Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 209

Published at 14th of May 2024 09:01:14 AM

Chapter 209: Our Dorm is Simply Unbeatable

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Chapter 209: Our Dorm is Simply Unbeatable


Inside the Secret Garden, the four members of Swordflower Dormitory sat in the hall, raising their glasses in celebration.

The booths were packed today, so they opted for a small table in the hall. The surrounding students were sneakily glancing their way, but the group had grown accustomed to the attention. If anyone considered approaching them, a mere sweeping glance from the girls was enough to wisely send them off to the Restroom to check their own reflections.

Four days ago, under the watchful eyes of many, Sonya challenged Leoni once again.

This time, Leoni didnt give any ground, instead seeing Sonya as a formidable rival and gladly accepting the challenge. Both donned their Star Robes and wielded sharpened longswords, unleashing their full potential in a dazzling display of skill!

Four medical sorcerers were arranged on-site, fearing the clash of these two sword saint hopefuls might end prematurely due to injury.

Swordcerer versus Swordcerer, sharpness against sharpness!

Although both their Star Robes were ultimately torn, the instructors declared a draw. But everyone knew that from that moment on, the Red-haired Swordswoman had used the Orange Dancer as a stepping stone to become the unrivaled pride of Swordflower College!

After all, Leoni had been a Silver Sorcerer for over two years, while Sonya had not even reached one month!

Sonyas previous feat of disarming Leoni could have been dismissed as luck, but this was a head-to-head battle where both gave their all. Even the most obstinate critic, accustomed to nitpicking at construction sites, could only question Sonyas beauty, not her strength!

And Sonya was still in her freshman year. Many believed she would reach the rank of Golden Sorcerer before graduation.

Even at Truth College, where geniuses gathered, students who stepped onto the Time Continent before graduation were seen as the most brilliant shooting stars. For first-year students at Swordflower College, their college life was destined to pale in the starlight of the Red-haired Swordswoman.

Some even felt that their greatest achievement in life might well be having been classmates with Sonya Therave.

If someone is slightly ahead of you, you might feel jealous; but if theyre so far ahead that theyre out of reach, you cant help but admire them. You might even become an ardent fan, eagerly hoping theyll achieve even greater honors in the future, so you can brag about the rare connection you have with them.

Its said that within the walls of the school, a Fan Club for Sonya Therave has emerged. Theyre still debating whether to call themselves Sonyas Fans or Theraves Peeps.

On the other hand, given Sonyas high profile, her roommates naturally became the center of attentionafter all, Sonya had become an untouchable prodigy, admired from afar with no one daring to approach. But if you could befriend Sonyas friends, wouldnt that be an indirect way to join her circle?

People were surprised to find that Sonya had a group of Treasure roommates.

Engulite hardly needed mentioning; apart from Felix and Sonya, she was the top student in the Swordsmanship Department, diligent and valiant.

Thats right, Engulite admitted openly. Although I believe Im no less capable than men, Im also aware that men generally possess superior strength and agility. I need to put in extra effort to surpass my male peers. Sometimes I wonder if my path as a Swordcerer would have been smoother if I were a man

Actually, once you become an Official Sorcerer, the impact of individual talents like strength and agility becomes negligible, Sonya said while munching on chicken pops. A sorcerers strength is determined by their spirit, arcane energy, and Faction Realm. Gender is inconsequential. Havent I completely outplayed Felix without him having a chance to retaliate? Theres no need to feel inferior.

I understand that; Im familiar with these principles, Engulite said with an apologetic smile. But some notions are hard to shake off immediately. Only when I become stronger and gain enough confidence to affirm myself, can I rid myself of these insecurities Thank you for your concern.

Sonya stared blankly at Engulite for a few seconds before turning to Lois. Just wait, shell eventually reach a pinnacle thats beyond our reach. This woman possesses a power thats even greater than Talent.

It will be the two of you reaching heights beyond our reach, Lois retorted.

Its the three of us, Adelle corrected. Lois is about to summon her Hydrotherapy spirit too.

You still have the nerve to talk! Lois punctuated each pause with a knock on Adelles head. I told you to practice with me and you wouldnt; youd lie in bed watching shows. I told you to join me for self-study and you refused; youd lie in bed watching shows. If you keep this up, I doubt youll even enter the Virtual Realm before graduation. What will you do if you cant graduate?

Then Ill just get married, Adelle said, covering her head.

And then what? Become a lady of leisure who only knows the pleasures of life?

Besides the pleasures of life, I can continue to lie in bed at home and watch shows.


Watching Lois almost pull Adelles face into a pancake, Sonya thought for a moment and said, Adelle, I know youre not interested in Water Art, maybe you chose the wrong Magical Faction But after studying for over a year, you should be close to the Silver Realm. Just push a little harder and youll step into the Virtual Realm. Once there, you can slowly choose a new Faction, there must be a Magical Faction that youll love in this world.

Just like Engulite, you know all the grand principles, but cant apply them to yourself So I can only tell you, the Virtual Realm is a really fun and interesting place. Whats described in books doesnt even come close to one ten-thousandth of the Virtual Realm. We Sorcerers venture into the Virtual Realm every night, not just to become stronger, but because its an activity far more enjoyable than lying in bed watching shows.

And, Sonya delivered the killer blow, once Lois steps into the Virtual Realm as well, our daily topics might gradually become about the ins and outs of Exploration in the Virtual Realm. By then, if you havent soaked yourself in the Sea of Knowledge, you might not be able to join in our conversations.

Adelle fell silent for a moment, then chugged a glass of wine and declared with a ha, Alright, alright, from tomorrow on I wont watch shows anymore!

Tomorrow? Lois raised an eyebrow.

Ill binge-watch the series Im following tonight to finish it Okay, okay, Ill stop watching from now on! For you guys, this small sacrifice is nothing!

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