Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:09 AM

Chapter 1195

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Chapter 1195

"How about a hundred crystals?" Elphyllis offered, seeing Yun Xi's bewildered expression.New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

As naturally perfect catalysts for magic, the golden tree leaves have an astonishing purchasing power of one crystal.

Being the only universally recognized currency system at the hero rank, other currencies can't even compare to it.

In a world like Sia's world, where the star bridge is not connected yet, a cluster of crystal leaves like this can be used as the rarest alchemy material.

In this world's divine era, you can even buy a God Weapon.

However, the value of money depends on what you're trading for. There are some things that you can't buy no matter how much money you have.

The fourth-grade golden cream bread that Yun Xi brought out is considered a valuable strategic resource in this world.

Ten times the amount of gold is just a way of describing it. Once the owner doesn't sell, even if you have a gold mine, it wouldn't help at all.

A world where money can buy everything only exists in civilizations that have never been seen before with extraordinary powers.

Following the occasional magical food trading records of her organization, Elphyllis set a rough price for Yun Xi's golden cream bread - 100 crystals.

This price can buy a house with a garden in the best location of the busiest city, Western God's Domain, in Endless God's Domain. It's a lifelong dream for many people in Endless God's Domain, and 99.9% of them will never be able to fulfill this dream.

In the past trades of God Weapons that had lost their owners in Endless God's Domain, the lowest known price was around 10,000 crystals. This means that this piece of golden cream bread is worth one percent of that God Weapon.

Even though it lost its owner and cannot be inherited, the God Weapon is still an excellent weapon, a treasure among mortal beings.

There's no doubt that magical food, which can save a hero-ranked strong person's life at a critical moment, is extremely rare and uncommon.

Once they reach the hero-ranked level, ordinary herbs, injections, and such lose their effectiveness. It is a natural result of the evolution of the essence of hero-ranked life.

In the White Lotus Sword Domain, this kind of currency is not commonly used, except near the Sky Tower where it is used for settling large amounts of goods.

It was only through the library at the White Lotus Sword Palace that Yun Xi found out about the existence of this currency. The smallest denomination is one crystal, and in his small town, no store can give change for that amount.

Becoming a hero-ranked baker was a natural progression for Yun Xi. His main profession was already a baker, and his goal was to work in this career for his whole life.

Only Hydera the Water God, Casina the Battle God, White Lotus, and the Red Lotus Twins knew about his profession, so they didn't envy his special career.

Yun Xi himself didn't realize how rare his hero-ranked baker profession was. In the entire White Lotus Sword Domain, there were no recipes that he couldn't handle.

Just thinking about it, a profession that can make food that even the Golden Crow Princess from Kunlun God's Domain enjoys must be extraordinary, not ordinary.

"So, one hundred and twenty crystals?" Elphyllis smiled slightly as she noticed Yun Xi's hesitation.

It's good to hesitate, as hesitation means there is a possibility of a transaction.

If someone has an indifferent expression and doesn't care, it means that no amount of crystals can buy this type of magical food that they have never seen before.

A premium of twenty percent can buy this golden creamy bread that tastes familiar, without any loss.

Even without considering the emotional bonus, buying at 120 crystals, she is confident to sell for twice that value.

Magic bear cookies are the highest quality magic food that Elphyllis can obtain, and they are precious strategic reserves for the entire Ten Leaves Alliance.

Having an additional reserve of magic food is a good thing for the entire Ten Leaves Alliance.

It would be even better if a stable and large supply could be formed.

The Ten Leaves Alliance is desperate for any life profession that can produce magic food.

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