Published at 14th of May 2024 07:29:01 AM

Chapter 1197

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Chapter 1197

"Yum!" Elphyllis's teeth sank into the crispy and soft golden creamy bread, with a face full of happiness.

Leaving the familiar White Lotus Sword Domain, Elphyllis ventured alone into the unfamiliar world of Sia, without any help from the outside. She was able to endure all of this.

The only thing she couldn't bear was not being able to eat her beloved Little Xi's bread anymore. It was a cruel torture.

Who would have thought that just when she had given up hope and focused on building the Babylon Sky Tower, the Kingdom's Shield would bring her such a unexpected surprise.

She had already eaten a piece of creamy golden bread that would have satisfied any lady, so why wouldn't her hand listen?

Stop, stop! If she continued like this, she could never become a knowledgeable and well-mannered young lady!

The golden, fragrant bread with its creamy aroma seemed to have a magical power. Elphyllis couldn't help but reach out her little hand, and then she let out a sigh of delight.

Sob, sob. This isn't right. Why was her body obedient even though her heart was rejecting it?

Luckily, her beloved Little Xi wasn't here. If he saw her being so greedy, her gentle and refined image as a jeweler's daughter would completely crumble.

So adorable... Yun Xi looked at Elphyllis, lost in the joy of eating the golden bread he had made himself, and liked her even more.

Actually, he didn't always like making bread at first.

When learning how to make bread, every step, from selecting the ingredients to baking it just right, requires a lot of focus. Otherwise, the final product will have flaws.

When he was little, he was just like any other ordinary child. He naturally loved being active and playing hero games with his friends, rather than making bread or anything like that.

So, when exactly did he stop playing those childish hero games?ReAd latest chapters at n0v(e) Only

Well, when he thinks back, it seems that it was when Hua Huo, the big Demon King, suddenly appeared and defeated a group of boys who aspired to become heroes. She then publicly declared that Yun Xi belonged to her.

After learning a harsh lesson in reality, none of his friends dreamed of being heroes anymore.

Ah, there are too many tears, better not talk about it.

Compared to being chased and having his ex-girlfriends' curses hanging over him, to the point where he doesn't even dare to admit his childhood friend, Yun Xi wishes to go back in time, to the leisurely days spent with Elphyllis.

Those good days are gone and will never return.

At least, now he can happily watch her enjoy the cute expressions on her face as she eats the golden cream bread he made with his own hands.

This is the happiest time for Yun Xi after becoming an advanced hero-ranked baker. If possible, he really hopes this afternoon tea time can last longer.

"Ah-woo!" Elphyllis could feel Yun Xi's gaze, filled with a bit of curiosity and admiration, like the loving look one gives to their first love.

"I'm sorry, you're still too young, we're not a good match." Elphyllis had prepared her response for when Yun Xi confessed.

The problem was, he didn't say those four words, "I like you." He just looked at her with gentle eyes, leaving Elphyllis completely unsure of what to do.

What should she do with the kindness card that she had prepared but couldn't give out?

"Ah-woo!" Caught in her dilemma, Elphyllis absentmindedly reached out her small, white hand and picked up the third piece of golden cream bread.

Valued at 120 crystals, this fourth-tier bread would be enough to buy a garden mansion in the bustling city center of Endless God's Domain. It became an extravagant dessert for Miss Elphyllis to release her stress in the Ten Leaves Alliance.

By the time Elphyllis noticed something was wrong, the third garden mansion was already gone.

"Oh... This... It's just too delicious!" Elphyllis, looking at the curious silver dragon, wished she could just disappear into the ground right now.

Why couldn't she control her own hands?

And this mouth, tearing, tearing, don't want this greedy mouth anymore!

This hand too, want to chop it, chop it!

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