Published at 15th of May 2024 07:29:17 AM

Chapter 1200

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Chapter 1200

Highly skilled craftsmen are treasures for any country and are treated with great respect. No matter how good the offer from the tribal alliance, they would not choose to live in the harsh and cold wilderness of the north.

Even daring merchants may smuggle some high-quality weapons to the Northern Alliance, but the weapons of higher quality, each bearing the nation's imprint, would never end up in the hands of merchants.

The ancestral totem weapon inherited from the divine era is the highest-level weapon that the tribes living in the northern wilderness can possess.

As for things like God Weapons, those are all legends of the divine era. In this period of magic tide decline, heroes who can wield the power of God Weapons basically don't exist.

Even the king of the mighty Sia Kingdom, Ain's father, who died in battle, didn't possess his own God Weapon.

In the history of Sia's world, there are only twenty recorded God Weapons.

Twelve of them are Constellation God's Weapons, which means that in the entire history of Sia's world, besides the Twelve Constellation Gods' Weapons, there have only been eight other God Weapons that were later born.

These God Weapons, having gone through a long time and countless people's belief and praises during the divine era, and influenced by the magic environment of the divine era, finally completed their advancement.

After the end of the divine era, there have been no new God Weapons appearing, and most of the previously born God Weapons can only be regarded as spiritual totems stored in the treasure vault, with symbolic meaning far greater than practical meaning.

Elphyllis gave all eight Constellation God's Weapons to Yun Xi as a price for their alliance. These collectibles have little significance in conquering the world, which is also one of the reasons.

In the period of magic tide decline, even the legendary God Weapons cannot be inherited by anyone.

In comparison, these weapons called ancestral totems are not considered God Weapons, but they are highly valued in practical combat. They are the preferred weapons of the strongest heroes in this world.

Compared to already advanced God Weapons, these ancestral totem weapons, which are in the stage of faith gathering, have the potential to make them famous as heroes.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

If these ancestral totem weapons can take the final step in their hands, they will become fully compatible God Weapons for themselves, although that is a miracle with an almost zero probability.

It's not difficult to understand why the wanderers of the wilderness are so envious of the weapons behind Nini and Kaka.

Coming from a medium-sized tribe, Kaka showed exceptional fighting talent from a young age and was considered an excellent wilderness bride in the making.

If it weren't for meeting the human merchant caravan with a large group of cattle and sheep before turning sixteen, she would have completed the wilderness trial a year later and become one of the squad leaders of the current wilderness adventurer team.

The one now challenging Kaka is her sister, who is also a wilderness bride from the same tribe and is now the captain of the wilderness adventurer team.

The two sisters have a age difference of about eight years, thanks to their strong and robust father. Their oldest sister is almost forty, the youngest sister is only six, and they even have a new sister who hasn't been born yet.

Men with strong bloodlines naturally have the power to marry and have offspring with more women. This is a recognized truth among the tribes living in the wilderness.

"Okay, sister." Kaka nodded and took off the fur, which symbolized her identity, and was a bit out of season.

This fur coat is the proof of her being the leader of the wilderness bride group. It is made of extremely precious polar bear skin and is one level higher than the one Nini is wearing.

Because the snow bear lives in a remote icy land where humans rarely go, and it is one of the few magical creatures that can use extraordinary powers during the period of magic decline, its fur is highly valuable in the entire northern wilderness area.

Similar to the ancestral totem weapon, only the chiefs of the largest tribes or the few highly respected elders in the wilderness can wear this fur, which can be passed down for several generations.

The snow bear fur is a symbol of status in the northern region due to its warming effect. It is both practical and magnificent.

The fur that Kaka is wearing is one of the collections from the divine era tower. She obtained it as a reward after ranking in the top ten in the unique trials of the Holy Silver Dragon Knight Order.

At the time, she was allowed to enter the divine era tower warehouse to choose her reward. At first sight, she saw this high-quality snow bear skin and personally made it into this coat.

The wilderness brides are so versatile that they can survive even in the harshest conditions.

Because if they didn't know these things, they would have to undergo the wilderness trials alone and would die.

"Well... it looks like you've eaten well." The older sister looked at the increasingly plump chest of her younger sister and nodded with joy.

Having a large chest is the perfect proof of being a wilderness bride, symbolizing that they have overcome the harsh wilderness and become girls blessed by the wild.

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