corresponding to a different character archetype: the caring confidante, the childhood sweetheart, the love at first sight, and the energetic playmate. In the finale voting, the Eastern Armys solo victory, the Western Armys solo victory, and a free-for-all among all four were the top contenders, with the vote counts closely contested. Thus, no one could predict the winner until the last day, right before the finale was broadcast.

But the choice of the Northeast Alliance was utterly absurd, an option so niche it couldnt get more obscure. Typically, female Audience members would choose a solo victory ending, right?

Only male Audience members would opt for a finale with multiple female leads, but even then, if they chose multiples, theyd usually want all of them, not just two

Noticing Adras gaze, Freya became defiant: Though I know theres little hope, I cant help it. Im just that kind of romantic!

A romantic Bewitcher? Thats a first Romantic and yet you choose two?

I only like these two; Im not against the others, but I wont force myself to like them too!

During their casual conversation, the taxi came to a smooth stop at the curb. The Human driver in the front seat pulled the universal hand from the console, its slender steel-chain fingers extracting a freshly printed receipt from the fare machine. Adra immediately took it, scanning the receipt with a Chip to complete the payment.

Have a wonderful evening.

As they stepped out, Adra noticed Freya looking thoughtfully at the departing taxi. Curious, she asked, Whats up? Dont tell me youre interested in that driver? If so, why didnt you ask for his Curtain account

Its not that, Freya shook her head, Im just curious why he would buy a car that requires a universal hand to operate, instead of one with a steering wheel Could it be that the former is a bit cheaper?

You dont understand because you never took classes in the Mechanical Faction. Adra laughed. Driving with a universal hand can be more responsive, and its easier to control the vehicle in case of emergencies. Now, basically all low-end cars have switched to universal control panels. Taxis, excavators, construction vehicles, and other Occupational vehicles have completely eliminated steering wheels. All operators must use the universal hand.

Steering wheels are now basically exclusive to luxury cars, but the rich dont drive themselves; they hire drivers to handle the steering wheel

So, does the driver need to have normal hands to reflect the luxury aspect?

Adra looked at Freya with surprise. To come up with such an insightful comment, youve entered the realm of upper-class thinking. I only learned these bits of knowledge while chatting at the casino But cheer up, weve arrived at your favorite place!

Freya turned around and saw a six-story building bathed in enchanting purple and red Lighting. The name of the establishment, Mimosa, was crafted in Illusions that flickered in and out of the night sky. The entrance was bustling with people coming and going, and taxis were constantly dropping off and picking up customers, indicating the popularity of the venue.

The highest-end leisure center in Kaimon City? Spending once here is enough to cover four times the expense elsewhere

Thats right! Adra said, hooking her arm with Freyas as they entered. Dont worry about the money; Ive won quite a bit recently. This treat is on me; you just need to enjoy yourself! Consider it a celebration for finally getting rid of that enchanting jerk!

Arent you the one who doesnt like coming to places like this?

Once in a while is fine, especially if its to keep you company. I cant stand to see you with that resentful look all the time.

Freya touched her own cheek. Is it that obvious?

Anyway, the best way to forget a man is not to delete him, but to replace him with more men! Come on, this place definitely wont disappoint you!

The first floor of the establishment featured a bathing hall with ten entrances, categorized by different genders and races to streamline the flow of guests. Upon entry, patrons would change clothes, receive an item in the form of a hand tag, and then they could bathe. For those interested, there were options like hot springs, saunas, scrubs, and massages. The second floor housed the Rest Hall, complete with a buffet, tabletop game rooms, card rooms, bamboo mat rooms, and even a casino. Thus, the first two floors were typically abuzz with noise and excitement, a place where even those without particular desires could relax and unwind.

After having their fill, Adra and Freya arrived at the elevator hall on the second floor. The attendant there to greet them was a beauty whose gender was indiscernible, dressed in a tight uniform which accentuated their curvaceous backside and flat chest, their skin was smooth, and their pupils were a surprising shade of pink with heart shapes. The attendants voice was distinctly androgynous, May I ask which floor you would like to visit?

Which floor is the Mud Caf? Adra inquired.

Is this your first time here? In Crystal Fate, theres no distinction like Mud Caf or Tea Cafe, the attendant replied with a slight smile, more seductive than Freya could ever imagine, The third floor is Crystal Fate, offering custom service rooms suitable for individual guests or small groups of three or fewer. Guests are welcome to take their time selecting their preferences and enjoy services in the absolute soundproof privacy of these rooms. If there are any special requests, including but not limited to costumes, items, or even bio-modification, Crystal Fate will strive to accommodate.

The fourth floor is the Encounter Hall, which naturally sets the stage for various common scenarios such as a Nursery, Classroom, City Hall, office, street, forest, library, elevator, Restroom, Treatment room, and so on. All staff members are dressed according to the respective scenes, each wearing a Bracelet on their left hand. Guests can either change into costumes to partake in role-playing or directly enjoy the services offered. The only downside is the lack of privacy and soundproofing, which requires guests to be a bit more open-minded.

The fifth floor caters to those with particular tastes, which are quite unique. Since it seems youve just finished eating, I wont go into detail to avoid upsetting your digestion. The attendant then presented a piece of paper, covering most of it and only revealing the first line, The mildest service offered here is this one.

Freya was relatively unfazed, as she often browsed through Curtains for entertainment and thus had a stronger psychological tolerance. Adra, on the other hand, turned pale and felt nauseous on the spot.

