Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:16 AM

Chapter 1189

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Chapter 1189

In a town that was exiled and possibly harbored one of the most terrifying creatures in the future of the Endless God's Domain, there existed over dozens of different organizations. However, only three individuals dared to come close to that creature.

Milei from the Golden Family.

Elphyllis from the Ten Leaves Alliance.

Ye Li from the Virtual God Clan.

They were all future inheritors who were greatly anticipated by their respective organizations. They possessed the power and influence capable of shaking the Endless God's Domain.

However, compared to Hua Huo, who had personally destroyed a God's Domain before she even turned ten, their backgrounds and races became irrelevant.

Why did they break the rule of never interfering and actively approach Hua Huo?

Up until now, Elphyllis still doesn't understand why she, who has always been quiet, made such a bold choice.

It's as if there was an instinct in her that told her she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't do this thing.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

The fact also proved this point.

If she hadn't mustered the courage to join at that time, she would definitely regret it for the rest of her life.

Originally, the goal was Hua Huo. Hua Huo was the absolute core of the town, and the entire town existed because of her without a doubt.

Most of the original residents of the town were replaced, and only a few people who knew nothing still thought it was an ordinary town.

"The Hua Huo Exile Plan"

"The Monster's Cage"

All the big organizations secretly call the town this way and consider its existence a top secret. Only a few people know it exists.

Clearly, Hua Huo had already noticed this, but she chose to ignore it and shut herself off from the world.

At that time, Yun Xi, who brought Hua Huo out of her closed-off world, actually saved the whole world.

If Hua Huo continued to isolate herself, her suppressed anger would eventually explode uncontrollably.

The entire White Lotus Sword Domain would disappear in Hua Huo's rage.

She began to fulfill her duty as the successor of the Ten Leaves Alliance, completed the trials in the inheritance program, and arrived in this closed world of Sia.

Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if they didn't care about who won against Hua Huo in the war game. What would the future be like?

How much will Hua Huo, who possesses both the Demon King and the Hero Sky Flying Bloodlines, grow in the future?

Who among them will be the first to marry Yun Xi?

After completing their mission to monitor Hua Huo, they had to leave Yun Xi voluntarily in the end of the war game.

Of course, no one gives up, but Hua Huo is just too strong now. None of them can win against her, as she has the greatest advantage.

Like a queen looking down on them, Hua Huo never gives them a chance. Whenever she and Yun Xi start to have a good time, she always finds a way to sense danger and stop it.

Hmm, is this also a talent of the Sky Flying Bloodline?

To defeat Hua Huo, they must become stronger.

With this determination, Elphyllis, Milei, and Ye Li made a promise and formed a small "Anti-Hua Huo Alliance".

Now, there are only three people in this alliance, but Elphyllis has a feeling that maybe this alliance will expand in the future.

After all, defeating the great Demon King Hua Huo is an epic-level task.

Yun Xi himself probably doesn't even know how terrifying and unbeatable Hua Huo has become.

He awakened as the world-ending Demon King bloodline before he even turned ten.

He suppressed endless despair and awakened as the hero bloodline because Yun Xi vowed to protect him.

The Sky Flying Bloodline and Hua Huo's body, two bloodlines that theoretically cannot coexist, are actually present at the same time.

Normally, Hua Huo would gradually level up, but she would never break through the hero-ranked limit. Instead, she continuously raises her racial value limit, becoming an extraordinary concept bloodline that humans cannot comprehend.

It is only when facing a deadly crisis that the Demon King bloodline resurfaces in Hua Huo. At that time, Hua Huo can reveal a terrifying form that no one can predict.

The true and complete form of Hua Huo is probably only witnessed by Elphyllis, Milei, and Ye Li. It completely resurrects the original appearance of the divine era ancestors and can even shake the stars.

Originally, they were in three different organizations. But after that battle, they decided to form the "Anti-Hua Huo Alliance" and grow in their own ways, preparing for another war with Hua Huo.

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