Star Eater - Chapter 185

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:07:03 AM

Chapter 185: 185

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Chapter 185: Chapter 185

Arthur's Point of View

Middle Rung

"Now, I don't want you to take this as I'm going to be whispering sweet nothings into your ear and expecting you to follow my orders. I'm not taking your kingdom away and I certainly don't want to rule it from the shadows." I explained as I stood up and looked down at her. "This is a warning that I will find someone to replace you if you don't get your shit together."

Arceana sneered at me. "You make it sound so easy, yet who could replace me?" She asked mockingly. "I've ruled this Kingdom for far longer than you've been alive!" That's just not true. "No one knows what I know or the failsafe's that I have in place! There is no one who can replace me!"

"You mean beside your sister?" I shot back and Arceana glared at me. "Maybe you should take some orders from her for a while? Although Lucia might be the best option. Give her a chance to rule." The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

"Lucia would never betray me!"

"And yet you were at the ready to betray her." I commented and then gestured to myself. "All to keep someone you barely know, placated." My smirk did little to help her attitude. "Freedom and the constrains you put on your version of it would make Rudnurth proud. You certainly remind me of him."

Her eyes slammed open at that. "You..." She began in a low tone. "Are beneath me..." Arceana seethed.

"Five." Was her reluctant answer as she seethed.

"Thank you." Another sip. "Fifth, I've decided to take a squire." She didn't move or show any signs of a reply. "Well, more of a student really. I got my own plans for him, but it will be his decision."

Typhon would live long enough that once everything was taken care of with the Demons, and whatever mystery I'm supposed to unravel, that I could train him for however long it takes. My goal? To have someone who lives long enough that they can grow so strong, they'll be able to kill me. Suicide wasn't something I wanted to bet on and there was no guarantee it would work. So, someone would be necessary. That someone was Typhon.

"Fine!" Arceana said through clenched teeth.

"Lastly, you do anything stupid towards me, or try and hinder me in anyway that is unfair, we come right back to this moment. Am I clear?"

Her head tilted up. "Transparently."

Releasing my gravity pillars on the group, I mumbled. "Meh. Good enough." Then I removed my barrier where several of the staff came up in a rush. "Thank you for your service this evening, but I'm afraid I have business to attend to."

Arceana was stumbling to her feat and I saw a bruise across her face that was no doubt from when I grabbed her. "Priestess?"

She glared at me through her messy hair. "I will also be leaving. Expect someone to come by to fix the place soon." Arceana teleported away and left me with her assassins.

I turned to them. "You guys want me to send you back to the Temple?" They scowled at my offer and left via the staircase. "Rude." After scoffing, I looked at the waiter. "They could've at least said no thank you." Raising the bottle to him, I opened a portal. "Love the drink. Thanks."

With nothing more to be said, I moved to the Temple myself as there were a few select people I needed to talk to urgently.

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