Star Eater - Chapter 333

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:59:05 AM

Chapter 333: 333

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Chapter 333: Chapter 333

Arthur's Point of View

Over the Middle Ocean The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

Kheri wasn't doing as well as she expected. Although to be fair, I was trying to make it challenging for both of them.

"This is like trying to fight underwater!" Ty cried out as he rolled away from the Zugal General.

"How do you think I feel!?" Kheri grunted back.

Both were slow. Terribly slow. Slow enough that many of the other sailors would often have a laugh at their expense. Kheri had a stronger Gravity Pillar surrounding her than Ty, but I had to adjust his more frequently. Every day, the two would adjust their movements as the training went on. To keep it interesting, I would often increase or decrease them periodically.

"Keep at it. Kheri, let me know if you get tired." She merely huffed in response.

"I believe he's extremely talented." I immediately replied. "Typhon has a natural talent that many don't have. On top of that, he's a hard worker, and he apparently has something to prove. I've not seen how far his genius may go, but I wouldn't hesitate to call him as such."

"Honest praise." Ventari stated. "But all Dragons are powerful. We've never seen one be trained, so this may be normal for them."

I didn't feel the need to respond to that. Our attention was taken from the sparring match anyway.

"Land, ho!" One of the sailors shouted suddenly.

Rolling my eyes at the saying, I moved along with everyone else to look out upon the horizon. My eyes darted about as a sinking feeling washed over me. Narrowing my eyes to see what might be responsible, I found nothing. Nothing within range anyway. Ventari had a large smile plastered to her face while Typhon was bouncing lightly in excitement. He and Kheri were both covered in sweat.

Allen was the one who spoke up. "We're about to hit land. That means we got the desert sun coming soon. There are a few key differences for us despite flying over it. One, it will be hotter. Stay inside if you're not needed outside." He called out to the sailors. "Two, make sure you cover up. Not all of us are as used to the sun as the Dwarves. Just look at her highness's skin if you need an example."

Ventari nodded in agreement. "The sand will also burn to the touch in the day. At night, due to the intense heat, you will feel like you're freezing. Do not leave the ship unless necessary."

"That goes for all fliers." Captain Harlow continued after the Queen of Dwarves. "It'll be easy for you to get lost among the dunes, canyons, and lose us if you're not used to the environment." Then he gestured to me. "Any words for us, Sir?"

Smoke eventually caught my attention as it was still far in the distance. "Prepare for a fight." I stated simply.

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