Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:21 AM

Chapter 1185

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Chapter 1185

Inside the Tower of Heaven, climbing the stairs that led closer to the endless starry sky.

Yun Xi curiously looked around at the supplies being continuously lifted up vertically, along with those tireless skeleton undead.

Putting aside their outer appearance prejudice towards the undead, these skeletons are truly outstanding workers.

Working non-stop for twenty-four hours, they don't need wages, food, or rest and entertainment.

As long as orders are given, these undead will work until the end of the world.

The interior of the entire tower has a large number of structures similar to the Divine Era Tower in the Sia Kingdom.

The same huge space.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

The same complex stairs.

The magic concentration is also beyond the normal level.

Except for not being able to see the garden and fairy butterflies, this is an enlarged and heightened Divine Era Tower, and it's still in an unfinished stage.

The owner of this tall tower is the ancient King of Undead.

Yun Xi is the guest who was invited by the King of Undead.

The eight Constellation God's Weapons and the owner of the Underground Cemetery are waiting for Yun Xi at the top of the tower.

This is a meeting prepared by the Kingdom's Shield for Yun Xi, and it is also the first time the legendary King of Undead has met with someone from outside the Underground Cemetery since its return.

Prince Ashe from the Sia Kingdom.

The last remaining dragon race on the continent.

Yun Xi carries both of these identities at the same time and is about to meet the legendary King of Undead.

From the words of the Passed Princess and the War Dancer, Yun Xi roughly depicted the outline of the King of Undead.

This is a legendary magician who excels in research and academia.

The ancient weapons he created far exceeded the civilization level of Sia's world.

The golden ancient people, who symbolize the origin of humans in Sia's world, were the true friends of this king. It was because of their downfall that The King of Undead stepped onto the battlefield and determined the outcome of that war.

The King of Undead, wearing black armor, seemed completely absorbed in his work like a scholar, forgetting everything about the conversation with Yun Xi.

It took a full ten minutes after calling Yun Xi, for The King of Undead to finally pause from his work, only after completing a small phase of the project and allocating all the newly arrived resources to the construction of Babylon Sky Tower.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"I've been busy with tower repairs lately."

"If you came to get Constellation God's Weapons, they have already been prepared for you." Thinking about Yun Xi's past impression, The King of Undead's tone was even calmer and more friendly than imagined.

Even more incredible, although it was their first meeting, Yun Xi felt a strange fondness for The King of Undead in front of him.

Just recently, they were enemies who had to determine a winner and loser, but if it wasn't for Kingdom's Shield taking the initiative to reconcile, both sides might still be at war.

Yet, when Yun Xi truly arrived in front of The King of Undead, he found that everything was slightly different from what he had imagined.

"You... are you not a dragon of this world?" Just as Yun Xi was puzzled and confused, The King of Undead smiled softly and revealed the truth that Yun Xi had been hiding.

"Huh?" Yun Xi looked at The King of Undead in astonishment, not knowing when he had revealed a flaw.

"Because you possess the same aura as me, which doesn't belong to Sia's world."

"The princess, the knight, and the dancer cannot sense this, but I immediately noticed it when I saw you."

"Because I am also the same kind of person." The King of Undead gazed gently at Yun Xi. She didn't know why, but when she saw Yun Xi, she didn't feel distant; instead, she felt a sense of familiarity.

The dragon clan and the organization she belonged to were not enemies, but rather had a lot of cooperation between them.

Although she didn't know where this wandering sacred silver dragon came from, she wanted it to become a source of power for her side, if possible.

To show sincerity, The King of Undead took off his helmet, revealing his soft and radiant silver hair, as well as his gentle and charming face.

In that instant, Yun Xi completely turned to stone.

Because, he recognized the person in front of him.

Rather, this person was one of the closest and most special people in his world.

In the small town, she always shyly showed him a gentle smile. She was Elphyllis, the daughter of the jeweler, who was the most like an older sister among all childhood friends.

Elphyllis was the girl that, in Yun Xi's imagination, besides Hua Huo, was the most suitable for marriage among all childhood friends.

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