Star Eater - Chapter 242

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:05:15 AM

Chapter 242: 242

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Chapter 242: Chapter 242

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

To my surprise, a smirk came to his lips. "You've grown bolder these past few days. Did ruling Lestrania by yourself boost your confidence?" Arthur's smirk grew into a smile as he patted my head. "That's good!"

"This is serious, Arthur! You cannot ignore everything you find irritating to talk about!"

He just leaned in suddenly and said, "Have I told you how proud I am of you?" Needless to say, I was stunned by the surprise praise. "To me, you are the most important person in all of Lestrania, Lucia." Then I suddenly started floating, and I looked to see a portal below me. "But I'm still not going to explain myself to you." He dropped me in the portal without warning.

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Frowning, she answered. "I'm not sure I would like to continue this conversation at all. Not many would dismiss Lady Lucia as you did and certainly nowhere nears as disrespectfully." Taking a step back, Ventari gave a small nod. "I think I shall take my leave here."

Before she could move, she found herself being held in place. "I can't just send you away after waiting for me to finish my conversation with Lucia." I commented as I moved around in front of her, where she was frozen in place. "The odds of me killing you are astronomically low. So, if you're worried about offending me, don't be."

Her eyes flickered to my hands and me before she looked confused as she could suddenly move. "What did you just do to me?" Naturally, she seemed slightly afraid.

"That sounds very inappropriate and accusatory." Holding up my clothes, I continued. "I would never do something so based when we're wearing matching clothes! So, my fellow member of the Elven cloth, why are you here?"

"When I had first heard about the rumors surrounding Arthur Pendragon, I thought many of them had to be exaggerated." The Queen spoke evenly. "Why would the Priestesses of Lestrania let such a dangerous and wild man run amok in their kingdom? It made no sense."

My eyes were focused solely on her, which seemed to make her uneasy. "Oh? Do go on."

"Then I arrived here and immediately being overhearing about you once more. Except this time, it was after some grand battle and that you had been horribly injured." A forced smirk made its way to her lips as she looked up at me. "I had thought you a warrior. A champion that was proud of himself and respected others with fighting spirit. Part of me even expected that we would be similar. After all, my people are warriors of the desert and all its riches."


"You seem more like a monster to me than anything." The Queen stated shakily.

Backing away slightly, I replied. "Well... You're not wrong."Continue reading on No_veLbIn

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