Star Eater - Chapter 65

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:10:38 AM

Chapter 65: 65

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Chapter 65: Chapter 65

Arthur's Point of View

Lestrania Capital

"And so, we now stand before King Elias!" Aerowyn announced at the banquet after his crowning and was giving a speech. "The new ruler of Klasteris!"

Given that we couldn't just call his new kingdom the Floating Stone Forest, he decided to ask me for some ideas for names. Something powerful that would fit for his new nation. Upon offering Klasteris, he liked it, and so it was decided he would rule as King over the Kingdom of Klasteris.

"Now is a time for celebration before the new king begins his role as ruler! Enjoy!" She continued, and music started as soon as Aerowyn finished.

We were in a throne room that was made specifically for me. Rudnurth had banished himself to his room and refused to show himself to anyone. Aydan had checked several times to make sure he was alive and well, which he was, but his self-exile was enough of a reason for people to move on. So, I was declared their king, but I have refused to take part in any ceremony.

Whispers still reach my ears about how I should rule indefinitely, and Aydan agrees. I'm starting to wonder if he is even working on a way for me to return to the future. Asshole might just be trying to keep me trapped here, but who knows anymore. Maybe Mara paid him off, or they're working together. However, much like all the people here, I do enjoy my position. That isn't something I ever thought I'd hear myself say.

As I sat on my throne and watched the festivities underway, Elias made his way over to me. "I wanted to thank you, Mordred." He told me as he stepped beside me, and I looked up at him. "When you first arrived, I feared you were an enemy and had taken control of Lestrania through sheer overwhelming power alone."

"I mean..." I began as I turned my attention back to all the guests. "You're not wrong. To you, I was an enemy, and my power was overwhelming."

"True, but I see things differently now. I see a man who is invested in the betterment of this world and took a place of power to make it happen. While I do not know why you chose Lestrania, I would like to thank you for all you have done for me over the last year." He smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I never thought I would rule and resigned myself to a place at my brother's side. To me, the crown always seemed like a burden I could never hope to carry."

Pausing for a moment, I stood and moved in front of him as I placed both my hands on his shoulders. "When good men do not want the crown that others so desperately crave, it is usually a good indicator that it is to them that it should be bestowed. Much like me, you did not want to be king, and while I even refuse to wear a crown, the people tend to see me with one regardless of whether or not it's there."

Moving next to him, I draped my arm across his shoulders. "But I did want the crown at one point in time. That is until I realized the burden that comes with it." Elias replied.

Chuckling, I shook him slightly. "I know. It is why you didn't accept my offer right away when I spoke of starting a new kingdom. You took a moment to truly think about it and even questioned my decision to offer you this. A crown does not make someone a king. How he treats his people and how they view him is what makes him king." Then my arm slid off his back. "Otherwise, you'd have what happened to Rudnurth happen to you. A king is not infallible and are easy to replace."

"I realize that." He replied and smirked at me. "A friend taught me that."

"Then take another lesson and go dance with your new allies." I told him and gestured to the section of the room that was dancing.

"Will you join me?"

"I like you, Elias, but not enough to dance with you." Continue reading on No_veLbIn

He quirked an eyebrow at that as he gave me an amused look. "Would you dance with Aydan?"

Sure enough, we watched as Mara urgently grabbed onto Arceana and Elincia's arms and startled them. Neither was paying attention, which allowed Mara to act as if she was telling them something horribly urgent. Both the younger Princesses looked horrified. It was amusing watching their heads turn in my direction. The young Arceana and Elincia both ran over to me quickly in a very non-lady like fashion.

"We are very sorry we sat in your seat, and thank you for the opportunity, but we have other matters to attend to from a prior engagement!" Arceana stated in a rush tone.

Mara was smiling behind them as Elincia nodded in agreement. "You made plans on your brother's coronation day?" I inquired in a disappointed tone to play my role. "I suppose I will have to let him know you had to leave."

Both Princesses frowned with a strained expression. "I am sure your brothers will understand, young Princesses." Robert started.

Aydan then continued. "If not, at least he is going to be in a different kingdom now, so he'll likely forget all about it soon."

"Or will I?" Elias questioned behind the two, startling them once more. "Come, let us talk of these prior engagements you had." He then dragged them away to their horror.

"Now that my sisters have been dealt with, may I take some of your time?" Mara inquired as she held up her hand daintily.

Robert and Aydan both nudged me forward, and I took her hand with a smile. "I would love to."

Princess Mara dragged me to the dance area, which was very slow dancing that you would expect for a fantasy banquet in a palace. She looked beautiful tonight, and after her confession several months ago, I've found it more and more difficult to keep her from my mind. Ribbons decorated her pink hair, which was stylized differently for tonight. Moonlight shined in through the windows and seemed to focus on her as she danced in my arms.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, my King." Mara commented as I never looked away from her.

Not that she could tell. "I always do when I am in such great company, Princess." Was my reply.

Eventually, the music came to a stop as the musicians needed a break, and we separated for the first time since we started. "Would you like to get some fresh air?" She inquired with a small smile.

"I would love to."

However, before we could leave the party to walk the gardens, the doors burst open, and in came Kodnar, who had been absent from the ceremony. This was normal given that he didn't like me, nor did he agree with the creation of Klasteris, but his fearful expression and concern made everyone pause. Aydan's student made his way to me, which was surprising, but he quickly took a knee in front of me and kept his head down.

"King Mordred," Kodnar began. "The Demons have returned in full force to the West!" He announced in a serious tone.

Aydan and Elias quickly made their way to my side. "Are you sure, boy?!" The Sage pressed his student.

Kodnar nodded. "Positive! Aerowyn's scouts returned not long ago! Demons are on the move!"

The entire banquet became quiet as they looked to me. "Do we have an estimation of their numbers?" I inquired.

The blonde Elf apprentice looked up at me. "Tens of thousands, my King."

Mumbling to myself, I spoke. "Merry fucking Christmas..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!