The attendant swiftly pocketed the paper and gently pressed on Adras nape, tenderly kissing her lips. Adra relaxed almost immediately, and as the attendant drew back their hand, they smiled, Feeling better now?

Much. Adra, touching her lips, seemed slightly dazed. So sweet

With a smile, the attendant continued, The sixth floor is the Rest area for staff, off-limits to guests. Which floor would you like to go to?

Passing by the Merle Family convenience store, Freya went in to buy some snacks and liquor. At checkout, the cashier said, Our Moon Sugar from the Snow White Brand is currently on a buy-three-get-one-free promotion. If you have our membership card, you can get a 50% discount. Would you be interested in buying some to take home?

Freya glanced at the prominently displayed Snow White Brand Moon Sugar on the counter and shook her head: I dont need it.

After half an hour, Freya finally arrived at her apartment building. Just as she reached the third floor, she smelled the familiar scent of Lala Fatty, a surge of inexplicable excitement prompted her to quicken her pace, only to see a delivery person handing over a Lala Fatty takeout to her neighbor.

She made way for the delivery person to leave and then, with a quiet sigh, Bewitcher took out her keys and opened her door. As soon as she turned on the light, she was fiercely attacked by a predatory bird of prey


Little String, Im back.

Freya quickly poured out some cat food and cleaned the litter box. Watching her Scottish Fold cat feast, she gently stroked its back and asked, How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?

Little String looked at her puzzled: Meow (Do you actually understand what Im meowing)?

Realizing she may have revealed too much of her intellect, Bewitcher absentmindedly ruffled the cats head and went to take a shower. For some reason, these past few days she had the urge to dress after showering, which she had resisted until now, but today her mood seemed particularly off, so she just went with it.

When she emerged from the bathroom in her underwear, Freya had the feeling that her life was about to change dramatically.

She turned on the Knowledge Screen and went to a video site to watch the finale of Sorcerer 100%. Naturally, a 30-second advertisement was the first thing to appear. However, after playing for 10 seconds, it was followed by a 20-second announcement from the Sin Hunters Hall:

The extremely vicious criminal Ghoul Langna Chios is still at large. The offender possesses combat abilities ranging from Two Wings to Tri-wings. Citizens are urged to contact the headquarters of Sin Hunters Hall immediately upon receiving any information. A reward of 50 Gold Coins for his capture dead or alive, and 5 Silver Coins for information leading to his capture.

Con Artist Igor Bukin, Necrophiliac Archibald Harvey, and Demon Saint Ashe Heath have self-exiled from the Blood Moon Kingdom; the bounty has been revoked.

He really left Blood Moon, huh

Freya lay sprawled on the table, watching Sorcerer 100% on the Knowledge Screen, suddenly feeling a bit listless and even beginning to tire of this happiness that existed only on the screen.

She turned off the page and just lay there, staring into space, until Little String came over to push her head and affectionately rubbed against her cheek, with a look of Im really worried about you, master.

After a moment, Freya rubbed her moist eyes, hugged Little String tightly, and felt rejuvenated!

Nearly suffocated, Little String struggled to escape from her embrace and hid in a corner, licking his paws as if hed just survived a disaster. Freya didnt pay him any more attention and energetically opened New Folder Used Countless Times!

Goodbye is goodbye, the next one will be better behaved!

Lets check out something nice to rejuvenate!

First part, second part, third part, fourth part

Half an hour later, still unable to find the right Casting Materials in the entire folder, Freya pondered for a moment, then opened her Chip and chose Gallery.

The Chip could take pictures directly; the camera equipment was naturally her own eyes, essentially capturing and saving what she saw directly onto the Chip. However, because such photos took up a lot of space, and the storage on the Chip was very limited, only the most precious photos were worth saving.

Freya had once thought about taking a picture of the Cult Leader, but the latter was surprisingly vigilant and did not match his appearance. Every time Freya tried to take a photo, Ashe would immediately turn his head, avoiding Bewitchers gaze several times in a row, even while sleeping.

Until one night, on a whim, Freya pounced on Ashe in the middle of the night and pinned him down. Taking advantage of the fact that Ashe had no room to evade, she sneakily snapped a side profile of him. Although the night raid was ultimately unsuccessful, she had captured a precious close-up of Kaimons most vicious criminal in a century.

At that time, the room was dark except for the faint glow of Blood Moon light streaming through the window, casting a mix of panic and shyness on his face. Gazing at the photo, Bewitcher couldnt help but open the newly purchased alcoholic drink and started chugging it down.

Minutes later, the chair was soaked with the spilled drink.

Freya moved to another soft chair, and accidentally, the faux leather got wet with the drink.

Then, lying on the bed, another accident happened, and the sheets got wet with the drink.

But after three rounds of drinks, Freya was finally a bit drunk and tired. She grabbed a tissue, wiped the spill carelessly, and closed her eyes contentedly to sleep.

After a while, Little String jumped onto the bed and nudged Bewitcher, checking if she was dead. Freya opened her eyes and scratched Little Strings chin. Looking at the photo on the Holographic Screen, she sighed helplessly and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Ive used you up, but I still want to see you.

I might really miss you.



Derived from a categorization used by Japanese girls for boys. It originally refers to unweaned puppies, but now it is a collective term for young, clingy, cute, and sunny boys.

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