Star Eater - Chapter 31

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:11:35 AM

Chapter 31: 31

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Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Arthur's Point of View

The Hollow Forest Continue reading on No_veLbIn

While keeping my eyes on Elincia, I pulled out her sword from the ground. "Arthur, wait!" Typhon cried out and moved back towards me as he put his hands up. "This is all a big misunderstanding!" Eyeing him as he got closer, I kept my guard up.

"Typhon! Get away from him!" Arceana ordered as she pulled out a piece of paper. "Ayda gave us your note."

"Note?" I repeated.

"That was to tell you I was going to follow Arthur! He did nothing wrong!" Typhon pleaded.

Elincia turned her attention to the boy. "Explain. Your note clearly said you had been watching Arthur and trailed off." The blonde Priestess pointed out, and I just groaned at that. "In fact, you stopped mid-sentence before disappearing. Ayda was most concerned."

Bring his hands up shyly, he held them together as if he knew he was going to get a stern talking to. "I heard that Arthur was leaving, so I stopped writing to follow him. He didn't kidnap me."

Both Priestesses looked skeptical. "How do we know he isn't threatening you to say that?"

"He would never do that!" Yes. Yes, I would, but only in a more extreme situation.

"Now that that is settled, we can start." I said as I moved Typhon out of the way with my elbow.

"And what is that?" Arceana inquired.

Tossing Elincia's sword back to her, I spoke in a low tone. "I don't let just anyone attack me and get away with it. Cassidy, I gave a freebee since she assumed her family was involved and had a reason. A note, while mildly alarming, is no excuse." Pointing at them got the two to glare at me again. "As the rulers of this nation, you both have an obligation to find the truth before passing the sentence."

Elincia gave a curt nod. "You are right, and I apologize for my recklessness. Your first action as our Knight left an uneasiness among our people and us. Surely you can understand that?"

I nodded. "True, but who was right in the end?" I asked, but neither replied as I pointed at myself. "Me, that's who." Gesturing for Typhon to leave with my head, I continued. "Now, run along while I teach these two a lesson."

Both Priestesses looked insulted. "Arthur," Typhon began in a low and deeply concerned tone. "Don't do this. It was my fault! They are the Priestesses! No one can match them in terms of power or magic!"

"That's true, but I'm feeling confident." I then shrugged. "If I didn't do anything for this insult, it would make me look weak. Doesn't matter whose fault it was; I'm not a dog that comes when these two whistle." Smirking a little, the two Priestesses seemed to realize I was adamant about this and merely shook their heads in disappointment.

"If this is how our Knight wishes to conduct himself, so be it." Elincia replied.

Arceana grabbed at her nose as I approached without her noticing. "You-" She stated but didn't get to finish as my foot was planted firmly into her stomach.

Falling to her knees, the wind was clearly knocked out of her as she struggled for air. "Wow. You two really underestimated me. At least you didn't go flying like your sister. While this should have been much more difficult, I'm glad you two made this so easy." Letting go of her weapon as she hunched over, clutching at her stomach, I crouched down in front of her. "Either the two of you have ruled for so long, and no one has been able to challenge you for quite some time and that made you rusty... Or,"

Stepping out back and out of the way as Elincia teleported over her sister in a defensive manner, she swung violently at me with pure rage on her features. "Get back!"

"You two seriously thought I wasn't that much of a threat that you wouldn't need to take seriously." I finished as I was now standing again while Elincia looked over her sister. "Either way, you two fucked up."

Elincia and Arceana glared at me as their hands ignited simultaneously. Spells were launched in quick succession. Anything from fire to ice. Wind magic that swept through the area and earth magic that messed with my footing. None of it helped them too much. However, it was when pure magic slammed into me that I felt a sting sensation in my arm when they finally landed a solid blow on my arm.

Hissing slightly and wiggling my arm got them to smirk. "Congratulations, you've made me wince."

"It's a start." Elincia said proudly. "Seems you're not as immune to magic as we suspected. Turns out raw magic seems to be the best way to deal with you."

The two sisters began launching magic beams that I took extra caution to dodge. "How is your arm, Arthur!?" Arceana asked across the area that had been obliterated during the fight.

I spoke loudly with a smirk of my own as I jumped in and out of some of the trees still standing in the area. "Just fine! How's your stomach?!"

Explosions ripped through the area that could likely be seen and heard from Helmsforth. Honestly, with how powerful some of these blasts were, they might be able to feel them in Helmsforth. Both were more serious, and I was doing just fine evading, but I was out of options for going on the offensive. Since I didn't want to actually hurt them too bad, I figured I could monkey about until they were both tired.

However, the situation quickly changed when shadows converged over the entire area. As if a dome was forming above us at an alarming rate, I used the opening to close the distance to the stunned Priestesses who were staring wide-eyed.

"By the gods-" Elincia whispered out, but stopped when I knocked her out cold with a hard blow to the back of her head.

Arceana turned too late as she was distracted and only moved to look when her sister stopped short. "Elin-"

Both fell to the ground hard, one after the other, and I sighed as I stood up. "I was wondering when you were going to interrupt us. Surprised you didn't do it sooner."

"..." No response.

"Come now. You've been watching me for some time now. Ever since I entered the forest, you've been lurking about. Surely there must be something you want to say."

The shadows started to fall from the dome as if they were dripping down like water droplets. It was an odd thing to see in total darkness, but my right eye was able to make it out well enough. A mass of energy composed of the surrounding shadows compiled into a beast like creature that stood on four legs. Multiple red slitted eyes with no iris or pupil appear across its body, as did a sharp grin.

A vile creature, to be sure. "It's an honor to meet you, Sir Arthur. I've heard so much about you." The demonic being said as I saw the same red and black energy that was covering the area before. "While I do have my orders, this is much too big of a treat too let pass me by." While some energy was left surrounding us from the dome, most of it was coming from the body directly in front of me. "Allow me to introduce myself." Its grin became wider as its eyes seemed to narrow gleefully. "I am Tor."


We hit 826 Power Stones this week! Woot woot! While we didn't get 850 like I thought we would, I'm okay with our growth! We'll get there, little by little, but I can't do it without all of you! So, thank you to all my readers who are helping support this story! It means more than you know! I hope this Bonus Chapter shows how much I appreciate the love you guys are showing!

This weeks goal is going to be the same as last week! 800 Power Stones for the first Bonus Chapter and 850 for the second! I think we should be able to get it easily this week! Fingers crossed it happens! As usual, hope everyone is still enjoying the story! We're almost to the next arc! Look forward to it or read it now on my patre-on! Up to you! Later!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!