Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:18 AM

Chapter 1187

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Chapter 1187

Upon receiving the report from the Kingdom's Shield, Elphyllis was initially very surprised.

Whether it's the black iron giant or the Emerald Sea Dragon Beast, they are clearly war weapons that surpass the level of civilization in this world. It has nothing to do with science or magic, but rather a pure difference in civilization.

The Ten Leaves Alliance is an organization that existed long before the concept of Endless God's Domain appeared. It has been active on the grand stage of the stars even before Twilight of the Gods.

A golden branch representing the divine era bloodline inheritance.

Jade leaves representing the main parts and branches of the organization.

Blood petals representing the merciless killings and bloodshed hidden in the darkness.

Whether it's the Dragon God's Domain in the north, the magic and knight God's Domain in the west, the Dark Abyss God's Domain in the south, or the Sky Sword God's Domain in the east, wherever civilization exists, there are traces of the Ten Leaves Alliance.

Initially, this organization was just an academic group, mainly dedicated to researching the rules of the world, and also gathering materials and raising funds for the organization's core members' experiments.

The name "Ten Leaves Alliance" represents the ten wise individuals who originally established this alliance. Some were the God of Wisdom in a certain deity system, some were elders of the fairy race, and a few others still remain unknown.

Without exception, all Ten Leaves members have achieved the legend-ranked and entered the realm of immortality.

No one could have imagined that after a long period of time, the Ten Leaves Alliance would become such a terrifying behemoth.

In "Twilight of the Gods," a few of the alliance's founders fell, but they were quickly replaced by new inheritors.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

The infinite pursuit of truth, the quest for higher realms, regardless of the era, the thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the unknown are endless.

As the Ten Leaves Alliance grew bigger, many different groups started appearing within it.

Elphyllis, who was the earliest and most traditional successor of the Ten Leaves Alliance, was a young girl who possessed the authority of the Four-Leafs within the Ten Leaves.

From the moment she was declared to have the authority of a Four-Leaf, she was destined to have no ordinary life.

Her first trial as the successor was so difficult that it was despair-inducing.

She was tasked with monitoring Hua Huo, who was in an unstable state due to her Sky Flying Bloodline.

Being with Hua Huo like this, responsible for close monitoring, even though Elphyllis possesses one of the highest bloodlines in the entire Endless God's Domain, she doesn't feel safe in the slightest.

It's not just her, Milei of the Golden Family, Ye Li of the Virtual God Clan, they're probably the same.

They are the heirs that their respective organizations have placed the greatest hopes on, but at the same time, they carry the organization's highest expectations and must complete their respective trials.

For them, the biggest mission is to take care of Hua Huo and let her live peacefully in the small town of the mortal area in White Lotus Sword Domain.

None of them expected that this incredibly difficult task would become the turning point in their lives.

Before coming to White Lotus Sword Domain, Hua Huo, a monstrous creature, was always unstable and in a terrible mental state. It was surprising how she found redemption here.

She, who had never had a friend before, strangely fell in love with a human boy.

She was saved by that boy who had no idea how terrifying she was. He smiled at her, reached out his hand, and even gave her a bread he made himself.

Honestly, Elphyllis's heart almost stopped when she saw that the boy approached Hua Huo without any defense.

At that time, Hua Huo had just destroyed a God's Domain and was surrounded by endless despair.

The negative impact from the destruction of the entire God's Domain made Hua Huo emit a dangerous aura that kept everyone away, even Elphyllis, who was supposed to inherit the Ten Leaves Alliance.

People with sharp senses and clear intuition would never come near a Hua Huo in that state.

Carrying the hatred that could destroy the whole world, it was a terrifying thing that even those ordinary people who couldn't feel anything would instinctively stay away from her.

The origin of disaster, the reserve force of the Demon King, described the aftermath of the bloody massacre as Hua Huo.

Perhaps she herself also realized that she had done something wrong, although she didn't regret it, she remained in a state of confusion.

This stage will determine her future.

It is the complete consumption of destruction and despair, transforming into a demon at the pinnacle of darkness.

Or transcending that despair and darkness, breaking free like a butterfly, revealing the glory of the Sky Flying Bloodline.

During this process, any interference could cause extremely serious consequences, and no one could bear such responsibility.

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