Sorcerer’s Handbook - Chapter 217

Published at 27th of May 2024 08:14:56 AM

Chapter 217: The Evolution of the Chariot!

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Chapter 217: The Evolution of the Chariot!

As the Observer picked up an unremarkable piece of ore, Sonya and Deya cast urging glances his way.

Not all resources produced at a Resource Point are usable by Sorcerers; only about one in ten finished products contain Virtual Realm energy, evolving into the essence materials capable of nourishing spirits.

This is why only Knowledge Creatures can manage Resource Points—the production cycle is too long. Before Sorcerers can compel their spirits to extract materials suitable for themselves, their Soul Energy is nearly depleted, forcing them to withdraw from the Virtual Realm.

Only Knowledge Creatures, without any Restrictions on their stay, and even capable of surviving in the Static Domain, can operate Resource Points over extended periods. Moreover, Knowledge Creatures don’t just harvest but also consume these essence materials. Records indicate that the larger the Resource Point, the more Gregarious Creatures it attracts, perhaps because they can proliferate their kind by absorbing the essence.

Sometimes Large Creatures also raid Resource Points, but just as Sorcerers are no match for Gregarious Creatures, Large Creatures may not necessarily defeat them. However, the relationship between the two is not typically a matter of life and death. In most cases, Gregarious Creatures willingly give up some materials, as if paying a protection fee to keep the peace.

This is also why this White Velocidragon mine has so many stone materials. Apart from the White Velocidragon’s hoarding habit, they need to keep some essence materials for emergencies, to pay off Large Creatures when they come to plunder.

But whether Sorcerers or Knowledge Creatures, they all need only essence materials filled with Virtual Realm energy. As for other ordinary, dull, non-luminous stones, they are only fit for White Velocidragons to use for teeth grinding and playing dodgeball.

Then, in the next second, the Swordswoman and Witch saw the stone in the Observer’s hand suddenly turn to dust, slipping through his fingers and falling to the ground.

So that was it—he wanted to show off a newly learned Miracle that could instantly pulverize a stone?

Clap, clap, clap!

Sonya and Deya clapped in admiration, and then they saw the Observer frantically blasting at the stones, swiftly clearing a pile at a time, before turning to another heap and beginning to inhale them like a storm.

It seems the Observer was under quite a bit of stress in reality... Sonya watched and felt a bit of pity, calling out, “Alright, alright, Observer, we all know you’re powerful. Stop wasting arcane energy—”

It was Deya who realized something: “Could it be, Observer, that you can make use of these useless materials?”

“Indeed!” Ashe said excitedly as he watched the stone in his hand turn to dust, a grey arcane glow flowing into the palm of his hand, “These are the real treasures of this Resource Point!”

“You have disenchanted a Virtual Realm Stone (Extra Large), receiving 6 points of Ore Essence.”

“You have disenchanted a Virtual Realm Stone (Medium), receiving 3 points of Ore Essence.”

“Are you sure you want to disenchant the Magma Stone (Special)? You have disenchanted the Magma Stone, receiving 15 points of Ore Essence.”

Now Ashe was full of motivation to pick up trash, urging as he got into the car, “Hurry up and get in, let’s aim to conquer another Resource Point tonight!”

Sonya and Deya quickly adapted to this change. After all, the Observer had already demonstrated many strange abilities. Compared to teaming up in the Virtual Realm, drinking Pure Radiance Special Drinks, and forcing Operators through Training and Entertainment, Ashe was now simply using ordinary materials to enhance the car, which was hardly something to make a fuss about.

This time, without thinking, Ashe took the front seat, and after a moment’s hesitation, Sonya decided not to hesitate and pulled Deya to sit in the back with her.

The White Queen looked on in surprise at the suddenly intimate Swordswoman and then said with a suppressed laugh, “Swordswoman, you are so cute.”

“Ah?” Sonya blushed, feigning pride as she turned her head away: “Of course I’m cute.”

But with just that light remark, Sonya’s resentment toward the new team member dissipated greatly.

Despite still being annoyed by the sudden addition of a stranger to the team, the Witch’s performance in the recent battle had proven she wouldn’t be a drag. Sonya grudgingly accepted the presence of the new member.

Sonya was just more emotional when she first entered the Virtual Realm; after all, it had been six or seven days apart, and the moment they reunited, the Observer brought someone new into the team. Wouldn’t anyone be upset? Couldn’t they have waited one more day to add her to the team, to give us time to chat privately first? A little heads-up wouldn’t have hurt, right? Why the need for such abrupt action?

Even if Sonya truly didn’t mind, she had to show her annoyance to make the Observer aware of her displeasure. After all, it’s the honest ones who are always taken advantage of, and while she hoped everyone else would be honest, she didn’t want to be the only one.

Her irritation wasn’t about the new team member encroaching on her benefits, but rather the action subtly revealed that the Observer didn’t trust her enough—would she really have objected that strongly? As long as you ensure this new member is helpful, I’d be more than happy to accept them.

But couldn’t you have chosen someone with more ordinary looks? Based on my experience, such beautiful women are usually troublemakers...

However, after calming down, the Red-haired Swordswoman also realized the new member’s value. She was a realist; as long as it didn’t involve her bottom line, she could set aside her emotions for the sake of benefits. She understood early on that sulking brought no value other than making oneself unattractive.


Sonya gently pushed Deya away and moved to the seat at the far left of the back row, leaning against the car door, arms crossed over her chest, gazing out at the Reverse Golden Rain with an air of “I’m aggrieved but I won’t say it.”

Look at me, I’m still upset, and I don’t want to interact with the new team member!

Look at me [○`Д○]!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!