Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 211

Published at 14th of May 2024 09:01:12 AM

Chapter 211: My Favorite Is Still You

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Chapter 211: My Favorite Is Still You

On the Time Continent, an exceedingly rare scene was unfoldingthree Sorcerers were gathered together.

Even though the active Area of the Time Continent is much less than the Sea of Knowledge, the Time Continent itself remains vast. Coupled with the scarcity of Two Wings Sorcerers and the Reverse Golden Rain obscuring visibility, encounters among Sorcerers on the Time Continent were no more frequent than in the Sea of Knowledge, with everyone navigating as if through a dark forest.

But starting today, the sight of these three Sorcerers together might well become a daily occurrence in the Time Continent.

Feeling the grip around his throat tighten, Ashe quickly said, Shes a Witch, a new member of our team. It wasnt easy to get her on board, and she will join us in Exploring the Virtual Realm from now on

The next moment?


It wasnt easy to get her?

Unspoken grievances and irritation rapidly swelled and simmered within, yet Sonyas expression remained unchanged, with only her eyes growing increasingly bright, the pale red pupils almost shifting to vertical slits.

Ashe felt a sudden chill, an all-encompassing fear pressing down on him as if he were under the scrutiny of the Blood Moon Tribunal. In a low voice, he quickly added, Dont worry, my favorite is still you!


Sonya blinked, releasing Ashe and stepping back, her gaze wandering as she fidgeted with the hem of her garment, saying with an embarrassed tone, What are you even saying all of a sudden

Swordswoman, our Bond is still the strongest, so you get first pick of any Experience Orbs we find, and Ill let you choose the best spirits first. Any other benefits will be yours to consider before the Witch or I take them, Ashe spoke earnestly. You dont have to worry about the Witchs arrival diminishing your place in my eyes.

Who cares about their place in your eyes!

Sonya muttered under her breath, then glanced at Deya, who was curiously observing them. She moved slightly closer to Ashe and said in a hushed voice, I may not care but you better not be lying to me!

Ashe is not accusing the Swordswoman of being ungrateful or greedy. After all, greed is human nature, and he himself is no stranger to wanting more than his fair share. Who is born a saint? Who works not for more money? Accusing subordinates of lacking gratitude is something only a company on the verge of collapse would do. Team management is a profound discipline.

So he cant suppress the Swordswoman with grand principles. Instead, he needs to analyze from her perspective the pros and cons of the Witch joining the team. At the same time, he should motivate her by painting a picture of successif she doubles her efforts in internal competition, she will always be the brightest star in the team.

But thats all Ashe can do.

Ashe can offer comfort to the Swordswoman, but he wont indulge her.

No matter how strong their relationship is, even if she is one of his main emotional supports, Ashe will not yield.

Ashe has a good relationship with his parents, but when they wanted him to become a local civil servant, he chose to strike out on his own in the big city, only returning home for the holidays;

Ashe is also close to his older brother, but when his brother suddenly wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk in the middle of the night, discussing topics like people always meet the right person at the wrong time, Ashe immediately informed his sister-in-law, nipping his brothers potential affair in the bud.

Ashe is also very fond of his nephew, having bought him countless gifts. But when he comes home to find the boy mischievous, he doesnt hesitate to take off his belt and turn the little rascal into a spinning top.

Affection is affection, but Ashe has his own set of principles that he wont compromise for anyone. In some ways, Ashe feels akin to the citizens of the Blood Moon Kingdomhe too is someone who deems personal desires more critical than anything else, a selfish culprit.

Auroras Sorcerer Handbook is his most crucial trump card, and its unthinkable for him not to use it; the Operators are vital for Exploring the Virtual Realm, and he cant forsake the Black-and-White Witch.

The Swordswoman may feel uneasy, angry, and wronged. He can understand and comfort her, but he will never apologize, much less give in.

He needs the Swordswoman to understand and support him.

Under Ashes gaze, after a moment of silence, Sonya asked, Will there be more people joining us in the future?

Perhaps, Ashe replied, himself unsure, Who knows? Our team might grow to more than a dozen

More than a dozen?!

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