Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:16 AM

Chapter 1190

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Chapter 1190

Yun Xi felt uneasy and even panicked as he looked at the eight Constellation God's weapons, which were the targets of his trial.

Compared to these Constellation God's weapons, Elphyllis's presence now mattered more to him.

Truly, he had so many things he wanted to say to his childhood sweetheart.

Why are you here?

Didn't you go to study in the Western God's Domain?

Elphyllis, this place is very dangerous no, why are you the King of Undead in the Underground Cemetery?

Yun Xi learned about Elphyllis, Milei, and Ye Li going to study in the Western God's Domain from Hua Huo. The information also came back through the seeds planted in them.

After they both attended school at the White Lotus Sword Palace, he and Hua Huo chose to study at a higher-level school in the Western God's Domain, so they won't be able to see each other for a while.

Yun Xi never dreamt that he would be completely cut off from the Endless God's Domain in his own Star Trial World, he can say he is not in the civilization of the Endless God's Domain, and he met his childhood sweetheart.

Elphyllis looked at Yun Xi's anxious eyes, feeling a bit puzzled.

"Is there any problem with these Constellation God's Weapons?"

No, there's no problem with these Constellation God's Weapons, the problem is you, Elphyllis.

Yun Xi pretended to inspect these eight ancient Constellation God's Weapons, his mind was in complete chaos.

In his memories, Elphyllis, the young lady from the jewelry store, was always his top alternative to Hua Huo for marriage.

She had a gentle personality, was close to his age, and was recognized as a lady in the town.

Every year, there were so many people sending her love letters and arranging marriage proposals, that they almost crowded the doorstep of her jewelry store, and many of them were even from other towns.

Her family's jewelry store was always very busy, and the people who came to propose felt like they were going crazy buying gemstones, just like buying groceries at a market stall.

The knowledgeable and well-mannered young lady.

The gentle and virtuous lady.

And, she had an amazing figure!

"Yes, the previous King of Undead was an incredibly remarkable person."

"He was an excellent scholar and the person who understood this world the most." Elphyllis's answer relieved Yun Xi, at least it wasn't the worst possible answer.

However, this is not enough. He really wants to know more things, more truths.

"You are the new King of the Undead, what is your name?" Yun Xi couldn't care less about being impolite, he had too many questions he wanted to ask.

"Elphyllis, that is my name."

"Ashe, would you like to become my ally?"

"This world needs change. I want to fulfill the last wish of the previous King of the Undead." Elphyllis's gaze remained as gentle as Yun Xi remembered.

However, she was no longer the young lady of the jewelry store. She was now the ruler of the Underground Cemetery, deciding the fate of Sia's world as the King of the Undead.

From her, Yun Xi could sense an incredibly powerful force, even stronger than the black iron giant and the Emerald Sea Dragon Beast combined.

Familiar, yet unfamiliar.

Even though she was right in front of him, Yun Xi couldn't reveal his identity, unable to acknowledge her.

"I...willingly..." Yun Xi gazed at the familiar gentle face, unsure of what expression to show at this moment.

Elphyllis also noticed the complex gaze of the silver dragon in front of her.




And, it seemed like a place she had seen before, a nostalgic scent.

" a very beautiful name," Yun Xi awkwardly extended his hand, like meeting a childhood friend for the first time.

A small hand as white as snow, with the essence of a dragon's life coursing through the skin, and only fourteen years old, Elphyllis couldn't recognize him, which was only natural.

However, when Yun Xi held Elphyllis's outstretched hand, his heartbeat accelerated as usual.

Just like when he carried Hua Huo on his back, during tea time, he would listen to her telling those timeless mythological stories.

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